Crimson Servant

Chapter 233 Reminiscence

Mal Blade explored the footprints on the ground. She turned to look at the mysterious woman beside her, who brought her to this place. The traced signs showed that someone had just left here not long ago, and the traces of camping and resting had not completely disappeared.

Mal, who had participated in the Dark Elf Patrol, had mastered the skills of tracking, and now, her abilities were used by Lyla. Who does she want herself to track? Mal thought quickly based on the traces on the ground. There were more than three people, and one of them had a particularly shallow footprint. This similarity coincided with a certain team that had impressed Mal not long ago.

The dark elf's eyes widened and he growled angrily at Laila.

"Is that the monster you asked me to track?!" Mal was angry that the masked woman who called herself Lila hid the result from her. If she had known this, she would never have agreed to Lila's conditions and sought death. Mal did not want to run into that dangerous man in red robe who could easily take advantage of her.

Laila watched Mal's fierce expression without flinching, and said calmly: "No, it's not that. The difference in angle will give people different perspectives on the same event. Don't stare at John. , he is like a hedgehog, your gaze will make him nervous, and a hedgehog will raise her spikes if she is nervous."

Laila stepped forward and walked to Mal, tapping her outstretched toes on one of the footprints, which was the largest but lightest footprint among them. The size shows that the opponent is very tall, and the depth shows that the opponent has mastered superb stealth skills and has integrated the habit of walking lightly into his actions.

Mal Blade thought of a face that appeared in the background corner of the screen of the terrifying man in red. It was one of his teammates, a tall dark elf man.

Mal instantly relaxed a lot. She obeyed Laila's wishes and observed the footprints of the dark elf man. His anti-tracking skills were very good, and Mal could not get any more information from this footprint.

“Seeing is not necessarily believing, you need to use more senses to feel.”

Laila's voice came to Mal's ears, as ethereal as smoke. There was some inducement in this language, which made the dark elf involuntarily do what she said.

"He is Francis Blade."

Mal Blade touched his footsteps.

The hazy feeling gradually dissipated, and Mal's vision gradually became clearer. What came into view was the octagonal ceiling in the dark elf Gothic style. Mal remembered this place, this was her home, the ancient castle of the Brad family.

Mal easily recognized this familiar building as the ceiling of the family fighting room, a place for family members to compete and train.

However, these familiar decorations are slightly different, some furnishings are slightly different, and some are too new.

Mal got up from the floor and trained in the fighting room until he was tired and lay down. This was already a long memory for Mal. As her mind processed what was going on, she noticed an unusual weakness in her body.

what happened? my body? !

Mal looked at her thin and thin palm, and was a little unable to react for a moment.

There was no time for her to react.

The door to the fighting room was pushed open, and an unexpected figure appeared in front of Mal. It was a graceful and beautiful dark elf woman, with a smug smile on her face and eyes full of playfulness and contempt.

She stared at herself like a cat staring at a mouse.

Mal recognized her identity, and despite the absurd cries that kept repeating in her head, Mal Blade recognized her young matron.

Silna Blade, she looks only a few decades old.

Although there was a difference between the Sirna in front of her and the majestic matron in Mal's memory, Mal still felt sincerely happy to meet her doting mother, and she immediately called out that title.

"elder sister."

Mal's thinking was stagnant for a moment. The name she was thinking of was different from the one she said. No, it was because she did not control her body.

This body is acting on its own.

Silna laughed, and Mal could see that her mother became very happy at those two words, but then she raised her whip.

That is the snake-head whip specially used by Rose Priest. This whip can be freely extended according to the user's will and can accurately bite its prey. And every dark elf man who has been whipped by this special whip has a special feeling for this kind of whip. The pain is unforgettable.

Mal had never tasted such a whip before, but now she knew.

The unspeakable pain caused her screams to quickly be heard in the fighting room, and the tired and painful body immediately collapsed.

Before she fell into unconsciousness, she heard Silva's proud warning.

"My brother, you should show respect to every woman in the family, especially me. Remember, you can only speak after I finish speaking."

Mal endured the phantom pain in her head and opened her eyes again. Once again, she saw the familiar octagonal ceiling. The strong sense of déjà vu made her seem to understand something, but she could not move and could only passively watch the thin body get up from the floor again.

The door was pushed open again, and the beautiful and fierce Silna Blade appeared in front of her again.

Mal and the body noticed the snake-headed whip on Sirna's waist at the same time, and shuddered. He was afraid of his sister's weapons.

And Silna knew this.

She soon made her brother regret his presumptuous curiosity.

Mar felt the piercing pain again, and this time, Silna said nothing.

Before the pain subsided, Mar opened his eyes again and stared at the familiar ceiling.

This time was repeating.

Repeating Silna's torture of her brother.

Mar watched the young boy learn from the pain and try to change next time. But every time, Silna would tell him the rules with a grin and whipping.

He didn't change anything.

After repeating it more than a dozen times, this body seemed to finally realize that any flattery and resistance were futile. Silna was just venting her violence to him and showing her dignity.

Silna liked this game of punishing her young brother very much.

After dozens of times, he learned to be silent, which was the attitude that could best discourage his sister.

After a hundred times, he was numb to the pain.

Mar's blurred vision became clear again, and this time, her eyes seemed to be in another world, looking at the masked woman in front of her.

The desire to roar, to attack, to retaliate was accumulating deep in her heart, but the numbness still affected Mal.

She seemed very calm and asked, "What are those?"


"Visions about what?"

"Francis Blade's childhood."

Mal gritted her teeth and glared at the instigator of all this.

"Those fragments have been replayed in my mind hundreds of times!!"

Lila said softly.

"Only once."

"That was Francis Blade's childhood."

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