Crimson Servant

Chapter 179 Breaking the Illusion

When Barnes and others returned to the altar half an hour later, their friends John Camp and Vivian Odiz still maintained the same scene as when they left. The warlock opened Vivian's eyelids with his fingers and carefully observed his companion's eyes with the blood-colored light source condensed by the red mist.

Except for the footsteps of a few people, the empty place was silent, showing a silence that was completely opposite to the chatter of the warlock half an hour ago. It seems that he has lifted the "truthful" state instead of pretending to be silent before the storm.

"Vivian, she is unconscious now. The Mind Flayer must have done something to her." John did not look up, and the footsteps were enough for him to confirm the arrival of his companions.

"Really?" Barnes said.

The rising tone of the question immediately ignited the Warlock's emotions. He raised his head and was so angry that his facial expression was a little out of control. He said to Barnes with a smile: "Seriously? I just eliminated that stupid side effect. , you started to question my truth? I don’t even bother to lie to you.”

Barnes took two steps back. He didn't know that his habitual rhetorical questions would arouse John's overreaction. Realizing that he was a bit poking the other person's scars, Barnes corrected him apologetically.

"You were trying to lie to us in that state too, John."

Barnes saw the blood-red chains rising around John and immediately added.

"But it's more important to wake up Vivian now. God, I really miss this cute girl who likes to draw a sword and threaten me. If she doesn't wake up, my life will be like a lack of passion. Is there anything I can do for you? ?”

John turned sideways and looked behind Barnes. Only Crowe and Arrington were there, one looking left and right insecurely, one making the other insecure.

"Where are Galahad and Revan?"

"They went back first." Barnes said the answer that John didn't like. "You know, they left their hearts behind."

The warlock sighed. He briefly checked the female vampire's condition and confirmed that her mind was controlled by the mind flayer's psychic energy and she fell into a deep sleep. To wake her up, he needs to use his psychic powers to sneak in. John can do this, but for insurance, he needs a qualified guard.

As for Barnes, the warlock felt a little frustrated when he thought about the options left at the scene. It wasn't that Barnes couldn't be trusted, but making this decision would cause John intense discomfort.

"Guard me, Barnes, and I'll try to wake her up."

"Oh?" Barnes laughed as if he had discovered something funny, and gave John a funny gesture, as if imitating Galahad's actions when they first met.

"Please feel free to leave it to me, Your Highness, no one will disturb you."

John decided to keep his mouth shut and not give Barnes any chance to laugh at himself.

Psychic energy emerged from John's consciousness and began to touch the shadow that enveloped Vivian's mind.

"Vivian" opened her eyes and saw a pale dead face appearing beside her pillow. She was startled and her body rolled off the soft goose down bed. In panic, the red gauze hanging from the ceiling wrapped around her arm. Vivian fell and huddled in the corner with her "chain".

Wearing only a nightgown, Vivian raised her head and looked at the dead man on the bed. He was naked and his body was stiff. The look of fear was completely frozen on his face. His blood was sucked dry, leaving two obvious blood holes on his neck.

The female vampire's fear became the source of her cold touch. She sat in a luxuriously furnished room, as if she were in a cell without windows.

There was a high-pitched laughter outside the only door, and a woman pushed open her bedroom door. Her hair was disheveled and her blood-red eyes narrowed happily after seeing Vivian cowering in the corner. The hem of her nightgown was very long and dragged on the ground. A short sword was tied to her smooth thigh that was occasionally exposed.

The female vampire's laughter became Vivian's worst nightmare. She walked over, pretended to look at the man's body on the bed, walked over to "Vivian", and stroked the back of her head buried in her knees. .

"Don't be afraid, my dear, don't be afraid... Today you have grown up, you finally sucked blood..." The cunning expressed by the vampire was more obvious than the joy. She hugged Vivian's trembling shoulders and sounded like a devil in her ears. The same whisper, "You have finally become my sister, Vivian. We are the same, my dear, the same beauty, the same eternity."

The vampire's voice aroused strong resistance from Vivian. She still buried her head and shouted from the gap between her thighs, "No! I didn't suck blood! I didn't kill anyone!"

Vivian's resistance made the female vampire slightly irritated. She grabbed Vivian's hair, forced her head up, pointed at the body on the bed, and said in a sinister tone: "Acknowledge the facts! Vivian! That's A corpse that was sucked dry by you. Remember the farmer who confessed to you yesterday? You brought him home, just last night. Of course, you didn't accept him. You were just hungry, just like an ordinary person. Like a vampire."

Vivian's eyes showed even greater panic. Her expression looked like she was crying, but there were no tears from the corners of her eyes.

She said in a pleading voice: "No, I didn't. I don't remember that."

The mistress of the castle lost her patience under Vivian's resistance like a child, and the vampire revealed his vicious true face. She drew her dagger, pierced Vivian's palm, and nailed it to the wall, screaming as Vivian screamed.

"You have! You arrogant bitch! You are a vampire like me! A monster who avoids the sun and can only hide in the shadows! We are the same! You bit his throat open and gave him something like Such pain, you have no mercy, drained his blood, just like me!"

Vivian no longer refuted her, she had no strength or courage. Blood flowed from the wound in the center of the palm, flowed down the arm, and melted into Vivian's nightgown. She lowered her head, leaving only trembling sobs.

The female vampire suddenly held Vivian's face as if she had a soft heart, kissed her bloody arm, and begged for forgiveness painfully and humbly.

"I'm sorry, honey, but I'm doing it for your own good. You are my chosen sister, Vivian, and I love you more than anyone else. Every time I hurt you it was like tearing my own heart out." Same thing. But you know, honey, we just have each other, okay, my sister."

"We'll have a new beginning, I promise."

"Vivian" whispered: "The smell of blood on that man is not tainted with her smell. The farmer's blood is flowing in your veins, I can see it. You killed the man, you put his body Lost it here."

"You cheated on her."

The female vampire's lie was exposed. She was so angry that she didn't notice the change of pronouns. She reached for the dagger, ferociously preparing to inflict more punishment on Vivian.

She never thought that the weak girl she transformed would one day resist her. He never thought that during Vivian's darkest period, this fragile body would contain a more ferocious consciousness.

The female vampire's arms twisted out of thin air, and the power of psychic energy easily destroyed the illusion of fear in Vivian's heart. As she lay on the ground and screamed, John Camp pulled out his dagger and stabbed the vampire's heart.

John Kemp was holding Vivian's body, wearing her blood-stained nightgown, and looking around with doubtful eyes.

"This is the cage of her consciousness, but her conscious body is not here? Did she fall deeper?"

Pushing open the door, Vivian Camp left the room filled with the smell of blood.

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