Crimson Servant

Chapter 121 The Fifth Crew

"What do you want me to do?" John looked at the corpses. Due to time issues, they had turned livid and would soften in a short time. Combined with the hot and humid climate on the sea, they would form a stench that no living thing could bear.

John could prevent these things from happening by draining all the water from the corpses with crimson chains and turning them into mummies, but that would also drain the spirit of the dead. There are many forces that long for souls in the material world. The crimson god Vertis is one, and so is the Nine Hells. The corpses whose spirituality has been extracted may not be able to be used as sacrifices to communicate with purgatory. In the eyes of hell, they are no different from counterfeit coins.

"For example, add you to the list of luxurious victims and summon a more powerful devil?" Barnes joked coquettishly, his eyes fixed on John's face, ready to bow his head and admit his mistake if there was anything wrong.

John narrowed his eyes and stared at Barnes silently for three seconds.

"Francis learned the sense of humor from you?" John seemed to have discovered the source of the dark elf's weirdness, and became more and more certain that Francis was justified in hunting down Barnes.

Barnes kept the smile on his face to prevent John from realizing that his counterattack really stung him. He subconsciously touched his side and stopped being funny and got to the point.

"Actually, it's because I noticed some changes in your spirit."

Variety? The impact of the mind flayer's abilities? When did he find out? The last time you had a spiritual connection? Several thoughts flashed through John's mind, and he stared at Barnes with some caution.

The channel to communicate with the soul is indeed two-way, but this does not mean that it is possible for ordinary people to communicate with the psychic tyrant in both directions. Maybe the mind-stealing magic given by Vertis has some loopholes compared to the original version, but this guy Barnes has hidden it too deeply.

"Don't show such a dangerous look, boy, have you misunderstood something?" Barnes smiled bitterly, and something called murderous intent was about to condense in the eyes of the magician.

"Spirit, it's your mental state! It doesn't have a deeper meaning. John, you seem to be more energetic than the last time we met, as if you have found your life goal. You used to feel like you were being chased by something. Numbness Running, this time, seems to be different.”

Thinking of this, Barnes smiled a little.

"A positive and optimistic state can enhance personal charm."

The tension in John's heart eased a little, and then he felt a little funny that the two of them were discussing mental health in this bloody summoning ceremony room.

"What does this have to do with you letting me walk into the sacrifices?"

Barnes said: "The spirit will affect the soul, and defects in the mind will produce spots in the spirit. In the past, your soul smelled like a rotting corpse, with traces of the Crimson God. But now it is different, the smell has improved a bit. .”

"Devils rely on the smell of souls to identify their existence. We can use your changes to make some attempts at rituals."

John seemed to understand what Barnes meant.

"Mix me, who smells slightly normal but is still crimson and corrupted, into a normal fallen soul." John felt his face twitch.

Barnes tried to poison the devil.

"That's right! Even the Nine Hells will not easily touch the corrupting influence of the Crimson God. If those devils dare to let the power of Crimson contaminate Asmodeus's contract, he will be beyond redemption."

Direct the eyes of the mad god to hell, and the lord of hell will definitely not let go of the servant who dumps the garbage into the house.

John could not help but feel sad for the being who was about to answer the call.

"After learning the truth, they will definitely not let you go."

"That's right, so I plan to find some old friends. I'm talking about the kind of old friends who are not like us."

"That's why you're despised by the devil, and they all want to kill you."

"Thank you for your compliment. I always feel that being needed is a kind of ability."

John shook his head helplessly, Barnes' face was impeccable.

"The purgatory creatures came to execute the contract, discovered the corruption in their souls, and refused the price you provided. However, they themselves accepted slavery due to the existing contract. Apart from gaining the hatred of a devil, they seem to get no practical benefits."

"We can spare the souls of these evildoers..." said Barnes.

"Are you sympathizing with them?" The souls of the same kind fell into hell, which may be worthy of sympathy.

But not Barnes.

"They are yours to sacrifice to the Crimson God. Mutual benefit, John."

"Thank you for thinking of me at this time." John said sarcastically to Barnes.

"You're welcome. The hatred of the devil is already my most satisfying reward. You know, it's really satisfying to hate your enemy, especially when he has the ability to kill you but has to be bound by a contract to work for you in vain."

John came to the middle of the corpses. According to Barnes' instructions, he used the Sin Chain to connect his blood to those corpses. John induced a trace of crimson power to sew the escaped spirituality, making the soul more pure and making his disguise more perfect. Barnes rarely praised John's independent disguise, saying that his counterfeiting skills were about to catch up with his own.

Based on some changes, Barnes modified the runes of the summoning ritual to make the summons more directional, and also added some self-proclaimed "exquisite" arrangements.

Barnes knelt down in front of the summoning circle and began chanting a spell.

"Asa Lai, Carmen Saye, Ntung Kashi O'Lok... Hybasin Arlington..."

On the five corners of the goat's skull, the flame of the candle was extinguished, and two groups of blue spiritual fire emerged from the two empty eye holes, peering like eyes.

【Who is calling me? 】

The perspective of the skull was facing the person presiding over the ceremony, so the being on the other side could only see the kneeling figure of Barnes, who perfectly imitated the excited and worried vibrato in his throat.

"I am your master! Serve me, Hell Lord Arlington!"

Soul Fire didn't pay attention to his voice. The flames concentrated in the eye sockets, observing the ritual runes, which were the contracts to be formed written in hell script, looking for loopholes.

A hell contract is like a deceptive deal, with both parties digging holes into each other. The devil has found the enslavement circle in the ritual, and its disguise is not very clever. The devil summoner will add many restrictions to the ritual runes to ensure that the summoned devil can be controlled by himself. If he makes a mistake, his fate will depend on the devil's mood.

The low-level summoner played by Barnes becomes increasingly unstable. He seems to realize that the situation is out of control, and he stumbles to start chanting the dispersing spell at the other end.

Barnes forced the presence on the other side into action, and Arrington did exactly what he expected.

The flames in the skull soared without wind, and a nine-foot-long flame door opened in the cabin. The ceiling was burned black, and a burly figure walked out of it.

It has wide leather bat wings, black horns that curve upward, a protruding tiger-like face, and is wearing a full-body armor made of pitch-black obsidian. Its thick arms are as thick as an adult's thigh, and its sharp claws are retracted, and sparks will be generated by friction when moving.

Arlington's body stepped into the summoning circle, the contract was signed, and the enslavement spell was taking effect.

However, Barnes exclaimed.

" were demoted?"

The person who walked out of the purgatory portal was not the Hell Lord in Barnes' memory. Arlington was indeed the devil that Barnes knew, but his aura and physique were smaller. The result was clear. The former Hell Lord, He has fallen from the realm and is now at best the Hell Guard Arlington.

"This is all your fault! Barnes!" Arlington roared, black flames burning on his armor. "You didn't expect that I was demoted by the Grand Duke because you were such a bastard, but now, my weakness has become the cause of your death."

Due to his lowered rank, Arlington found a flaw in the enslavement lord spell that didn't match his own and broke free.

"Now! I will accomplish what countless big devils have never done, kill you bitch!!!" Arlington opened his arms and grabbed Barnes with his flaming hands.

Arlington has his cards in the books.

"Then do you think I have hidden something good?"

With a move of Barnes's finger, the contract that was about to be formed changed the flow of power. Arlington felt his power complete the link with another person, maliciously wrapping the hot body of the Hell Guard, and his claws stayed in front of Barnes. Arlington could even feel the damn bastard blowing on his paws.

John Camp.

The warlock's real name was signed on the contract, and Arlington learned who he was loyal to this time.

The Crimson Beloved, the anchor of the Corrupted.

The former Hell Lord, whose eyes were splitting, let out an angry roar that echoed throughout the Morning Star.

"Ahhhhh!!! Barnes! I swear to kill you!!!"

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