Crimson Servant

Chapter 26 Fanatics

Jurgen looked at the closing steel dome above and knew that they were in trouble. The wise druid had warned himself not to rely entirely on external objects, but the extremely effective silver key gradually buried this warning in his heart. deep. After an exclamation of "be careful", Jurgen woke up suddenly, but the feeling of falling made him understand that it was too late.

He fell from the top of the waste mountain and tumbled down. Fortunately, the work of the incinerator in this ancient city had been suspended for hundreds of years, and the accumulated waste formed the mountain. The actual height of his fall was only a few meters. Jurgen got up, and the pain from his back hitting the metal made him scream. A square crystal lamp hit the back of the dwarf's head. The final result of the broken chip was to make the dwarf dizzy. Jurgen vaguely saw his companions getting up one by one next to them, observing the situation.

One is the paladin Carl, and the other is the ranger Lightning.

Carl's heavy armor allowed him to be injured the least and fall the deepest. He stood up from the scrap metal, drew his sword, and illuminated his vision with the enchantment of the sacred weapon. The darkness was dispelled, as if it had been summoned. When the paladin's light lit up, some lights like fireflies also continued to rise in the darkness, which was really beautiful.

Karl's aesthetic attainments are not yet able to understand these things. The art teacher hired by Demiras once euphemistically expressed the shortcomings of the future head of the family, frankly admitting that he was not allowed to have contact with the priest of Suna, the god of love and beauty, and that he should keep his attitude towards art and treat evil Same distance.

Therefore, the Paladin immediately treated these small bright spots with a vigilant attitude. Facts have proved that art cannot save lives. When these small light spots came closer, everyone knew that these were the indicator lights activated by the automatic golem. The rusty joints made a harsh sound when they rotated, and groups of "employees" brandished weapons and rushed towards the three of them.

Lightning stood high, his luminous black eyes were like stars dotted in the dark night, shooting endless arrows from the stars, killing the steel undead on the spot. The arakkoa's night vision is not very good, but it is not troublesome to aim at the automatic golem. As long as it is aimed at his partner Karl, and then shifted a foot away, the lightning arrow can always hit the enemy.

Perhaps these mechanical golems that once maintained the environment of Optitedan had a unique mechanism for searching for enemies, treating the Paladin Karl, who could defeat thousands of monsters at once, as large garbage that was more difficult to degrade.

The team was not in danger for the time being. Lightning Rivet fired arrows vigorously. He was worried about the last lone companion.

Warlock John did not encounter the falling mechanism. At this time, he stood in the original magnificent recycling bin, facing the unknown enemy who harmed the Sun Team alone.

The mechanism that controls the opening of the valve is artificially triggered, which is why the silver key has no warning, because it is a fully manual mechanical device without the slightest bit of magic. Someone is deliberately manipulating them, and now that the three of them are missing, that enemy must have found the last John.

John would be amused if he could hear his teammates' voices. The reason why he fell behind was not because of mental weakness and lack of physical strength, but because he sensed new changes.

The snoop, the lurker who used unsophisticated means to test his own detection limits, was finally found by John. The guy who covered himself up and made John irritated like a carrion fly stepped into the siege of [Chains of Sin]. The restless snakes raised their heads and were in the same mood as their contractor, ready to rip him into a sieve.

John lowered his hand.

He was strolling over, unabashedly different from his previous disguise. After trapping several Paladins, he seemed to have no need to hide anymore and appeared in front of John as if he was attending a dance.

John chose to stop the attack not because he accepted the other party's inexplicable kindness, but because he saw the opportunity to obtain information.

John noticed the red robe on the visitor, and his eyes turned cold. He felt a subtle crimson power from the man, and there were sickly bloodshot eyes behind the messy hair. This was a sign that the crimson power was about to get out of control.

The cultist's face was as flushed as alcoholism, with a flattering smile, and he was observing John in confusion and fanaticism. He knelt down tremblingly, and said as if weeping and joyfully: "My lord is above, your loving beloved, we have finally waited for your coming."

"Your name, Crimson Servant."

The cultist raised his head in surprise, and his eyes soon fell into a certain ecstatic look, as if years of hard work had been rewarded. He drew back and sobbed happily, "Raman, my name is Raman, the loving one." The favored ones.”

Raman, another irrational idiot, new to Vertis' frenzied fringe, John thought. There is no way that such a person will attract Nola’s attention, so he might as well come to me. The person behind him, the damn Veltisian who seduced Nora, should at least be a crimson priest, a priest who has the ability to preside over rituals and bring down disasters.

"The smartest invitation you can think of is to instigate a thief to take away my things?" Their target is themselves. John has long been mentally prepared. In recent years, hunting warlocks have spread his reputation within a certain range. The corruption of Juantris intensified people's panic and caused a madness in the pursuit of power. John didn't care about these things before. Whether it was the new Crimson Priest or the emerging Wiltis Order, they had all parted ways with him.

He knew that he and these cultists would encounter each other sooner or later. Not only did they have the same divine power flowing in their bodies, they were also digging into the secrets of Juantris' corruption. That terrible catastrophe was a great miracle and an excellent power in the eyes of those who were interested. reflect. They noticed me, maybe the demon god gave me guidance.

John's slightly resentful tone made Laman tremble in panic, "That's, that's the instruction of Lord Beloved. We just obey the order and execute it."

"The Beloved?" John repeated this word viciously. Without too many words, the believer in front of him would automatically tell more information to get rid of the panic.

"Yes, yes, our leader, the Blessed One of Conquest. That Lord led us to gather in this underground city, and he invited you to plan great things with us."

John's mind was thinking quickly. This person had never appeared in his memory. If the favored one with the same name as himself was a "blessed one" with the same situation as himself, John would be happy for the torture he suffered.

"He is deep in the second level? The core room?"

Raman shook his head.

"No, the Lord Beloved is performing his own rituals in a deeper level. We stay on the second floor just to welcome you and clean up the ignorant dregs." Raman's eyes turned to the closed ground, where Karl and others once stood. Position, "The ceremony of Lord Beloved must not be tarnished. My loving Beloved, please allow me to borrow your power and grant them death."

The cultist Raman pretended to be eradicating the roots, but he naively thought that John had become a powerful helper for him.

"What does that beloved one, your master, look like?" John had a hunch that that would be his biggest obstacle to rescuing Nora. He urgently needed more information to understand his enemy.

"That lord?" Raman's eyes began to blur. Recalling the leader he saw during his only interview deep in the underground city, Raman said infatuatedly: "He is beautiful."

"Beautiful?" This was the first time John heard such a rhetoric used on a man. In view of the indescribable mental state of the Vertis fanatics, he did not take it literally, but the crazy fanatics could no longer get any more information from their mouths.

Just end it, John thought.

"Last question, Raman, why am I 'loving'?" John asked the question he had from the beginning.

"Isn't that charity? With your own efforts and in the name of God, you are in Juantris..."

The fierce murderous intent that broke out swallowed up Raman. The red mist spread over the thin body, and blood spikes pierced the flesh. The Wiltis fanatic died in an instant, with an ecstatic smile frozen on his face.

"Eat him, all of him."

The settling red mist completely enveloped the corpse, and in the invisible mist, the sound of bubbles erupting from the corrosion reaction could be heard.

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