Crimson Servant

Chapter 235 Victory?

Dalia stood there in a daze. She didn't understand what Selik said at all. When she reacted, her body felt cold from the inside out, just like seeing those frozen zombies.

Her brother was framing her and turning her identity into his accomplice. In this case, how would her teammates react? Dalia couldn't help but shudder. It was she who took the initiative to ask to form a team to find her missing brother, and it was she who capriciously asked to let the unskilled self accompany them. In the eyes of her companions, these somewhat capricious requests had a more reasonable and vicious explanation.

Selik was sowing discord and changing the trust that the team had just established. Yes, how weak the trust between them was. Not long ago, she was still shocked by the identity of the dark elf and the sorcerer. Although they accepted her generously, it didn't mean that they wouldn't have a thorn in their hearts.

Because the courage given to her by Mr. Lucian was no longer effective, Dalia felt isolated and helpless even when standing among her companions.

So should she escape before they took action? Seek his protection as Selik said. He is my family, he will not harm me...

No! Dalia screamed in her heart, escaping from the shackles of the family-first mindset. Selik's accusation against her was absolutely wrong, and she must not let him succeed.

Explain! Yes, she can explain!

Frightened, Dalia turned her head and was about to explain clearly to the sorcerer who might take action in the end.

Then, she found that John Kemp did not show any suspicion or doubt about her. Not only him, but Lucien and Francis were also indifferent to Selik's lies.


"We believe you, Dalia."

A simple sentence almost made the little priest cry.

"Also, don't be shaken by the enemy's words during the battle. This is the most basic common sense for adventurers."

John didn't believe in the incitement of the Red Ice Adorer at all. It was stupid to doubt a partner who had been with him for a few days and believe in an obviously hostile opponent. Moreover, with Dalia's quick-witted personality and intelligence level, the possibility of being used is much higher than the possibility of hiding her incompetence.

Even if these logics are not considered, John will still believe Francis, and the ability of the dark elves is the last insurance.

If Dalia is really a traitor, the dark elf's scimitar will definitely be faster than his own.

However, Dalia certainly doesn't need to know these considerations. Using simple trust to move her and boost the morale of the little priest is the wisdom of the sorcerer.

"You are one of us, Dalia, and no one can change this."

"... Thank you, John."

The priest who revived his spirit looked at his brother again. At this time, there was no confusion in her eyes, but fierce and sharp.

"Selik, my brother. I don't know what happened to you, but now you obviously violated the name of the Snow family. I will definitely correct you."

"And I have to settle the account of your false accusation against me!"

The provocation failed, and Selik did not show any disappointment. This was his casual act, and now the real battle has just begun.

Sai Lik took a step forward, and red ice crystals condensed and grew under his feet. In the diffuse ice fog, the zombies began to attack.

"Dalia, you really don't know anything."

"But it doesn't matter. Soon, you will understand what the real Snow family is like."

The moving zombies were not slow. These zombies retained their original speed and surrounded the adventurers.


The sorcerer released a vicious red mist, covering the four people in the red mist. The corrosive red mist drifted to the surrounding zombies, and on their body surfaces, the red ice crystals made a corrosive hissing sound. The corrosive damage was not significant, and the erosion of the crimson power was indistinguishable. These zombies did not decay and disintegrate in the red mist, but this was not John's original purpose.

The crimson mist blocked the field of vision, and the drifting crimson power could also prevent the perception of the other party's followers.

A figure suddenly rushed out of the red mist, and the black shadow was very fast, rushing straight towards Sai Lik.

The purpose of the adventurers was very clear. It was unnecessary to waste time with multiple zombie servants. They sent the strongest attacker Francis to directly attack the Follower.

The Dark Elf Swordmaster had knocked down countless Crimson Servants in the Juancrete Plain. As we all know, the Follower is a special type of Crimson Servants.

Francis's charge speed made Selik frown slightly. The zombies that surrounded him were not a match for the Dark Elf. The Dark Elf completely ignored the ice spikes that Selik had buried in advance. He almost didn't touch the ground and stabbed the zombies' weaknesses in mid-air. The red ice crystals wrapped the incomplete limb gaps. Without the outer layer of red ice armor, the epidermis of these zombies was just ordinary skin that was a little cold, and could not stop Francis's blade at all.

He did not seek to kill the enemy, but only used attacks to remove the zombies' limbs, resulting in the effect of disarming.

Selik's eyelids twitched slightly, and the fierce figure had already pounced on him like a vigorous and strong black panther.

The imminent danger did not make Sailik lose his mind. He calmly controlled the red ice to condense ice armor on his arm, trying to intercept the dark elf's weapon and catch him.

A beam of holy energy blasted straight down from the head of the follower, and golden flames ignited on Sailik's body. This positive energy is one of the nemesis of the crimson power. Although the power is weak, the holy radiance technique makes the red ice follower feel the long-lost pain and burning.

The red fog quietly dispersed a hole, and the little priest who appeared in the fog had just finished his spellcasting.

John, the sorcerer, sneered on the side. He liked to command positive energy to suppress other evil spirits.

Francis seized the advantage as always. His scimitar pierced into the gap between Selik's ribs and destroyed the body of the follower with great force.

The knife wound on his body made Selik feel the danger. He immediately burst out the crimson power in his body, and the surging cold wave forced the dark elves back.

Selik covered the huge wound on his side. The dark elf's weapon almost cut him in half, and his injured part could not be restored. Even the red ice could not grow and repair in the wound.

For the first time, the red ice follower had the idea that the situation was out of control. How could an ordinary weapon of a dark elf damage his body to this extent?

His weapon could suppress the crimson power?

Francis withdrew from the encirclement of the zombies and appeared at the entrance of another tunnel that had not been occupied. It was a very advantageous terrain for attack and defense.

On the dark elf's scimitar, the black and red sacrificial power was absorbed by the void, and the sorcerer John emerged from the invisible state.

Francis watched Selik command the zombies to surround him, leaving no room for intervention.

"His bones are a little harder than yours." The enchanted scimitar can break the crimson power in the body of the follower, but it is his own weapon, and its own strength cannot reach the strength of the opponent's body.

The crimson follower is immortal, but there are many ways to limit it, such as destroying limbs. The crimson servant who was cut in half will not split into two, and it takes a long time to destroy and regenerate half of the body.

"This is not funny."

Although Francis did not defeat the enemy with one blow, he also attracted the opponent's attention, allowing Lucien to lead others out of the dangerous situation of being surrounded.

In addition, this is also a test.

As the source of crimson power, the sacrificial power of Seklonfas can suppress his own crimson power. Now, after practice, John has also verified that the sacrificial power is also devastating to the red ice.

His companions were safe, he had no worries, and he had mastered the method of restraining his opponent.

The sorcerer's smile became sinister.

"This is mine, Francis."

"You have the final say, John."

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