Crimson Servant

Chapter 202 Forgetting

Barnes stepped on the wet moss ground, and it was raining. He didn't carry much clothing when he was pushed out of the other world by a mysterious force. In order to make room for the ancient deeds that summoned demons, Barnes had thrown away most of his supplies, leaving only a light backpack.

The cold moisture brought a bad feeling to Barnes. He looked around cautiously. The raindrops stirred the fog and outlined a vague shadow that looked like a human shape.

The captain was not frightened by these disturbances, but he was concerned about the feelings he derived from these images. It was like someone was whispering in his ear: Oops! Very bad!

Barnes pulled back his collar and rummaged through the lining of his old leather coat for something that worried him.

A small piece of candle was taken out by Barnes. The candle was burning when Barnes took it out, but it did not burn his clothes. There is a pale blue flame on the black wick. The bright red candle is as thick as a baby's arm, and the wax tears shed have a weak viscosity.

Barnes looked at the flickering candle flame and felt bad. The raindrops shattered the flame and fell into the molten depression below. Mixed with wax, it flowed onto Barnes' fingers.

The captain shuddered immediately and had no time to clean the wax on his hands that was gradually hardening and cooling. Barnes bent down and put the candle in his arms, using his body and palms to block the falling rain.

The burning flame had no temperature, and Barnes felt a chill in the palm of his hand that was placed on the candle near the outer flame.

This magic candle is the work of a lich and is fueled by warm life force.

Barnes felt a chill in his body, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the flames on the candles settling again.

The moment Barnes exhaled the gas, the flames continued to shrink and eventually went out.

The timing of the extinguishing was perfect, as if I had blown out the candle myself. But Barnes knew in his heart that this magic candle would sway and shrink, but it would not be blown out by breath. There were other reasons for its extinguishing.

Arlington's contract is over, the contract between Hellguard and Warlock is over. This resulted in Captain Barnes no longer being able to use the magic candle in his hand to influence the contract to control the behavior of the Hell Guards. Arlington regained its freedom.

The captain put the extinguished candle back into his pocket, tightened his collar and hurried forward in the rain. Of course, what the escaped hell guard wants to do most is to cause trouble for himself. He must quickly find an opportunity to leave this place of right and wrong.

But as is always the case with Barnes, trouble can easily find him.

"Where are you going? Old friend."

The flames burning on the hell guards evaporated the rain falling on Arlington, and the smell of sulfur spread in the air. Arlington walked with his hands behind his back. His tall physique showed some elegance of a superior, which reminded Barnes of his first meeting with the former Hell Lord.

Arlington was weaker than before, but he was still the same, just a bigger mouse in front of him.

He tracked him, apparently for some time, until the end of the contract was confirmed, and the Hell Guards revealed their sharp fangs.

"You are my summoner, Barnes. Do you want me to go back alone like this?"

The Hell Guard opened his palm, and claws popped out from the front of his fingers.

"Your next voyage is headed to hell, Captain."

Without giving Barnes a chance to speak, Arrington, who has dealt with him for a long time, concluded that the best way to negotiate was to shut up Barnes. The hell guards flapped their bat wings and approached quickly.

Just when Arlington was about to succeed, the shadow in the rain came to life.

The dark shadow instantly released several slashes, cutting the devil's outstretched claws into bloody pieces.

Arlington covered his almost broken arm and let out a roar of pain. He looked at the outsider who had kicked him in horror.

He has a tall figure, purple-black skin, silver-white hair, and a pair of magical eyes that are like twinkling stars, releasing a murderous intent.

Francis Blade, the Dark Elf shook the blood off his scimitar and said to Arlington: "His life is mine."

"Dark Scourge!" Arlington gasped, and the hell guards stared at Barnes with sinister eyes, the anger in their eyes ready to come out.

"Don't think you have escaped, Barnes. The Dark Reaper's reputation has spread even in hell, and he is also one of the forces chasing you."

Behind Arlington, the portal to purgatory has opened.

"It's just an extra middleman. Remember, Barnes, I'll be waiting for you in hell."

The flames of the purgatory portal flashed away. The two looked at the direction in which the portal disappeared and carefully observed the remaining traces of the spell. After a few minutes, they confirmed that there was no accident and that Arlington did not use any conspiracy.

The dark elf then turned around and looked at Barnes, who had quietly moved two meters away.

"It's your turn next, Barnes."

Francis' scimitar turned in the direction, and Barnes instantly felt as if his body was locked. He glanced at Francis' blade, and he swallowed nervously.

"I...I can actually explain..."

Francis took his time.

"No need to explain, I can see that you used the people around you to avoid risks. I once warned you, stay away from John, and your fates should not be entangled. I have punished you many times, and now the new Let’s settle old scores together, Barnes, let’s see if you will continue to have bad luck this time.”

Barnes backed away slowly. He didn't dare to turn around and run away. It was a terrible thing to expose his back to the dark elf. Barnes didn't understand why he was so afraid of this dark elf. He was indeed very powerful, but those hell lords he had dealt with would not have made the captain's body shake so nervously.

Barnes thought of the wound on his waist, which was left by the dark elves. The evil curse left in the wound would hurt every time the captain fell asleep.

Francis is like an inescapable nightmare.

Barnes swallowed and yelled at the dark elf.

"That kid took the initiative!"

Francis stretched out his hand to hold the back of the sword and brushed his fingers along the blade. The dark inscriptions on the scimitar lit up one by one, releasing its original evil nature.

The dark elf said viciously: "It turns out to be John's fault. Very good. I won't give him the chance to make another mistake."

Why are you talking to me? Barnes roared in his heart, what you call reducing John's mistakes is to eliminate my wrong option?

The pressing Francis made Barnes sweat profusely, his brain raced at high speed, and finally, he fainted.

Francis looked at Barnes who fell unconscious, walked to his side, and raised his weapon.

"Wait!" Barnes, who was pretending to be unconscious, quickly shouted to stop, but this trick didn't work.

The dark elf ignored his call and the scimitar fell quickly.

"I remembered!"

Francis' blade stopped on Barnes' chest.

The dark elf removed his weapon and looked at the captain inexplicably.

"What?" Francis narrowed his eyes slightly, observing whether this was another trick of Barnes.

"I remembered." Barnes repeated again, his tense body began to relax, and his dilated pupils were facing the beautiful eyes of the dark elf. Barnes smiled at Francis, a smile of sincere nostalgia.

"Going to the Kingdom of Lies, I saw my so-called mirror inversion. A question arose in my mind. The thief named Crowe had the same personality and behavior as me. What if that world came into contact with me? The truth, and use it to create another lie, where is his falsehood, and where is the truth that is the same as me. "

"I thought our differences were family, and he was a jerk who kept the light at home and I was a complete jerk. But looking inside, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the right answer and that I needed a complete fix just as much as he did. Family, I envy everything that Crowe has. But because my troublesome physique will affect those I care about, I gave up on that and could only hide in the dark street corners and peek at the warmth in the windows.”

"I deny from the bottom of my heart that I am a person who does not care about his family. This concept has given me some new conjectures."

"Why are Chloe and I so similar? Is there really a mirror between us?"

"Or, is it also a lie, Barnes?"

"I was revisiting the past, suffering headaches, and realizing there were parts of my memory that I couldn't understand."

"When I think about all my past experiences, I feel like I was so ridiculous."

"Because I felt that life was boring and lonely, I sneaked to hell to find trouble with the big devil. In the end, I made trouble and gained a group of enemies before escaping back to the material world. The only thought in my mind was, is there something wrong with this person? Am I really that cheap? ?”

"Looking back now, I don't know how my brain accepted these reasons in a logical manner. And skipping these forcibly stitched anomalies and moving the memory forward along the time track, I can always find one that appears in front of my anomaly. figure."

"An existence that I can't avoid but cannot escape now."

The captain raised his head and looked at the excited dark elf.

"Francis, what have you done to my memory?"

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