Crimson Servant

Chapter 28 Manager Doll Jenny XII

Chapter 28 Manager Doll Jenny XII

"Should we go back to the garbage mountain and search for possible 'employee IDs'?"

Carl Demiras said with some pain as he faced the hidden wall that had not changed. The silver key attached to the stone bricks shone with a bright blue halo.

"You have already gone back to search once, and both Jurgen and Lightning found nothing. Don't put your hope in uncertain delusions. It's time to let go and let my silver key play its precious value."

John felt that the Paladin's stinginess was ridiculous. Could it be that this guy took the props I lent him as the trophies he collected.

"Well, goodbye, [Warlock's Conscience]."

John focused his attention on the light particles decomposed and diffused by the silver key, pretending not to hear the paladin's private name for the item.

Those light particles stuck to the bricks, and some got into the gaps. The bright blue halo spread in the gaps, covering the iridescence where the magic power originally circulated. The sound of fine current flowing came from the other side of the wall. Everyone watched as the entire wall was dyed the same color as a silver spoon. After a few breaths, the halo disappeared and returned to its original state.

Two beams of light, one blue and one red, emitted from the carved words on the top of the wall, weaving into a web on the left and right sides of Paladin Karl. The light net swept across Karl's body in an instant, and turned into a soft green after leaving his body.

From the center of the wall, the originally tight stone bricks dented one by one, like rolling waves folding to both sides, revealing the hidden passage behind the wall.

The Sun Team entered the secret passage one by one, and finally the wall returned to its original state. Karl said with some disappointment: "I was still imagining a hidden and elegant secret command to open the door, and it opened by itself."

Jurgen and Lightning passed by Carl, and Lightning tapped him on the shoulder.

John glanced sideways at the Paladin and said, "Fortunately, it didn't go as you wished. We won't wait for you for an hour."

Carl showed unwillingness, thought for a few seconds, and took a few quick steps to pass John.

"I can ask someone."

The narrow secret passage was barely big enough for Karl to pass through, and he needed to lower his head in some places, but the magic pipes exposed on the wall were bright enough that the people walking on the passage did not feel uncomfortable. John took out the map from his bag and judged the general direction of travel.

"If this passage continues straight without turning, we should go straight to the core of the second layer, the energy core of the transportation area. These are the pipes through which the energy collected by Zenilo's network is transmitted to the center. The aggregated energy has a positive impact on the entire transportation area. Energy Supply."

John showed his companions an eye-catching X-shaped mark on the map, with the words "Lower Gap" written on it.

"This is the lower location excavated by previous adventurers on the second level. It is deep in the central area. After the fall of the floating city and the destructive exploration of later adventurers, the level area inside Optitedan was partially collapsed. A similar lower gap appeared. That is the most convenient passage, and it is probably controlled by fanatics now, but we can't get there. I'm afraid we have to take the regular passage through Optitdam."

The warlock's finger moves to the circular area in the center of the map.

"The lower portal of the energy core."

"I'm glad we didn't go the other way," Carr said.

Lightning grimaced and pointed at another string of words next to the circular room on the picture.

"Karl, I think what John wants to say is, then we have to face that, the second-level lord monster."

Manager Doll Jenny Type XII.

Paladin Karl looked at the contradictory intelligence summary that seemed to be piled up on the paper. He carefully screened any information that seemed to be true, and finally found that he could always get some vague information about the appearance of the lord's monster, the structural golem, Appears to be female.

"The abilities described above are bizarre. I don't believe that a 300-kilogram steel man who can fly twenty feet high can control the meteor burst and release the finger of death without any interval. We can't scare ourselves. The lord monster may not be as good as us. I feel so desperate."

"No, Karl, you didn't pay attention to the real information." Jurgen took the illustrated book and pointed to the time suffix of the information. "The latest intelligence information comes from 30 years ago. Even if there are fewer gaps in the lower level, it is difficult to go to the core. The number of adventurers, can’t you understand the hidden meaning?”

"... In the past thirty years, not one adventurer who has been to the core and faced Jenny XII has come back alive."

Karl felt a chill creeping up his back. The velvet lining inside the armor could not provide him with any warmth. The trembling disappeared quickly, as if the shaking in the body was just due to the cold air in the secret passage. A surge of embarrassment from the bottom of his heart warmed Demiras's blood again. He took a deep breath and touched the sun symbol hanging on his waist with his palm. Karl closed his eyes and slowly opened them again. His eyes became firm, and a little light appeared in those beautiful pupils.

"I understand, I understand that it is powerful and dangerous. But we must face it, not only for us, but also for the souls it has hurt, for the lives that have not been killed by it. We should take revenge and take revenge. In the name of our fallen compatriots, in the name of justice.”

The paladin raised his shield and stood at the front menacingly.

"I will protect everyone, so friends, please help me."

John seemed to see the golden halo expanding in the narrow passage. Its edge touched Jurgen and Lightning. The two were quickly illuminated, full of energy and high spirits, as if they had been blessed by encouragement.

This paladin is smarter than he lets on.

John thought as a golden halo appeared above his head.

"What is said is better than what is sung. We have no choice."

At the exit of the secret passage, Karl and others saw a huge metal sphere, occupying two-thirds of the entire space, with dense pipelines hanging from the ceiling connected to the top of the sphere. Based on the half of the upper hemisphere they saw, they judged that they were on a high platform. Through the simple metal guardrail, the four of them looked toward the bottom of the core area.

They are all automatic dolls. There are more than a dozen unactivated dolls on standby in various strange postures in this area. They are arranged at equal intervals around the large sphere. These automatic dolls are different from those discarded dolls in the recycling bin. They wear various costumes, most of which are adventurers' costumes. There are rogues holding double daggers, warriors holding giant swords, mages holding canes, etc.

Before they could finish reading, a crisp voice became clearer and clearer from far to near.

That's singing.

【Master~Master~don’t make Jenny wait too long~

Jenny’s gears are full of rust~The oil pot of lubrication has long since bottomed out~

Jenny XII is running normally today ~ the intruders have been cleared ~ the core is still roaring ~

Until then, please give me a reward~ Upgrading and body are indispensable~

Master~Master~I have kept Jenny waiting for too long~

Jenny’s gears are stuck in the pulp~The bottles of blood are constantly being updated~

Jenny XII is here today! @% # …¥#@#! \u0026* #

Why haven't you been rewarded until now~ Could it be that Master, you are dead~

Friends~servants~my scraps~

Jenny is your queen~your mother~

How long will it take for you to wake up~The invaders have arrived~Crisis at the core~

Pick up my weapon~ and reap your rewards~

Execution~Execution~Death Penalty~Death Penalty~]

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