Crimson Servant

Chapter 22 Light Mechanism

The unexpected trap eliminated the conflict between the Sun Team, and John no longer teased the Paladins as a pastime, because it was foolish to damage the team's strength with his own personal grudges. However, John didn't let Lightning replace Carl's trap removal work. The previous encounter gave John an uneasy premonition. If the next mechanism is still as difficult to detect and powerful as before, no one in the team except Karl can withstand it.

Everyone knew that this was the safest decision. The Paladin who was on alert did not say anything and turned to express his gratitude to the Druid who kept applying armor spells to him.

Not long after, the new inscription numbers on the wall represented that the Sun Team had arrived at the second transportation node. On the way here, Carl encountered a simple hidden arrow mechanism and received guidance from Lightning, but this time he was not so lucky. The triggered poison dart hit the paladin's shield, causing no damage.

"The venom of the Ekado crystal lizard can make the skin as hard as marble and the organs as rotten as rotten wood." John picked up the small poisonous arrow that fell to the ground. The crystal dark green coating on it made Karl swallow it. Spit.

"Keep it away, Warlock."

John shook his head and carefully put the poison arrow in the glass bottle in his pocket. "Using the venom of the crystal lizard on you is simply a waste of money. It should be said that using this rare material to apply poison is a nouveau riche behavior."

When they arrived at a transportation node with complete inscriptions and full of magic power, everyone stopped in unison. Jurgen stretched his right hand forward and dropped a mist of water. The mist maintained by magic power quickly dissipated, and a transparent silk thread containing water droplets was blocked in front of the dwarf's waist.

Lightning's sight turned to both ends of the thread and found that it had penetrated into the hidden holes in the walls on both sides. Because the mechanism was hidden behind the wall, Lightning could not judge.

"You can step over this." John suggested to the paladin beside him, "This trip rope mechanism has no traces of magic and can be broken through violently."

Karl glared at him, his eyes falling behind the thread. What worried him was not the obvious, but the unknown.

At this moment Lightning walked up to the two men and pointed at their short old friend.

"What should I do, old man? He will definitely not be able to pass this mechanism."

The dwarf looked at the arakkoa calmly, until the bright black eyes of Lightning failed and began to dodge his sight. Only then did Jurgen say with satisfaction: "If I jump up, I can hammer you into a cake from head to toe."

Lightning's personal personality is not very confident, and John is the one who can assess the situation. However, there is also a person on the scene who is both confident and has no emotional intelligence, the paladin Carl.

"I can carry him over. It doesn't matter. I'm very strong. Even if the old man's body is made of stone, I can still throw him over!"

Seeing the dwarf's tightening fist, John encouraged the paladin to immediately start testing the trap.

Karl, who had suffered a loss, became much more cautious. He took out his spear from his backpack and stepped back to a position where it was safe enough that the tip of the spear could touch the trap. Wait for two breaths, hold the end of the gun barrel with both hands, and exert downward pressure.

The silk thread was cut. At the moment when it was broken, the obsidian walls about three feet thick at both ends of the silk thread suddenly bulged and closed towards the center at the speed of a horse running at full speed. The wall collided with a bang. When the two sides returned to their original positions, the original tip of the spear had turned into a piece of iron foil.

"This trap is a crushing wall!"

Everyone determined the scope of the trap, and Lightning moved to the side to observe the cracks in the wall where the rainbow light flashed. "So it turns out that the mechanism is hidden with normal patterns. It can't be seen at all unless it is triggered once."

The trap was triggered without damage, but Team Sun was still blocked by additional hidden traps. The broken thread lay crookedly like two dead worms. Facing the wall-crushing mechanism that had been triggered, Karl continued to test.

He took out his spear again and continued to retreat to a safe position. Ignoring the strange gazes of his companions, he stretched his arm forward as if the broken thread was still there and continued to stroke.

boom! Even though there was nothing, the crushing wall was triggered again. It was not a one-time event at all! Just when the adventurers thought they had solved the simple trap and devoted their energy to testing more obscure traps, the despised superficial trap showed its ferocity again.

"How could this happen? There is obviously nothing left!" Lightning shouted, as if he could no longer believe his eyes.

Jurgen frowned and thought, while Karl looked solemn. This time, it is not the trap itself that is invisible, but the trigger mechanism, which is more difficult to hide than the previous crude concealment. John released magic to test the air in front of him, as if there was an invisible wall in front of him.

The magician's eyes lit up and he chanted a new spell.

"Darkness!" Thick black mist appeared in the center of the crushing wall. This spell, which had no physical collision and was only used to block the field of vision, triggered the mechanism of the crushing wall.


John's temptation was even more bizarre than Karl's, and he confidently announced the truth while the wall was being restored.

"It's light. What triggers the trap is the light that crushes between the walls. The transparent silk thread that is set up is just a blindfold. What really drives the mechanism is light. This is a light-sensitive trap."

"The reason why the spear triggered the trap was not because it cut off the thread, but because the metal blocked the spread of light when it was swinging down." Karl suddenly realized that the paladin, as a believer in the sun, naturally understood the light very well, "This trap is There is no solution, we can never avoid the light, just like we can’t avoid the sun.”

Karl said firmly, but he changed the subject and smiled again, "But these weak lights are far less dazzling than the sun, and there are also loopholes."

John put down his hand that was fumbling with his backpack and waited for the paladin's spiel.

"This is a speed job. We can't avoid the light, but the light is not permanent. After the crushing wall is activated, its light-sensing device is temporarily canceled. Because the closed walls are also solid and they move. The light will also be blocked during the process, so when the trap is active, there is no light mechanism here. The time we can gain is the time difference between the closed crushing wall and its reset."

"Three seconds, although it is short, it is enough for us to rush over."

Carl faced the crowd and raised his hands like a winner waiting for a response.

John clapped rhythmically, and Lightning followed closely, flapping his feathers. The dwarf originally had no intention of moving, but the young paladin had already turned his attention to himself. Forced by the enthusiastic gaze, he reluctantly agreed.

"It's rare, our distinguished friend, that you have successfully used your brain to think for a while and come up with a feasible method. I can't help but give you applause." John wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes, "But, Twisting light can be done.”

"Invisibility is a spell that uses magic to distort light so that the imaged light passes over the body, making it invisible to the naked eye of the observer."

"Lord Paladin, there are not only swords in this world, but also magic."

John took out the invisibility scroll from his backpack and shook it proudly a few times, letting the blue magic light flash in front of Karl's eyes.

"Hmph, insidious mage."

"You can choose not to accept it and try to get through. The spell scroll for regenerating severed limbs is rarer than the invisibility spell."

The paladin almost snatched the spell scroll from John's hand. He turned around and made a final counterattack to save face.

"The next time you ask for something from me, I will repay this kindness."

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