Crimson Servant

Chapter 3 Success

The people running quickly cast panicked shadows on the wall. The noble Elledge was walking in the long corridor leading to the prisoner's cell. The lights here were flickering. Several fallen guards were lying on the ground. One of the guards looked grave. He helped his companions up, and most of them raised their swords, looking towards the other end of the corridor where the scolding was getting louder.

"Honorable Sir, some brothers are trapped inside. In addition to the necessary guards, we have gathered everyone who can respond!" The head of the guard who spoke had been wrapped in gauze after first aid treatment, and there were still blood stains on his face.

Elledge looked at the soldiers behind him, some of whom were wounded, "Twenty people."

"Sorry, the out-of-control prisoners attacked us. They had weird abilities to open the shackles and cell doors, and the situation quickly got out of control. We had no choice but to give up on the brothers who were trapped inside and closed the gate to the severe punishment area in advance."

Elledge shook his head.

"I don't mean to blame you. What is the condition of the prisoners now? Are they armed? Are there many bludgeoning weapons?"

"The prisoners may have eight or nine weapons snatched from the guards, bludgeoning weapons? Sullivan Prison is rarely equipped with bludgeoning weapons, but there are several orcs and barbarians among the felons. If they remove the bed boards And the iron’s impossible to estimate.”

"That's enough."

The noble Elledge raised his head, took a deep breath, and the tall congressman let out a very human roar that resounded throughout the prison.

"Sullivan's soldiers immediately look for a safe corner to defend! I'm from the Sea Buckthorn tribe. I'll start suppressing it in three minutes! Glory to Sullivan!"

When Elledge lowered his head, he saw that the soldiers had placed their injured colleagues in the corner of the corridor. They stood on both sides of the corridor, heads held high.

Everyone shouted: "Glory to Sullivan!"

The noble Ellich took the lead and walked into the corridor followed by the guards.


A heavy breath caught in the congressman's throat, his body trembled, and his back arched like a mountain. The guard's eyes were wild, and the figure on the wall swelled rapidly with the beating of a drum-like heartbeat. His clothes were torn apart, the spines on his back were standing high, and his huge claws were holding on to the stone wall. He had to lower his head and bend forward in the slightly crowded corridor. The noble Elledge's body has obviously fully adapted to this change at this time. His hind feet are strong and powerful, and his thick tail easily maintains his balance. Developed muscles covered with fine scales, the dragon-like Ellich is like a fully armed chariot. His shallow lips can no longer cover his fangs, and his hot saliva drips to the ground, almost a substantial intimidation. A wall of air pushed aside announced to everyone the arrival of the real predator.


The terrifying roar sprayed out cyclones in the corridor, making everyone tremble.

The legs of the nearby guards were trembling. They knew that this was their commander, but they could not restrain their physical physiological reactions.

A second or two after the roar stopped, Ellich suddenly covered his head. His body shook like a drunkard, and the unruly animal lust and rationality in his pupils kept switching. With every change, Ellich would growl in pain.


Hardy Aishah took off lightly, her wings flapped twice and stuck to the half-dragon man's shoulders. A golden halo fell on the head of Ellich. The winged man landed calmly, exposing his back to the violent half-dragon man.

Elledge had his dignity back. Only then did his madness end, and his whole body became completely different, except for the pair of horns that once seemed too big, but now seemed too small.

No matter how polite your words are, they will appear aggressive under this face.


Hardy picked the club he found handy and followed the giant half-dragon forward.

"With a little effort, I won't interfere. You seem to be able to resist the influence of [Madness]. Focus on the present, noble Elder Scales, you have regained your sanity, then it is up to you to issue the tactics."

The half-dragon and the soldiers had already seen the closed door. The guard moved the winch again, and the chain pulled the heavy iron door upwards. The cheering crowd of prisoners, flushed with excitement, saw their enemy. When they saw the terrifying Ellich, they were startled for a moment, but soon their unruly nature and enthusiasm for freedom overcame their fear. Moreover, there are many of them. With weapons in hand, the prisoners rushed over, laughing wildly.

The noble Elledge snorted coldly, turned his head and said to Hardy: "Prepare first aid, don't let the prisoner die."


Ellich showed a bloody smile and turned into a violent wind and rushed towards the crowd.

"Law and discipline, you are no different from wild beasts!"

"And the beast is my prey!"

Ten meters! Elledge's lowered body was ready to be lifted up.

Five meters! Ellich raised his upper body, revealing his fully charged right paw.

Three meters! The right paw suddenly swung out, and Ellich let out an excited roar. They would be slapped against the wall and blasted into the crowd, with all their bones broken and arms and legs missing.

one meter! Elledge attacked, and it worked better than he could have imagined. Those in the front row were attacked and turned into rolling gourds, bumping around. They bumped into the prisoners in the back row, blocking their attack route, and the small space turned into a crowded and chaotic scene. The stunned prisoners became a barricade, destroying the charge.

Elledge alone blocked everyone, like a high wall.

"Detain them!" The half-dragon didn't stop. Leaking an open space for the guards to control the unconscious and wounded, he rushed into the crowd and beat the chaotic mob with claw strikes and tail whips. The prisoners have no collective consciousness and are gathered together without any structure. When they realize this, the terrifying Elledge will give them a head-on blow. The numerical advantage here becomes a disadvantage. Seeing that something was not going well, the prisoners quickly gave up and fled deep into the cell in dismay.

Ellic shouted loudly, leading the cheering guards to advance step by step, constantly squeezing the space for the riot.

Hardy Elshah had some premonitions in his heart when he looked at the unconscious prisoners who were shackled and abandoned here. She knelt down and stretched out her fingertips to lightly touch the pale prisoner's brow.


The warm light slowly fell down, as if it was melting into his skin. But in the next moment, the prisoner's pale face began to turn red. The sickly red light gathered at one point, and the ominous red color climbed onto the skin, breaking up the weak light spots. If you want to [purify], you have to increase your energy. Hardy Elshah obviously doesn't intend to do this. This is enough.

The remnants of evil...

"John Camp."

Pastor Yiren understood that an accident must have occurred in the solitary room, but it could not be helped now.

“…the blood of sinners…”

"……I have no idea……"

John Kemp, the sorcerer of Veltis, was not the same as the participants in the Nolitdam riots. He subdued [Cold-Blooded] Martin Connelly, possibly called the police, pretended to be an accomplice and was arrested by the guards and taken to Sullivan Prison. He also left a back-up among the participants of the Nolitdam riots to trigger the riots. Is it to attract attention?

"What on earth is the warlock thinking?"

Hardy Elshakh silently recited the names of the Eight Holy Spirits, and followed the guards to suppress the remaining prisoners.

a few minutes ago.

There are fewer candles and fewer guards in the solitary corridor than elsewhere. This is the underground level of the prison, and the cold temperature and humidity are unfavorable.

In the dim yellow light, the shadows in the corners of the floor tiles came to life, slowly spreading along the traces of the cracks in the bricks. The shadow came to the solitary room where John Camp was imprisoned, tilted a corner, and then got into the crack of the iron door.

In confinement room.

John Camp was meditating, and all he could hear was his own heartbeat, until something else invaded his range of perception. He opened his eyes, and his original blue eyes showed a deep red color in the darkness.

The magic-suppressing golden shackles are still shining.

The shadow climbed up to his ankles, climbed up his calves to his knees, and his thighs... reached his arms, appearing in the flickering light of the magic-suppressing gold. The little shadow snake twitched, and the black shadow faded, turning into red like blood.

[Veltis' Chain of Sin] entangled the magic-suppressing golden shackles and gently pulled them to deform and break.

John Kemp stood up and muttered silently.

"Magic-suppressing gold can prevent the flow of magic power from the caster, but this effect will be greatly reduced by magic creatures. This is what makes me special. Spells obtained through sinful spiritual sacrifices will be given 'activity'."

John pushed open the iron door of the confinement room, and the original lock had been removed by the [Guilty Chain]. He looked at where the guard originally stood, which was now occupied by a hazy red mist. The guard fainted and fell to the ground. A wisp of red mist was wrapped around his helmet, like a balloon hanging from it.

When John passed the guard, [Veltis' Vicious Red Mist] followed him.

His head was wrapped in fog and he was talking to himself like a psycho.

"No, you can't eat him."

"Do not question me or I should lift the spell and return you to the terrible Crimson God."

The red mist drew away the last wisps of smoke and completely enveloped John Kemp. The red mist and the shadow that entangled the warlock's body invaded the burlap robe, smoothing out the rough edges and raised fibers, deforming and stretching them, completely replacing the clothing. A crimson hooded robe covered John Camp, just like what an authentic Veltis warlock would normally wear.

John Kemp raised his palm, and from the red robe, several threads were pulled out and turned into blood.

"Finally got it."

"The blood carries knowledge, originating from the blood of the Archmage Rao Sahib Crenzo..."

"His only descendant is imprisoned in the heavy-duty prison cell of Sullivan Prison and is serving a life sentence..."

"Oh, poor warlock..."

The Viltis warlock disappeared into the prison.

After the riot ended, the noble Elici Seabuckthorn put on a new set of clothes. He adjusted his collar and waited for the guards to sort out the information.

"John Kemp escaped from prison. What losses did we suffer? The guard in the solitary room who was attacked felt unwell, and a dozen felons fainted from excessive blood loss, including several mages and warlocks." The noble Elledge pinched He held his chin in thought.

Louis Jim immediately thought of something and said: "His sacrifice requires the blood of sinners. John Camp obviously regards you as a talent market!"

Elledge twitched the corners of his mouth in a subtle way, and said to Adgar: "Anyway, John Camp has committed the crime of prison escape. A wanted order has been issued, and other federal prisons in the city have also been alerted. The reward... is temporarily set at 100 gold coins. .”

"110 gold coins." Louis Jim interrupted.

"I'm used to keeping my word."

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