Crimson Servant

Chapter 227: Each one fights for himself

Selik Snow walked barefoot on the muddy ground, his self-luminous red robe dragging long behind him. Wherever the robe passed, a layer of white frost would be covered. Selik hid his hands in his wide sleeves and clasped them in front of his chest. This upright movement has lasted for six hours. He crossed many caves and came here.

Selik exhaled a breath of ice mist. For the first time since he woke up, he turned his head and looked at the source of the sound beside him, a flowing underground stream. It flows through this cave, and the abundant water nourishes many tall plants here. Selik Snow's head moved to reveal his face hidden under the hood. His skin was covered with red spots like frostbite, and the extremely serious situation seemed to cause him no pain.

His deep red eyes stared straight at the river, and his steps had stopped, as if he was thinking about something.

However, the other beings who were monitoring him no longer had much patience.

A fat, colorful mushroom man walked in front of Sailik, followed by some other mushroom men holding simple wooden spears, all of whom looked at the uninvited guest who broke into their territory with confused eyes.

Because of the advantage in numbers, the mushroom people did not take any hostile actions against the strange man in the red robe. The leading fat mushroom man even stepped forward alone, separated himself from his companions, walked in front of Sailik, and interrupted his thinking.

When the blood-red eyes stared at him, the mushroom king Aliyewu felt a piercing cold. Despite the discomfort, the mushroom king still released his light pink spore cloud to infect the other party, allowing Sailik to establish a channel of mental communication with himself.

"Back off, mushroom man, territory."

Sailik opened his mouth slightly, his Adam's apple bulged for a while, as if he had regained his ability to speak, so that the mushroom king could hear his cold and surprised voice.

"Are you... really underground creatures?"

The mushroom king Aliyewu thought that the other party didn't know his people, and wanted to explain to him, but he thought that the other party's unauthorized intrusion was already in line with the identity of an intruder, so he answered coldly.

"Mushrooms, live here, for a long time. Humans, leave."

The mushroom man thought that this negotiation was enough to make the other party retreat. If this weirdo just wanted to pass by here, there were several roads that could bypass the mushroom man's nest not far from the cave entrance. It believed that the other party would not spend too much energy.

Selike did not retreat, but stood silently in place, like an ice sculpture.

The oppressive atmosphere in the dark cave stimulated the nerves of every mushroom man. Just when the mushroom king could not stand Selik's silence and was ready to use force to expel him, everyone heard an abnormal sound.


That was the sound of water condensing, and the sound of ice cubes squeezing each other and growing like plants.

The sound of cold water replaced the gurgling sound, and all the mushroom people saw the freezing process of the stream. Frost spread under the feet of Selik Snow, and the extreme paleness was stained with dangerous red.

The solidified ice crystals crawled upwards, like a pale devil's hand reaching out to the habitat of the mushroom people.

The blood-red eyes raised again, and hunger and madness filled his eyeballs.

Selik's voice was more sinister than the growing frost.

"Your life is not evil enough... but it is fresh enough."

Unable to resist, the poisonous spore cloud released by the mushroom king Aliyewu before being frozen had already turned into a snowflake.


John Kemp raised his head and stopped, as if sensing something.

The four members of the Red Ice Team stood on an arched stone bridge. The hot streams of steam fountains were spewed out intermittently on both sides of the stone bridge, and under the stone bridge, the acid lake was bubbling and rolling like boiling water. As they walked, they tried to move closer to the middle. The occasional hot stream of acid was usually heavier than pure gas and could not reach this height, but they still needed to be careful. The irregular etching marks on the edge of the stone bridge made Dalia's heart flutter.

But now, she didn't have to worry about it.

The sorcerer's pause attracted the attention of his companions. The little priest reflexively wanted to hide behind Lucien, and then passed through his illusion.

"What did you sense again?" The reappearing illusionist raised his eyebrows and said, pinching his chin and covering his mouth slightly with his fingers, so that Dalia could not see his smile. Yes, he did care about Dalia, but that was in the past. Now the illusionist's kindness has been consumed, and the replaced evil heart prefers to see Dalia's interesting reactions when she is frightened.

Francis is turning back. Before stepping onto this stone bridge, the dark elf first proposed to reach the other side alone to scout the situation. This kind of terrain can easily become an unfavorable environment where enemies are attacked from both sides. To avoid that situation, when the team crosses the bridge, they need to ensure that at least one side of the stone bridge is controlled.

Francis made almost no sound when crossing the bridge alone. He walked very fast and almost ran at full speed when he was about to reach the other side. He had already drawn his two swords when he rushed to the other side of the bridge. Then there was a commotion, and then the dark elf reappeared, stood on the other side and gestured that it was safe to pass.

"Go first."

John gestured to leave this dangerous place first. After they met up with the dark elf, they found that there was only blood in the dark cave.

Francis folded his arms and turned his eyes to John.

They were all waiting for John to speak.

Lucian patted Dalia's left shoulder to comfort her. She was cheering herself up. This priest seemed to adapt quickly in a high-pressure environment. How did the Snow family educate her?

"It's not the Crimson Follower." John said, "It's my psychic power that produces the induction."

The sorcerer raised his hand and pointed to the cave in front of him, saying another monster name that made Dalia's teeth tremble.

"There is a settlement of mind flayers in front of us. I can vaguely sense their psychic power."

Dalia raised her palm.

"Why do you have the psychic power to sense mind flayers?"

"... Because I ate one."

John watched Dalia's expression gradually become dull, her eyes lost focus, and her body fell back and fell to the floor next to Lucian...

The illusionist took a closer look.


John sighed. He struggled for a moment on whether to answer the priest's question. Finally, he remembered what Francis said about not hiding anything, so he told her the truth. As a result, the truth is the sharpest knife.

"Do you want to take a detour?"

They kept moving towards the approximate location of the red ice layer that John sensed. They chose all the challenges along the way. This is a process of training personal combat power and accumulating experience and wealth.

Francis, who likes to teach others, doesn't want anyone to miss out on valuable experience.

"No, wake up Dalia, she still has a fight to fight."

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