Crimson Servant

Chapter 15 Each other’s secrets

After dealing with the warg, it's time to count the loot. This beast is not interested in valuable gold and silver jewelry, and its powerful digestive ability can resist any adverse reactions caused by foreign objects that are eaten along with food. Theoretically, you could dig through warg poop and find gold coins.

Jurgen found a few lightly worn spears in the low shrubs ten meters away from the warg's den. He picked up one and rummaged through the "treasure pile" as hard as stone. Karl picked out a relatively clean piece of cloth, picked up the short-throwing spear that the dwarf had thrown aside, and wiped it along the slightly curved wooden pole.

"Yo ho!" The touch of a hard object came from the tip of the gun, and Jurgen regained his energy. He held the pole with both hands instead of poking and sweeping, pushing down the loose sand above. In the mound, there was a slightly aged A wooden box comes into view. Karl's eyes lit up, and his body that was about to stand up paused slightly. He concentrated on wiping those throwing guns again, as if they were rare treasures.

"What are you still doing? Come and help me lift it out!" Hearing the dwarf's greeting, the paladin stood up lightly and raised his head to face Jurgen's unhappy expression.

The wooden box had no locks and was simply tied with a rough cowhide knot. Karl lifted the box between the two of them and took a step back.

"Do you want to wait for them to come and open it together?"

"No, just tell them." Jurgen skillfully cut the knot and kicked the box open. The two saw their treasure, an emerald gold necklace and six gold coins. Karl looked at the little thing lying in the center of the box and felt funny in his heart.

"This is cleaner than my old pockets."

Jurgen put the loot in the box into a separate cloth bag, tied the bag and shook it, hearing the loud sound of coins colliding in the dry cloth bag.

"Our pockets will always be full. Take those spears and make good use of them."

Karl weighed the throwing gun in his hand and said, "I can do it. You don't have to worry about this. The weapon training of the Paladin includes throwing weapons."

"Very good! In the future, you can use the throwing spear to carry out long-range strikes, instead of having the luxury of throwing holy light bombs like a mage. Save your spell slots, we need your healing ability just in case."

Sure enough, he was still being trained. Karl had already expected that he would directly take action without any prior preparation and disrupt his teammates' plans, but he could not have imagined this at the time. The paladin who was hiding behind the bunker and peering at the group of abominable beasts felt the blood all over his body was burning. The light of Mithras had burned all his reason into fighting spirit. As a warrior of light, he must face evil bravely!

It was the excitement of fulfilling one's vows, sweeping away all the evil that one witnessed, and an impulse that was stronger than all desires. Karl understands that this is related to his confused current situation. He has not yet signed a further sacred oath with the sun, so in similar situations, he will follow the most fearless paladin rules. To put it simply, the paladin Karl did not recognize his own justice and did not make an oath, so he entrusted his will to the gods, and the great gods are not afraid of any monsters. This is a bit crass at best in everyday life, and dungeon exploration becomes undeniably deadly.

Karl is very aware of his state, and only the oath can fight against the oath. The Sun Team's oath not to betray each other is what Carl thought of as a restraint on himself. Not to cause the destruction of the team due to blind bravery, and to attack monsters at will is of course considered betrayal. This time he practiced bravery, perhaps because the enemy was too weak and his recklessness would not cause trouble to the team. When I encounter a truly terrifying enemy, I will definitely be able to listen to the command carefully, probably.

"I'm not proficient in healing. You must be much more skilled than me, Jurgen."

The dwarf grunted rudely, dusted himself off and walked towards the cave.

"A healer cannot heal himself. If I fall down, I will have to rely on your healing magic to save me."

Karl put away the spear and said firmly: "As long as I am here, I will not let you fall in front of me."

"That's not something you can decide. The situation changes rapidly. You never guess whether the first thing to poke its head out of the soil will be a young seedling or an insect."

The light in the cave is not strong, but this is not a problem under the lighting of dancing lights. John lit one end of a stick and used it as a torch to explore the cave. The eyesight of the arakkoa is better than that of humans, so the task of lifting the stick is left to the black lightning. This is a very smart choice, because the arakkoa is almost invisible in the dark, and even potential enemies cannot spot him immediately.

It was Lightning, not John, who first suggested raiding the cave. He enthusiastically introduced the habits of beasts like wargs to his companions behind him, without any sense of nervousness.

"Wargs have an aversion to harmful iron weapons. They will throw indigestible steel weapons on the edge of their territory, simply not wanting to see these weapons that can harm them. But the wild blood of this beast is also They will have a natural affinity for magic, and they will bring magic-containing fabrics and equipment back to their lair. The quality of magic items is usually directly related to the size of the warg pack. If there are four wargs, we can find at least three or four in this lair. A second-level spell scroll."

"Your knowledge of wild beasts amazes me. You are worthy of a ranger hunting the wilderness."

"Haha, I have loved running around since I was a child. I fully exercised my hunting skills in the Sunset Valley where the clan lives. We often encounter various dangerous beasts, some just passing by our residence, and some We need to raise our weapons. Not long ago I was eating and drinking in the forest of the tribe, until..."

"Until you become a crappy sun worshiper."

Lightning's footsteps paused, and he turned around to look at the warlock's face illuminated by the light. The pale-skinned human male had a cold expression and did not react with much malice. Looking into those eyes that were faintly glowing red in the darkness, Lightning felt defeated.

"H-how did you notice it?"

"An ordinary stone with no ordinary appearance will not arouse the covetousness of the Paladin. The treasure on your chest is obviously not a souvenir. The more important reason is that I have some arakkoa 'friends' who do not have a sun stone hidden in them. .That is not a gem that ordinary arakkoa should hold."

"...This was left by my father. He was the sun priest of the Crow clan. He dedicated his whole life to worshiping this 'sun'. It was once a very important sacrificial instrument. Do the Crows care now? It’s hard to say.”

"Any race will pay enough attention to the gods, especially the tools related to worshiping the gods. Don't worry, you hid it well. You just deliberately displayed it as a mortal thing. The result attracted the attention of the Paladin. From the results Say, your method is a bit clumsy. I am not interested in your treasure, its brilliance seems to burn my skin."

"It's no danger to our adventure, I swear that!"

"Everyone keeps their own secrets. I didn't want to remind you at first, but your stupid behavior along the way was a little too deliberate, as if there was an invisible hand playing tricks on you behind your back."

"...I didn't deliberately hide my clumsiness. This is my first time doing a dungeon adventure."

This time, silence appeared behind the arakkoa.

"Oh, we found a few precious magic scrolls!" John cheered loudly, walked out from the right side of the Crow Man, and picked up two or three magic scrolls placed on the stone slab. The thin magic on them made John instantly Just understand that these simple spells will not help you much.

"Level 1 Burning Hand, Level 2 Lightning Ball and Displacement. Great, Lightning, you can try these magics." John thrust the scroll into the Crow Man's arms, "Take it, it will work wonders of."

The arakkoa was about to speak, holding a few scrolls in his hands, and finally just said "thank you".

The two of them searched for some valuable property in the cave. The shouts of their companions came from the entrance of the cave, and John and Lightning left together.

"You know, John, I actually think you and Karl will get along."

"This is the most vicious curse on me, Lightning."

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