Crimson Servant

Chapter 137 The moist bacterial network connects us (4k)

The corrupted giant waved its fist and bombarded the tall rocks beside it. The boulders were blown away and flew towards the retreat direction of John and others. Some of them exploded into pieces at the first moment of the bombardment, forming a dense rain of stone bullets. .

A blood-red chain protruded from John's robe and shot towards the back of his companions, passing over their heads and deflecting the stone fragments that were about to hit their flesh. The shock of the giant's steps continued. Without looking back, John could know that the mushroom giant was hanging not far behind him, still chasing after the others.

The speed of the companions is slowing down. After leaving the forbidden area, the thick fog begins to accumulate again, the visual range shrinks, and running blindly becomes a new problem.

Vivian had already rushed to the front of the team, she was sweating coldly, and while moving forward, she was identifying safer paths for her companions behind her. Thick fog had filled her surroundings, and when she looked back, she could only see their blurry figures. The sound of rapid footsteps became a comfort for moving forward in the fog.

The female ranger suddenly paused and stood on the spot, staring ahead. When Raven observed Vivian's pause, he was less than two meters away from her. He immediately stopped, pressed his body down to stop the inertia, and finally stopped before hitting the female ranger.

"Why did you stop?" Barnes looked behind him in panic, as if a huge shadow would cover his figure in the next moment.

"There's a vibration ahead." Vivian said uneasily.

Instead of running, the people who stopped felt the shock coming from their feet more clearly. The strong shock was transmitted into the body of the adventurer through the tired legs, like a stronger heartbeat drilling into the chest.

"It ran in front of us?" Barnes gritted his teeth and had a bad suspicion in his mind.

"No, there is another one ahead." John stopped behind his companion, and the magician was keenly aware that there were two tremors hidden in the continuous vibrations. Falling behind the team, John could always feel the footsteps of the Corruption Fungus Giant. The giant behind had not disappeared, so there was one more in front.

Being attacked from both sides, there was no way to escape.

The Morning Star team stayed where they were, adjusting their breathing, holding on to their weapons, and preparing for the worst-case scenario of being attacked from both sides.

The two steps were approaching, the thick fog was pushed away, and the cool breeze blew on the adventurer's body.

The Corruption Mushroom Giant appeared behind several people, its tall body like a mountain peak. The giant fist fell towards John and the others, like a mountain falling.

The giant shadow on the other side emerged from the thick fog at this moment.

The same tall body, with a huge blue canopy on top of its head, shed spores like stars falling from the night. The blue mushroom giant's heavy punch had already been prepared, and it struck first. The strong wind from the punch blew over the adventurer's head, and the heavy punch collided with the corrupted giant's fist.

boom! The air above John's head made a loud explosion, and the fog blew away, and the released wind pressure seemed to push John and others into the mud.

helper? As soon as this idea came up, John saw the mushroom king Stoffals behind the blue mushroom giant.

[I hope our support is not too late, my great adventurer friend. 】

"No, you came at the right time, my dear friend the Myconid King."

The two mushroom giants began to exchange fists, using their soft bodies to release the force while swinging out powerful fists with all their strength concentrated. John and others left the center of the battle with the assistance of the myconid Stoffals.

The fists of the mushroom giants attacking each other erupted with loud noises, and Barnes felt a toothache as he watched this scene.

John thought of the support that Stoffels had mentioned before, which was probably the mushroom giant, and an embarrassed expression appeared on the warlock's face. Previously, he rejected the Myconid King's proposal because he underestimated the Myconid's fighting power, but at the critical moment, he was saved because of the rejected support.

Stoffals' telepathy was filled with a sense of joy and joy, and the Myconid King was truly happy that he could save his great adventurer friend.

"I have a question," Barnes joined in the negotiation with the Myconid King, "Since you have this... big friend, why don't you go and free the corrupted tribesmen yourself?"

"You know, just like this," Barnes raised his right fist, smashed it on the heart of his left hand, and crushed it twice, "This should not be difficult."

Stoffals turned to look at the blue mushroom giant who was fiercely fighting against the corrupted giant. Worrying emotions entered the hearts of John and Barnes through the spores.

[Lauffy is the only mushroom giant in our tribe. My tribe cannot afford to lose Laufei. If it is also corrupted, the consequences will be disastrous. I have to be responsible for the other tribesmen, and I can't just throw everything away. 】

"But you brought your only Laufei to help us." Vivian covered her lips in emotion.

The facial lines of the Myconid King are slightly curved, imitating a human-like smile.

[Great adventurer friends are different. The Father of Fungi trusts you, and my people and I will trust you too. We believe that you will complete your great mission, and the myconids will naturally do their best to help our adventurer friends. 】

"Although it's a bit disappointing to say this at this time," Barnes pointed at the fighting giants, "but the big guy on our side seems to be almost invincible."

Everyone turned to check. Just as Barnes said, the blue mushroom giant was somewhat flinching. The desire and strength of the attack were no longer as good as when it was fighting against the corrupted giant at the beginning. Now it was at a disadvantage, and it was raising its fists to protect the corrupted giant. Tired boxing.

[Lauffy is still too young and has not learned how to be a warrior. 】

Barnes walked up to John and complained softly.

"Another drama in which a fake defeats the original. Its popularity in the theater is second only to the evil that prevails. If you ask me, John, we can completely bypass it. The place guarded by the Corrupted Giant is an abandoned temple, and there is a piece of it inside. There is a problem with the slate. We can take the opportunity to sneak over and deal with the slate. We have to fight against a mushroom giant. It is too difficult for us."

"You want to run away? Abandon Laufey and Stoffels who are helping us? You heartless guy," Vivian came over, her eyes staring at Barnes fiercely, as if he only needed to say more One word will make him suffer a little. Vivian looked at John and argued with reason. "We received the favor of the giant and promised to clean up those corrupted myconids. Look at that big guy. This is the last step. John, we shouldn't give up and fall short."

"Then what do you want to do? Take out that little sword that threatens me and trim the giant's toenails?" Barnes snorted mockingly.

"If I have to, I will do it! Just as hard as I did when I stabbed you!"

Vivian touched the hilt of the sword, while Barnes hid behind John.

John turned back and looked at the last person in the team who had not yet expressed his opinion.


The warrior put his hand on the hilt of the sword behind him, and the sharp spikes made Raven's blood flow slowly.

"Myconids saved me, and I will try my best to repay my kindness."

John had the answer in his mind.

Barnes looked at his companions and smiled helplessly.

"I always thought we were on the evil side."

Raven raised the corners of her mouth, and Vivian smiled brightly. She looked at John, her eyes shining.

"So, boss, do you have any idea?"

Having made up his mind, John no longer hesitated, sat down and said, "I need time to prepare."

The mist flows again, and this time, the thick mist has its own target. They pass by the adventurer, hover around the warlock, and gradually hide his figure.

Barnes and the others moved away from the thread-like gazing fog around them, and a growing chill climbed up their backs and continued to climb. Myconid King Stoffals seemed to have sensed something. He released spores to protect himself. He paused while protecting others and whispered softly in the illusion.

Like a drop of blood falling into the water, the blood-red color spreads in purity, and the surrounding mist is gradually soaked in crimson, weaving a nest of red mist.

[Veltis’ Vicious Red Mist]

The adventurers stood in the red mist and felt as if they had entered the mouth of a giant beast. The sense of crisis of impending death was almost real. They had to take deep breaths to get rid of the suffocation that was holding their throats. It was as if their bodies had forgotten how to breathe. . Their bodies were resisting the red mist, and even had a physiological reaction similar to suspended animation.

"Come here..." A vague voice came from the center of John Camp. Vivian could recognize the voice of the warlock, but her body was extremely stiff, as if every cell was resisting getting closer to him. .

The silent Raven passed by Vivian, his wrists were bleeding, and the toxins that suppressed the pain allowed Raven to use his brain to dominate his slow body. Raven's actions inspired Vivian, who was still hesitating. They believed in their companions, suppressed the screams in their bodies, and moved towards the center of the red mist.

"Take out your weapons..."

Vivian and Raven did so.

A pair of blood-red arms stretched out from the red mist. The bloody hands were placed on the weapons of the two men. It was like there were two eyes of a storm in the palms. The diffuse red mist was attracted and poured into the weapons.

[Weapon Enchantment: Red Mist Blessing]

The surrounding red mist continued to enter the weapons of the two men, and the deadly feeling was concentrated on the weapons at hand. Wait until all the blood dissipates and the surroundings return to normal. Vivian and Raven looked at the weapons in their hands that were wrapped in red mist. The blood-stained sword was filled with an ominous aura.

"Use this weapon blessed by the red mist to attack the corrupt giant." John stood up from the ground, his face was a little pale, and the heavy use of crimson power made the warlock feel weak.

"As long as a small wound is created, the corrupted giant will be infected with crimson corruption. The flow of water in its body can speed up the red mist infection. You can think of this as a more efficient and deadly poison."

What a simple and easy explanation, Vivian thought. She looked at the corrupted giant, that tall figure that could make people lose confidence. The toxicity of poison is calculated based on the dose. To deal with an enemy of this size, even if it is highly poisonous, an unusually large dose is definitely needed for the poison to take effect and take away lives. But now, the small dagger with red light in her hand can actually kill the giant. Vivian once again realized the danger of the power of the warlock.

An excited smile appeared on the female ranger's face. She clenched her dagger and rushed towards the corrupted giant with Raven.

The corrupted giant didn't notice these two little ones at all. Compared with the mushroom giant in front of him that was being attacked by him, the existence of the two adventurers was completely negligible.

Vivian Ordiz came to the heel of the corrupted giant, found a spot, and pierced the dagger into the rough-skinned hyphae. The weapon easily cut through the fungus. Vivian watched the red mist on the surface of the dagger change. The moment the sharp blade entered her body, the red mist seemed to come alive and penetrated into the wounds of the corrupted giant.

Vivian saw that the section of those long, thick fibers where the wound was located quickly changed color. The color of the fungus quickly changed from earthy yellow to blood red, and many granules grew and spread on the surface. Vivian knew that the red mist inside her body would only spread faster.

Vivian and Raven did not stop their attacks, and they continued to create more wounds around the corrupted giant's feet.

The crimson flowed and surged up inside the giant's body. It finally noticed the abnormality in its body, but it was already too late. The red mist had penetrated into its body and completely captured the giant's legs. It clearly feels the threat of this force to the water in its body. The red mist is corroding its water, polluting the assimilation, creating more red mist that corrodes the body.

The mushroom giant Laufey seized the opportunity of his opponent's panic. He switched from defense to offense and kept punching at the corrupted giant's lax defense body. The huge force is transmitted to the opponent's body through the impact, and the soft body deforms, compressing the water in the body to further speed up the flow. This was originally the best defense method to relieve force, but now it has become a reminder to corrupt the giant.

The red mist expands within its body, absorbing moisture and spreading.

On the torso of the Corrupt Giant, every distorted and fused myconid face burst out with an ominous red light. The hyphae in the body were eroded one by one. Under the influence of the red mist, the distorted appearance resembled a cry.

There is no so-called redemption or relief at all. In the deep red, there is only the fear of the gradual passing of life and the painful death of spiritual tearing.

The Corrupted Giant fell, and the fallen body was in disrepair. Red mist poured out from the broken body, and clouds appeared on the body, just like the cloud of spores finally spread by the myconids.

The rolling red mist was inexplicably guided and swirled in the air. The red mist became entangled and deformed toward a huge ring. But it seems that some key is missing, and the unformed ring dissipates and turns into a red curtain hanging in the sky again, like the red glow of the sun, gradually disappearing.

The Morning Star team looked at the red mist that filled the giant's corpse, and felt an unreal feeling that they couldn't believe that the giant's death was caused by their own hands.

"It's so beautiful. It seemed like it was about to form a standard ring, but it failed. What a pity." Vivian stared at the sky and gently stroked her fingers on the sword blade that was no longer red mist.

Barnes stared at the red mist with lingering fear, and he turned to glance at John.

"I don't feel any pity at all. Trust me, you don't want to see that ritual ring taking shape."

"It's over," John said.

【it's over. 】

Myconid King Stoffals walked up to John, bent his slender body, and bowed to John.

[Great adventurer friend, you have brought relief to my people. Witnessing the miracles you have wrought, I am once again honored to be able to assist you. Now that my mission has been accomplished, your adventure will continue. May your road ahead be dark and moist, and free from the heat. 】

After his opponent fell, the mushroom giant Laufey took a step forward and disappeared into the clouds.

"Are you going back?"

[Yes, we will return to the dark underground. God the Father once decreed that when the great adventurer friends complete their mission, this forgotten island will return to the embrace of the gods. This means the fog has lifted and the sun will come. 】

John understood that this time, it might be goodbye forever.

"Goodbye, Myconid King Stoffals, and your lovely Myconoid tribe, may the Father of Fungi bless you."

[Goodbye, beloved of the Crimson God. Mycelium connects our bodies, fungi are with you. 】

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