Crimson Servant

Chapter 24 Crenzo’s Silver Key

Every time he stood up, he would give John a sense of oppression that could not be ignored, not only because of his height and the positive energy of the Holy Light that overflowed from his body, but also because of his eyes, which were aggressive and inquisitive with undisguised lust. Anyone with a secret will take this as an offense. When his disguise is revealed layer by layer and he has to show his true colors, John understands that the two are destined to be enemies.

But this time is different.

A strand of hair was stuck to his forehead due to sweat, his eyes were a little dull, and the right side of his breastplate was damaged and had not been repaired. Combined with the smile at the corner of his mouth, it looked like he was trying to hold on. Even the lightning gave rise to a sense of guilt that brought the disease to the execution ground.

"Do you still need some rest, Carl?"

"I feel good." He waved the sword a few times in a demonstration. In terms of effect, it was still swift, but Lightning and Jurgen were still immersed in a sad atmosphere.

"It's time for us to move on." John noticed his companion's gaze, but didn't pay attention.

"Okay." Karl replied as if he had been rescued.

"But first, let's give our Lord Paladin, who is willing to sacrifice, a little 'care'."

John found a relatively flat open space, drew a rune with the indigo ink in his backpack, and sprinkled mithril powder on the core. After completing the drawing, John began to chant the incantation, and began to feel that something was about to move in his blood. He endured the stinging pain caused by the overactivity of the cerebral cortex, and John guided his magic power to pull the magic hidden in his blood.

"What is he doing, old man?" Lightning asked quietly in a non-disturbing voice.

In the sight of several people, mithril powder flew around John in the magic circle, wrapping the warlock in an increasingly bright light.

"He is casting his own inherited spell, the innate ability inherited from his bloodline."

[God of Knowledge, Peeping Eye, All-Knowing One, Metatalon;

With blood as the contract, with silver as the inducement, with the name of Crenzo;

Please give your servant the silver key to communicate with the origin and unlock the end;

All intelligence is bound by taboos. ]

At this moment, a creepy feeling of being spied on appeared around John regardless of the spatial barrier, as if countless eyes opened from the blind corners of their own vision and focused on John. The magic became as sticky as gel and clung to John's skin, sending a squeezing sensation from every pore.

【I promise you... the pretender】

[Crenzo, will bear your price]

The great gaze disappeared, and John's skin felt a burning pain. He took a breath, raised his hand, and looked at the "permission" in his hand. With a thought, a vortex appeared in the void in the warlock's hand. He extracted the mithril powder and the ink on the ground one by one, and used magic as the fire to cast a silver-white translucent key.

[Veltis' Chain of Sin] used force to lift up John's weak body under his robe, supporting him to walk towards the Paladin.

Covered in cold sweat, like a drowned rat, John handed [Crenzo's Silver Spoon] to Carl.

"This is my bloodline technique, [Crenzo's Key Making Technique]. Every day, I can create a master key that can open any structure. This [Crenzo's Silver Key] allows you to obtain unconditionally Ten minutes of control over any non-self-aware construct will disappear after one use."

The paladin looked at the beautiful master key in his hand. It was as light as a feather. Maybe he would have ignored it if he diverted his gaze.

"It's magical, but I don't see how it will help us disarm the trap?"

"The [Master Key] can help you gain unconditional control of any structure. Traps are also structures."

"But it can only control one."

"Don't be fooled by the appearance of it turning into a [key], you should explore this [power] more deeply. The key can not only open the door, it can also find the 'keyhole'. When you hold it, it will It always gives you an urge to deactivate a certain structure's mechanism to gain its permissions. The closer you are to that structure, the stronger this impulse will be. Got it? As long as you don't open the door, it will always help you match new ones. Keyhole'. To put it simply, it can detect hidden traps. As long as you don't use it, it will always exist until I use [Key Making] again. There is only one key for a Crenzo."

100% detection of traps, the effect of the silver key in his hand surprised Karl, but he was even more surprised, "Are all you warlocks so terrible? Or is it only Crenzo who studies his spells in such detail?"

After getting a magical item, adventurers are thinking about how to use it correctly to get the maximum benefit, and this warlock is thinking about how to use it correctly.

John said that he believed in Vertis and found loopholes in the rules.

Reconnaissance trap, this is definitely a huge improvement for Carl's demolition project. Compared with the unknown, the known dangers are undoubtedly less dangerous. After the trap is exposed, a large amount of information can be obtained. The Paladin can judge the damage from the trap type, so as to correctly block or even avoid the damage. Just like the previous ground thorn trap, if Karl knew the location in advance and took the side path in advance, he would not be injured; if he knew in advance that the damage came from the ground thorn trap, he could lower the shield horizontally, and maybe his flank would be hit by the shield. Protect and you won't get hurt.

The fact was just as the Sun Team had guessed. With the guidance and assistance of his companions, Carl dismantled the trap very quickly, and even felt a strange sense of accomplishment.

"This is a very standard flame explosion mine. It's not big in size. As long as..."

Karl rushed forward, jumped up, curled up sideways in the air, huddled in the downward shield, and hit the mine directly. The trap is triggered, the impact and fire of the explosion are absorbed by the shield, and the aftermath is dissipated in the halo of the armor spell. The Paladin was blown away by the explosion. He spun in the air like a juggler, and finally landed smoothly on his feet, blocking the poisonous gas nozzle on the side.

The paladin stood up calmly and looked back at the stunned arakkoa.

"No need to say any more, Lightning, I have already surpassed you in trap removal."

"But you didn't dismantle it at all. You just relied on your physical strength to detonate it all the way..." Lightning has begun to doubt Niao Sheng along the way, and his values ​​​​are in the final struggle.

Karl smiled casually and waved his hand to stop him.

"I was inspired by the concept of the warlock. You can't stick to the form. Demolition with demolition tools is also demolition, and demolition with the body is also demolition! Just look at the results. Do you still pretend to turn a blind eye to my efficiency?"

"However, this is very dangerous. You may encounter more powerful traps in the future."

"Then I will equip stronger armor! Build a stronger body! Any trap will surrender under my strength. Because I am a master of trap dismantling."

Jurgen threw cold water angrily: "That silver key is the master of trap removal, you are just a piece of iron thrown out."

Carl, who had regained his confidence, shrugged it off.

"The silver key is just an auxiliary. As long as I can defend in all directions and all the time, I don't need to care about the location of the trap. The master of trap removal is still mine."

The dwarf was annoyed by the paladin's instability. He pointed at the gap in the damaged chest of the paladin with his long stick and poked hard.

"Next time you die because of your arrogance, I will definitely not save you, but watch you turn into a corpse!"

Unexpectedly, Karl just laughed, pushed away the long stick, and patted the dwarf on the shoulder.

"Old man, I'm different. If something happens to you, I will definitely save you!"

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