Crimson Servant

Chapter 144 Merlin


The brass dragon raised its head proudly, looking down at the warlock due to its size. Although the words spoken by the Brass Dragon seemed to be submissive, the expression and actions of the giant dragon's description proved that its true mentality was not that, but a sympathy caused by a sense of superiority.

Just like the first person to find the clue in a puzzle game proudly tells his friends the answer, the tone of the brass dragon reminded John of such an image.

"We might as well introduce ourselves first." The dragon squatted down on its hind legs to show that it was staying in place in a friendly manner. It put away its tail and put its long tail where John could easily see it.

The brass dragon lowered his head and was eye level with the warlock.

"You can call me Merlin. I am a wizard. My hobby is collecting rare books. And where you are is my treasure house hidden in the dunes, the Sand Library. Well, I saw you ignite my There is a fireplace and a pot of hot tea brewed. I'm glad the guests will take care of themselves. Didn't you leave a cup for me?"

The brass dragon named Merlin folded his front paws, closed his mouth, and waited for John Kemp's response.

The red lightning dispersed, and John held the crimson skill books in his right hand, facing Merlin with confusion on his face.

"John Kemp, Warlock, Warlock of Veltis. I really don't know how I came to this library. Before you appeared, I always thought I was dreaming. This library The books in it are not yours, but belong to my memory."

"Dream?" Merlin looked at his collection of books held hostage in the hands of the sorcerer, and nodded in sudden realization, "I see, this is why you used the crimson spell from these books. I said that it is in my collection of books. There shouldn't be anything that dangerous, if there was, I would have studied it long ago."

"Your things?" John noticed the matter-of-factness in Merlin's tone. Merlin did not hide his decision to take back these skill books, and John would not hand over the power in his hands to him easily.

Merlin raised a finger and tapped it towards the book in John's hand.

"'Once Upon a Time in Netheril', 'The Ten Essential Advantages of a Brass Dragon', 'Lolth and the Twelve Fathers'... I remember every detail in these books, and I'm sure they can't teach people to discharge. I’m curious, John, is the content in the book you read consistent with mine?”

"No, I have confirmed that these books are all my memories of using crimson magic, and there is nothing like what you call it."

One person and one dragon fell into a silent state of thinking, one after another guessing like sparks splashing in their minds, they blurted out.

"Cognitive error?"

"Dreams overlap? Are you sleeping too? Merlin."

"Um... almost. Do you have any ability to connect to the spirit? It's like a mind network like the mind flayer."

"Uh... almost."

Seemingly satisfied with the warlock's brief silence, he pointed his brass dragon claws and confidently put forward his conjecture.

"It must be like this. You unconsciously strengthened your mental power during sleep, connecting your dreams with my library. We found each other here, but in fact we are both in our own spiritual realm. "

John added: "This is the real reason why those mind flayers traveled thousands of miles to this other world. This place is similar to the turbulent years. Magic and divine power are out of control. There is no attention from the gods, but the spiritual energy can function normally and has been strengthened. This world can help them achieve their goals."

Merlin echoed.

"Oh, that sounds like an exciting adventure. I'd love to hear your adventure stories, but that can go a little further. I have some interesting ideas, John."

The warlock looked at the brass dragon.

"I also have something to verify."

Merlin lowered his head, and John faced his unwillingness to lag behind, which aroused the brass dragon's interest and favor.

"First of all, we need to confirm the scope of cognitive error. Is the difference in our eyes limited to my collection of books or more? John, in your eyes, am I a suave, handsome and extraordinary human wizard, or am I a brass-headed human wizard? Dragon? Have you noticed that I am a giant dragon?"

John's expression did not change, and Merlin confirmed that he had no fear in the face of the dragon.

"Do you think I would turn around and run away as soon as I see a human? In my eyes you have always been a brass dragon, and what about you, Merlin. In your eyes I am a human."

"Yes, I just smell like a red dragon."

John nodded.

"Very good, we have figured out one more thing. Now, it's your turn to cooperate with me, Merlin."

Merlin nodded humbly and put his head on the floor.

"Appreciate further details."

"I want to understand the reasons for cognitive errors and why the same carrier carries different contents in our cognition."

"Isn't that because our perceptions are different? Consciousness determines knowledge." Merlin reminded his friend.

"Then if our cognition is the same and our consciousness is unified, what will be recorded in these books?"

Merlin blinked his eyelids, hot air blew out from his nostrils, and he spread his wings, as excited as if he had found a new treasure.

"you mean……"

John was glad that Merlin's interest had been aroused. With the assistance of a brass dragon, his success rate would also be greatly improved.

"We use psychic energy to link our brains, share our thoughts, and then look at these books together."

Now in dreamland, some bold claims can be made without restraint. The brass dragon Merlin seems to have no ill feelings towards John's identity as a follower of Veltis. Taking this opportunity to learn more about the other world will also be beneficial to the adventure of the Morning Star team.

Merlin didn't refuse, and he even taught John a little trick to close his mind, so that shared thoughts could stay on the surface of the brain, and the synchronization between the two parties could be maintained at a polite level.

The talent of the Mind Flayer allowed John to quickly learn this ability in his dream. He even had a hunch that even if he woke up and returned to reality, he would be able to quickly regain the learning skills of closing his mind.

"This is the first time I have established a spiritual connection with a giant dragon." John reminded Merlin, mentally preparing for possible mistakes in the first attempt.

Merlin obviously didn't care about this. He would not let go of this good opportunity to communicate with the minds of different races. If possible, he would even be willing to let part of his consciousness stay in the other person's mind forever, so that he could always communicate with a mind that would not refuse. .


The psychic channel maintained by the psychic tentacles allowed John to hear the last thought in Merlin's mind, and he secretly made up his mind to let Merlin get out of his mind after the experiment was over.

【Hey! I can hear it! 】

Merlin's dissatisfied words appeared directly in John's mind, and he immediately suppressed his thinking and focused on using the technique of closing his mind.

The brass dragon raised its head and spread its front paws wide.

Feeling something, the warlock held the book and walked between the dragon's claws, turning his back to the brass dragon.

Place the book on the floor and open it.

One dragon and the other turned their attention to the text simultaneously.

Synchronized thinking spread the visual images to their minds for comparison. This time, the words they saw were exactly the same.

It’s not a confusing overlapping of the contents of two books, or a blurry ink print.

In effect, John and Merlin saw a brand new book.

The Warlock was very sure that the book was not in his memory. He turned to the cover again, trying to understand the title from the cover. But it was the cover with a strange touch that caught John's attention first.

"This is human skin." The special touch and familiar texture are familiar to warlocks living in the Dark City. The dark elves in the slave areas like to trade this kind of leather very much.

Merlin's voice rang in John's head, and the brass dragon exclaimed.

【Book of Lies? I thought it was just a legend. 】

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