Crimson Servant

Chapter 191 Heroic Moment

The wound on her arm was still bleeding. Vivian used the sword in the lake to support her half-kneeling body and stood up. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked at Morgan in front of her, whose momentum had changed.

A halo surrounding the engraved mark appeared behind Morgan's head, and the carvings cutting into the halo lit up at the same time. The pupils of her charming and charming eyes turned into radiant rainbow colors. Morgan's toes lifted off the ground, and the storm gently lifted her body up.

The sword wounds on her body were slowly recovering, and her fair and flawless skin was restored.

Her hair spread out under the impact of the liberation of magic power, and Morgan's blond hair was flying in the air. She admired Vivian's embarrassment and said proudly: "I am Cameron's queen, the apex of power. I command the knights and dominate the people. . [Vanity] is my ability to enhance my charm and control my subordinates.”

"But [Vanity] also has another ability."

“As the initial communicators of the fourth word of God, the Blasphemous Knights canonized by me, the power they release will be attributed to my [Vanity]. I am the collection of Knights of the Round Table, and I am Cameron’s legitimate queen. "

"[Vanity] will not allow me to lose to another weak self."

The pressure that Morgan released with all his strength was like a boulder pressing down on Vivian. The female ranger who was unwilling to admit defeat sarcastically mocked her inversion despite the pressure.

"But your aperture is so ugly, Queen."

There are several engravings on the halo representing the power of blasphemy behind Morgan. The number is consistent with the knights she has canonized. There are seven in total. Two of them are dim, which means that two blasphemy knights refuse to obey her.

The Queen of Cameron already knew that Galahad had different intentions. She had expected the dim light marks, but she did not expect that there were actually two dim ones, which meant that there was one more betrayer.

The betrayal of his subordinates can be regarded as a mockery of Morgan's personality, which is simply unbearable for a narcissistic woman. [Vanity]'s power dropped, and Morgan, who looked furious, soon discovered which blasphemous knight the missing power came from.

"Gawain?!" Morgan never dreamed that the knight he valued most would betray him. He had invested so much attention in him, entrusted him with important tasks, and stayed by his side.

Why? An image flashed through Morgan's mind.

Tears streaked across her face, and blood spread under the flower field. The calming fairy wind calmly stared at herself, and the blurry knight outside the screen.

"Wang Mei..." Morgan thought of the tears-blurred face of his blood relative. Her beautiful appearance had made him feel compassionate several times, but that time, Wang Mei failed.

"It turns out she wasn't saying goodbye to me..."

Morgan's face was indifferent as he stepped out of the endless storm. Although her strength has been reduced compared to her heyday, she can still easily defeat Vivian, who is far inferior to her.

"Like her, die for me!"

The holy sword carrying rainbow-colored light collided with the sword of yellow sand. After being blessed by [Vanity], Morgan's wrist strength easily surpassed the injured Vivian. The suppressed sword of yellow sand unexpectedly shattered in front of Morgan's eyes. The shattered The dust suddenly blurred Morgan's vision.

"Where can you escape to?"

Released the strong wind to blow away the sand and dust. Morgan, who had a clear vision, realized that something was wrong. The storm protecting his body had been used to disperse the sand and dust. At this moment, his defense was the weakest.

Vivian stretched out her arm from behind Morgan, restricting her movement, and what followed was the vampire's fangs. Facing her other self, Vivian used her talent as a vampire to absorb Morgan's life essence without any psychological burden.

[Vanity] blessed Morgan with extremely strong vitality, and just a short bite made Vivian's body improve quickly. Vivian licked her lips, her body becoming extremely excited as her bloodthirsty impulse was strongly satisfied.

Vivian didn't expect to inflict serious injuries on Morgan with just one blood suck. In a few seconds, the wound on her neck had almost healed. Vivian took the opportunity to regain some physical strength and injected the crimson power of her blood into Morgan's body. Although it was a trace amount, Vivian believed that the corrupted blood of the warlocks would give the queen the end she deserved.

Light and Sand were in hand again, Vivian pointed her sword at Morgan, and the second round between the two began.

Barnes and the two of them were leaning against a floating window sill, surrounded by floating building debris. Barnes did not stretch his legs because the floor on his side was not long enough, and the blood-red abyss was in front of his boots.

The plot they were on was very close to the intact plot that had not yet been broken, but neither of them had any intention of getting closer. Because there was a group of Knights of the Round Table standing on the road leading to Cameron's Chaos King City. They are trying to climb up the floating remains of the castle and find a way to the Queen.

Vivian did successfully order the Knights of the Round Table to leave here, but they were not fools. The destruction caused by the sacrilegious ritual was earth-shattering. The castle was shattered, and the red light penetrating the earth from the sky could be seen from a distance. When my hometown was bombed, who would care about the illusory Holy Grail?

Barnes raised his head again and glanced at the knight who was about to climb up below. Crowe beside him was breathing heavily. Whether it was what he had already encountered or what he was about to encounter, it was too crazy for this thief. . He was covering his head and kept chanting "We are finished".

Barnes, who was impatient, slapped him directly. Crowe stopped talking and glared at him fiercely.

Barnes was unimpressed.

"They will soon climb up, find us, and continue to go up to disturb my friends. How are you going to protect yourself, liar?"

"Give you away and beg for the knight's forgiveness." Cloe said bluntly. A series of experiences have made the thief unable to bear the oppression of the Morning Star Team. He regretted his original fraud very much. Being dragged into the water by these outsiders was simply the most unfortunate thing in his life.

Barnes looked at Cloe's expression of despair, and felt unhappy about the other self being so cowardly.

"Can't you be a little bit brave?"

Cloe punched Barnes with great courage.

"Can you eat with courage? Can you support your family with courage? You dog-like donkey kicking your head!"

Barnes, who was punched, was also a little timid. Cloe, who gave up on himself, made Barnes stunned.

"Are you really supporting your family?"

In the current situation, Cloe has no need to lie at all.

"It doesn't matter if I say it a hundred times. I love my family and I won't joke with them."

Barnes felt tired and his eye sockets, which were beaten by Clo, felt sore.

"So... you should be a coward. People with families can't be heroes."

The captain stood up, patted the dust off his clothes, and took off the big bag he had been carrying from his shoulders. It was not heavy. Clo always remembered what was inside. It was full of the deeds he got.

"Are you going to give it back to me?"

"You wish, it's mine." Barnes rolled his eyes at him and took out a bottle of black potion from his potion belt. "These are not for you, but for them."

Them? Clo looked at the Knights of the Round Table who were climbing up. He didn't think that the knights loyal to the queen would accept bribes.

Barnes drank the potion in one gulp. He exhaled a breath of turbid air with a strong smell of sulfur. His voice became low and magical.

"This world is falling apart, and I can already feel its call."

"Only one spectator is enough."

Barnes threw down the backpack full of deeds, and under the effect of the potion, the re-unsealed magic gathered under the captain's feet to form a summoning circle.

"The ancient contract ceremony has been passed down to this day, and the close connection between the contract and the land is still effective."

"Greedy people in hell, I am here to propose a deal in the name of Asmodeus, the lord of hell."

"Emerge from the flames and sulfur and take this promised land!"

"This is what I promised to give you, the new hell!!!"

The falling deeds burned in the air one by one, and in the flames, countless purgatory creatures roared with vicious ecstasy in this broken world. They opened their eyes and looked at this new world that belonged to them, and then saw the Knights of the Round Table.

The devil and the knights fought in a ball.

The instigator Barnes pulled Clo to escape.

"Why do you want to escape? Aren't you the summoner of these monsters?" Clo expressed confusion.

"I used drugs to change my voice, and I used fake voices to summon these thugs to imitate a big devil. Do you think I can really control them? Run! If they see our faces, they will come and beat us directly. In addition, you should be careful in the future. These devils basically have a grudge against me. If they see your face, they may tear you apart."

"Now your world is completely ruined. The devils have the land deeds around the royal city, and they will definitely reclaim these lands."

"However, things like hell invasions will be a headache for you in the future."

Kro was so angry that he trembled all over, pointing at Barnes' nose and questioning.

"Is this a heroic act?"

Barnes replied.

"This is the end of being a hero."

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