Crimson Servant

Chapter 20 The Mission of the Sun

"Zeniro's web accumulates magic power. If it is not maintained, the continuously accumulated magic power will make it 'wear', and the material composition will be assimilated into magic power, thus making the pipeline thin and weak loopholes will appear."

John moved the light source, and the wall of a tube that the Sun Team focused on became transparent under the light, showing reflections that were different from other locations. The light continued to approach, where it was disturbed by the magic of flash. After the images in everyone's eyes were briefly confused, a dark space appeared like a mirror. Directly below the space was a faint passage, which was the next level.

When you reach out and touch the weak point, you will feel a physical blockage, and the magic power will be stimulated to produce ripples similar to water ripples around it. This is because the interference of magic erosion on the material level has almost been completed, making it an excellent breakthrough point. Whether it is providing magic power to dissolve the barrier, or using physics to cut through the final support, it will be very easy.

"We can go to the lower area from here. This can avoid the losses and loot caused by the battle deep into the core of Zenilo's Web, but it can save time and preserve combat power. What do you think?"

Karl asked: "What's in the core?"

"The core of Zenilo's Web is the furnace heart that collects and stores magic power. It is usually used as the territory of elemental creatures. According to the dungeon information provided, there will be the first-level lord monster of Optitedan, the great element of air, there. The djinn, the great element of fire Zhenni, or the fusion variant of the two great elements, the specific situation is determined according to the magic attributes collected during this period. The high magic environment in the heart of the magic furnace will strengthen the released magic and divine spells, and strong magic interference It will also weaken our armor. I think the advantages of giving up the lord monster crusade outweigh the disadvantages.”

Jurgen and Lightning did not raise any objections. John looked at the thoughtful Karl, waiting for the Paladin's next words. Satisfying everyone's demands as much as possible is a must for the adventurer team to maintain stability. Although the paladin's view of good and evil did not agree with his own, the fighting talent Carl showed in several battles made John decide to win over this qualified human shield.

"Do elemental creatures have eyes that shine like the sun?"

"...Elemental creatures have no eyes. They are humanoid in order to better use their power in the material plane. After defeating elemental creatures, their drops are only crystallized elemental cores, which are advanced materials for making magic items. , very rare.”

"I have no problem. I agree to go directly to the lower level. The monster I am hunting should be in a deeper level." Karl said frankly.

Lightning heard the topic he was familiar with. He did not disturb John who was breaking the wall and walked around Karl.

"That's your old enemy? A monster with sun eyes."

"That is the enemy of the sun, Mithras through the trial given to me by his bishop. The monster that steals light, Etrus. He lurks in the depths of Optitida, and I will kill it and take away Etrus. The Eye of Truth, as proof of the success of my trial. I will continue to go deeper into the dungeon until my mission is completed."

"Is it a beast, a monster, the undead, or another race?"

"I don't know," Carl said.

"So what does Etrus look like? How many heads does it have, strong flying wings, or sharp long claws?"

"I don't know," Carl said.

"...Then does it have any special abilities?"

"I don't know," Carl said.

The Crow Man opened his mouth and continued to ask a little speechlessly: "Then besides knowing that this monster has eyes that shine like the sun, what else do you know?"

The paladin clenched his fists and raised his head high.

"I know that Etrus will die in my hands, and I will complete the mission of the sun."

John opened the loophole, and while completing the work, he also heard the conversation between the two. In his eyes, Paladin Carl exuded the air of a fool who was fooled by a magician.

Lightning flapped his wing claws anxiously and complained: "This little information is not enough. I have never heard of this kind of monster. Are you trying to find a needle in a haystack like a blind man? This is simply an unachievable task."

Karl smiled disdainfully, "That's just because you are ignorant." The Paladin turned his expectant eyes to the dwarf Druid, this knowledgeable elder.

"Sorry, Karl, I'm afraid I'm a little ignorant. I've never heard of this kind of monster. Maybe Etrus has some more popular nicknames that can be equated with the creature I know. It has eyes as bright as the sun. ...I have never seen a creature with such characteristics. The world is really vast."

Karl felt a little uneasy, and reluctantly turned his attention to John. He muttered, "Maybe Etrus comes from the Dark Area and belongs to the legend that only the evil and cunning dark side can come into contact with."

John heard the paladin's awkward request for help, but he did not answer directly. He also had not heard of Etrus.

"Is your mission a revelation directly sent down by the sun god Mithras, or is it conveyed by the agent of the sun?"

"It was an oracle conveyed by Bishop Ricardeo of the Holy Glory Church in Aurenia, south of Ephesa." Karl answered subconsciously, and soon he understood the subtext of John's question. The paladin's face turned red and his eyebrows were twisted. together.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that the words conveyed through the mouth may be modified or misinterpreted by individuals." John euphemistically conveyed that God does not disdain to lie to you, but God will lie to you, you fool.

The paladin was instantly angered, and he racked his brains to think of the most foul and vile verbal insults that the warlock could use to slander the sun believers.

"May your body sink into the pit of putridity like your dark thoughts, and the holy light will never respond to your cry for help! You despicable person who blasphemed the bishop! Servants of the Sun are bathed in divine grace, and we will always execute justice Oracle, do not pollute the temples of light with your base thoughts.”

If Lightning and Jurgen hadn't stopped him, Karl might have had to strike the Warlock with the Holy Slash despite his oath.

Facing Karl, John showed a heartwarming smile.

"Then let's go downstairs."

After a few battles, the team atmosphere that had eased slightly fell into a stalemate again, even worse than the first meeting. John, who had caused all this, had no regrets because he had simply expressed his opinion honestly. The warlock who has lived in the Dark City for a long time instinctively distrusts others, especially the belief in gods. He cautiously explores the power of Veltis and is completely unable to understand those devout believers who believe in gods wholeheartedly.

The Sun Team jumped into the second-floor passage of the dungeon one by one. Karl walked at the front with a stinky face. Jurgen was stuck between the Paladin and the Warlock, like an immovable rock. Lightning glanced at Carl and John with some worry, his expression was tangled up in words.

And John was thinking about philosophical questions.

What is the difference between a righteous god and a demonic god?

Where is the dividing line between the good camp and the evil camp?

Soon John chose to give up and secretly stretched out [Veltis' Chain] to spread into the surrounding dark space, smelling the smell of blood.

"There's no smell of Nora...where is she, deeper."

The warlock's expression turned gloomy, and his somewhat leisurely attitude no longer existed.

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