Crimson Servant

Chapter 186

John and others emerged from hiding after the Knights of the Round Table completely left. Raven and Vivian's initial goal was to attract the attention of the Knights of the Round Table and assist other adventurers in sneaking into the castle.

Not only did they do this, they also managed to take away Morgan's main force. After seeing the completely empty courtyard, John couldn't help but praise his partner for overfulfilling the task.

"Nice performance." Who would have thought that not long ago there was a knighthood here, and now John can clearly see every pattern on the stone tiles on the floor.

After hearing the comment, Vivian moved her right foot behind her left foot, slightly bent her front and rear legs at the knees, pinched the air on both sides with her hands, pretended to lift the invisible hem of her skirt, and performed a skirt-lifting ceremony to her companions.

Raven exhaled, took off the ill-fitting armor, and replaced it with his original equipment.

Raven took his sword from Galahad and said to John: "My identity seems a bit redundant. I didn't expect that Morgan's charm would have such a profound impact on them. The Knights of the Round Table reacted after seeing Vivian. The first reaction was one of admiration rather than doubt. The battle we assumed was not happening at all, and Vivian alone was enough to deal with them."

Morena Adelaic stayed in the Quiet Room, and the lady without combat ability temporarily left the team. Morgan's ban and the remaining divine power made it a safe zone. John felt sorry for Morena's departure. If she were here, she should be able to complete the explanation work for him at this time.

"Be prepared for the best and prepare for the worst. The backup method that has not been used is the best backup method." John looked at Crowe. Stepping into the royal city made the thief particularly nervous. The change in the environment seemed to make this The guarded person had other thoughts, and Barnes was following him closely.

"Your presence is also the key to the execution of the plan, Raven. Vivian said that the last time they caused a commotion in front of the Knights of the Round Table was Gawain and Vivian. The unusual experience will make those Knights of the Round Table I’m very impressed. When you and Vivian appear together with the appearance of Gawain, the inertial thinking will deepen the concept of ‘you are the knight lord Gawain’ for the Knights of the Round Table, which also adds credibility to Vivian’s performance.”

"Miss Adelac must also know this." John added another sentence, using the substitution of Morena to enhance the acceptance of his words in Raven's heart. The warrior noticed the warlock's little thoughts. He glanced at John specifically and then remained silent.

The Morning Star team began to enter the castle, and Bella, the picky spirit, who had already used her small size to sneak into the reconnaissance team, returned to the team at this time. She describes to the adventurers the route to the upper level, as well as the general range of activities of patrolling soldiers and servants.

It is quite difficult to get everyone to the tower together without alerting the guards.

"We will act in batches." John looked at the hunchbacked servant who was cleaning the corridor through the corner.

"Vivian and Raven, you and Bella go first. People with the same appearance as Queen Morgan should be able to get through here unimpeded. You go to the upper levels of the castle as quickly as possible, look for Queen Morgan and Knight Gawain, and confirm their locations. . The duel between Queen Morgan and the rebel knight Gawain is a task you have voluntarily undertaken. You decide whether to carry it out yourself."

"We will stay at the lower level of the castle to ensure your retreat. Galahad's use of abilities here will be noticed by other knight lords. If conditions permit, I and others will try to let other knight lords reduce their numbers silently. If you If there is an emergency over there, remember to notify me. Vivian, use the crimson power in your blood, and my spiritual energy can faintly sense your presence."

"When this weak feeling becomes strong, I will rush to your location immediately. Both Queen Morgan and Knight Gawain are the key to this operation. I will assist you at any time if you need it."

The adventurers who confirmed the task assignment immediately took action. Vivian and Raven took the lead towards the stairs leading to the higher floor. The passing servants saw Vivian's face and did not have time to think. They immediately bent down and knelt down, eyes tight. Look at the patterns on the carpet under your feet. Everyone knelt down directly, without exception, and listened to the footsteps passing in front of them. Then they raised their heads in silence as if they had been forgiven, and continued their work.

On the other side, John is dealing with the issue of Crowe's stay.

At that time, the adventurers used violent means to kidnap Crowe, who was cheating in the villages around the royal city, and forced him to lead his team into the secret passage leading to the ruins and sneak into the royal city. John did not mistake Crowe for a companion, even though he had the same face as Barnes.

Now that they have arrived at the royal city, the thieves' leadership has ended, which means that Crowe's usable value has been exhausted.

There is no benefit in forcing Crowe to continue to follow the team. The Crowe in this world is just a thief with some sneaky tricks and cannot be used as an excellent combatant. Moreover, after leaving the secret passage, the thief's desire to break away from the team became stronger and stronger, and continuing to force him would only be counterproductive.

But if you let him go according to your heart, this is also not a good choice. The adventurer is conducting a secret infiltration, and any disturbance may bring danger to his companions, let alone a thief who seems to be inseparable. From the first second he held him hostage, John knew that this liar had no credibility at all.

In the past, John would have dealt with this kind of leading party without hesitation.

Several images flashed through his mind.

Headless corpses falling from the red mist, fragments of clothing dissolving in pools of blood.

John Kemp considers himself not a good person. If he kills a person who is good at using despicable means such as deception, the magician will not feel the slightest sense of guilt. The Warlock has also dealt with some troublemakers, and they were much cleaner and innocent before their deaths than the thieves in front of them.

There's no reason to let him go, John thought. The thief in front of him gradually overlapped with the images of unconventional deaths in his memory.

Crowe clearly felt that the warlock's gaze was getting colder.

He realized that his crisis was coming, and Crowe's reaction was very fast.

He immediately fell to his knees, clasped his fingers on his chest, looked frightened and nervous, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, and begged for forgiveness in a suppressed and humble manner.

"I have not done anything to regret you. You forced me to do it. I have done it. Please let me go. I promise that I will be quieter than death. Please, please, please spare me. I still have a fire to cook at home." My wife, who has been working hard day and night for several months, is waiting for me to come back. I also have a lovely daughter who is about to grow up. I promised her that I will take the whole family on a trip on her next birthday. I know this. I have deceived more people, and I know this, but I swear that I have never deceived her, and I beg you, don’t let me break the promise this time.”

John never imagined that a face like Barnes's would utter such a plea for mercy.

The captain is very good at observing the atmosphere. His low-brow behavior is just a means of efficient social interaction, a performance based on the occasion, and a harmless play. John has always believed that Barnes was a proud man at heart, and that he had never kowtowed from the bottom of his heart. This trust was as firm as John's belief that he was a bastard.

But when Crowe used Barnes's face to make such a real plea for mercy, it had a psychological impact that shattered the warlock's inherent concepts. John couldn't stand by indifferently to such a sympathetic friend. Even if he just looked at his friend's face, the warlock would feel strong intolerance.

"This is a lie, John, I am single." Barnes on the side spoke seriously, quickly ending the warlock's chaotic state. He looked at Crowe, his other embarrassed self, and contempt flashed across his eyes.

"This technique is not very clever. I saw through it at a glance. It's really funny. How could anyone take a fancy to you in such a mess?"

Barnes sneered mercilessly, taking John's place to decide whether Crowe would stay or go.

"You're here to stay, I say. You have to come with us, liar, and in return for your hilarious jokes, you're stripped of your ability to tell jokes. If one more one comes out of your mouth, it'll make me laugh. Lie and I will have Arlington kill you immediately."

"You have also seen how eager this devil is to kill me."

"He would be more than happy to do it, even if it means just destroying a face that looks like mine."

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