Crimson Servant

Chapter 189 The ceremony begins

Vivian walked towards the highest point of the castle. The last time she came here, she was surrounded by the Lord Knights and could only see the rising steps under her feet. But even without paying attention to these, Vivian could still imagine that a queen who considered herself noble would set her room on the highest floor of the castle.

There was no obstacle along the way. When she opened the door, Vivian saw that Morgan's room was empty. The door leading to the terrace was open. The breeze blew the curtains and the sunlight fell on the floor.

Vivian seemed to be in vain.

Something was wrong. Vivian re-examined Morgan's room. The interior layout still showed traces of living. It was neatly arranged, and it didn't look like Morgan had hurriedly escaped after discovering the attack of several people. That arrogant queen is not the character to act cowardly before fighting.

Vivian observed the light and shadow entering the room from the balcony. The edge of the projected window lattice was a little weird. The side light and shadow were almost parallel to Morgan's bed, as if the light was neatly cut along the board of her bed.

Vivian passed by the bed, and her vision moved so that the female vampire noticed a small incense burner with a unique shape on the bedside table. The ellipsoid-shaped incense burner is placed on a tripod. The pattern on the surface is a double spiral. The tops overlap, revealing a gap as big as the mouth of a bottle, from which smoke curls up.

The vampire's unique eyes receive an additional spectrum of pigments, and her pupils change to a red consistent with the smoke.

Vivian realized she had found her target.

She bypassed the unusual light and shadow beside the bed and approached the incense burner. A strange feeling arose in Vivian's heart, and a magic force attracted her to the incense burner, attracting her to touch the double helix shell. Vivian confirmed that she did not have any aroused danger premonition, and she obeyed her inner thoughts.

Vivian stretched out her hand and touched the shell of the double helix with her fingers.

A force was released from the red smoke incense burner, wrapping Vivian's body. Her figure twisted in the space and fell into the hidden crack.

For just a moment, Vivian's brain did not feel the flow of time. The surrounding scene changed from a gorgeous bedroom to a huge dark stone slab under her feet in an instant. Her mind was processing the visual impact caused by the sudden change of scene. .

Vivian looked around, surrounded by red mist, forming a confusing barrier. Under her feet was a black stone slab with complicated patterns, just like the one the Morning Star team saw before they entered the other world. Vivian was blocked in this strange closed space, but when Vivian looked straight ahead, she was not the only one.

Morgan, Cameron's queen, was standing on the other side, looking at her leisurely. She held the fairy holy sword, and the holy sword slowly unsheathed, releasing a strong wind.

Morgan had been waiting for a long time. She looked at Vivian and smiled.

"If you want to become the favored one of Seclonfas, the god of ritual sacrifice, you need to sacrifice your beloved. This makes me a little confused. What have I loved? What I really care about, my blood relatives should be counted. I I still regretted it. If I had known, I would not have let her die so early. "

The protection of the Fairy Wind had been completed, and Morgan did not immediately launch an attack.

"Dear Vivian, do you know? When you first appeared in front of me, I felt sincere joy in my heart after seeing you. I quickly understood what my true love is, it is myself. Everything is for my own transcendence, to see the beautiful scenery from higher places. You are like a gift given to me by fate.”

"When the true God falls, the ones closest to the gods will be promoted amidst the collapse of divine power. Offering another me to the God of Sacrifice will definitely upgrade me to His favored one, and then, I will take over those ownerless divine powers. . Dear Vivian, your flesh and blood will be the ladder to the highest, but do not be afraid, my sister, you have made me, and we will be together."

Everything was planned, and Vivian understood the reason why Morgan sent himself into the dungeon to come into contact with the last believer, Mordred. In order to let himself understand the God of Ritual Sacrifice, drink the blood of the saints, and draw himself closer to Seclonfas, Morgan's actions are all to make Vivian a more suitable sacrifice.

It's just that Morgan missed something.

There was a Veltis Warlock in their team. Vivian absorbed the corrupted blood of the Warlock earlier, which filled her body with crimson power earlier. This factor caused Vivian to He came into contact with Merlin by accident, and learned how to fight Morgan from this mentor. Morgan regards Vivian as a gift from fate, and Vivian feels that she is a destined revenge.

The twin spirals will eventually merge into one. Lies will eventually be exposed and the truth will remain.

Vivian raised her hand, and the yellow sand curled up into the shape of a sword in the palm of the vampire's hand. The sword in the lake appeared in Vivian's hand. Vivian looked at Morgan, whose expression changed slightly, and she posed like the sword master. The fighting stance taught by Merlin.

"I've been thinking about what we have in common, Morgan."

"There was a dark time in my life, and I was not very lucky. Becoming a vampire and being tortured by another mistress once shattered my faith and I almost sank. Even if I finish now I took revenge and the pain subsided, but my body has become accustomed to numbness. Fortunately, my goddess still cares about me. She gave me a chance to have an exquisite makeup and a more lovable personality. Before I came to you, I was addicted to hiding myself and letting another personality bring me happiness."

"Morgan, you showed me the other extreme. A queen who has everything. After all the desires are filled, what will be left behind?"

"A void."

“The void that leads the self to destruction.”

"Your self-satisfaction has made your greed for power stronger and stronger, and you have lost yourself. You will only grab the obsession of dominating others to make yourself look glorious."

"You have become a vain monster, Morgan."

"Neither escaping nor dominating seems to be the right answer."

"Perhaps one of us will die eventually..."

Vivian faced her distorted face with a firm gaze.

"But it's definitely not me who should fall!"

The two collided fiercely. The attack between the holy swords, the strong wind and the sandstorm tore each other's barriers apart. Blood dripped from each other's wounds and flowed into the black stone slab below. The strange patterns on it were activated by the blood, and in the deep red Under the guidance of the power, it gathered into the central groove, and the blood attracted the divine power.

A big hole was torn open in the barrier formed by the red mist, and just above the two people's heads, a bloody setting sun occupied the gap in the sky. What falls from the bloody sun is not the warm sunshine, but the gushing divine power, the crimson power.

The crimson power merges into the stone slab, penetrates the stone slab, and connects deeper.

Vivian stood in the traction of the divine power, and the surrounding fog was washed away by the frenzied force, revealing the scenery outside the fog. Only then did Vivian realize that this stone slab, no, this space was in the narrow gap between the crystal walls of the world. The crimson power that had just been activated was being thrown into the world, destroying this barrier that protects the other world. , torn to pieces.

What collapsed was Cameron's land.

Vivian looked at Cameron's queen, but saw a proud smile on her face.

"It appears my collaborators have begun a ritual of desecration."

Zatanos shooed away the brain-eating monster that was interested in the brains of the sacrifice, the dirty prison clothes, the shackles on his feet, and his old face. The last of the worshipers of the ceremonial god, Mordred, was lying on the sacrificial table, a ceremonial dagger thrust into his chest.

The moment the whole ceremony began, the ritual altar in the ruins of the temple suddenly appeared under Mordred. Zatanos could not tell whether they had returned to the underground altar or whether the altar had been moved under the last believer. But one thing is certain, the God of Ritual Sacrifice will not let go of any believer.

The believers of Seclonfas did not die, and the sacrifices at this time were in an intermediate state of semi-immortality. Zatanos once learned about the ritual of the sacrifice god, a ritual to summon him. The descending god of sacrifice will take away the spirit of the sacrifice, the living spirit uncontaminated by death, and take them to their own god. country.

Believers of Seclonfas will gain favor from the gods through many sacrificial rituals throughout their lives, and the gods' gifts will gradually make the believers' souls fuller. In the final sacrifice, their spirits will be like full fruits for the gods to pick. The external manifestation of this quality is that Mordred's brain becomes extremely sweet under the psychic perception of the mind flayer. Full of temptation.

Zatanos resisted this temptation. Even though he knew that Secronfas was corrupted by the power of blasphemy and the power he had created, and would have no chance to collect the fruit, Zatanos still resisted the temptation in his heart. desire.

The fear of the fallen god was taking over his body.

[Soon, it won’t be anymore. 】

A bloody red light appeared in the Mind Flayer's eyeballs.

The black egg is floating above Mordred, drawing the crimson power into the sacrifice.

The Mind Flayer's great plan was to use the properties that this black egg inherited from that special mother body to complete the deception of the God of Ritual Sacrifice and the Queen of Vanity.

The person who ascended the throne of God with this world as a sacrifice would not be some stupid queen.

Instead it will be a mind flayer mastermind.

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