Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 75: The Struggle at the Clockwork Factory

The clockwork branch factory in the old city.

If you look at it from the outside, the factory construction may be different due to the different terrain, but after entering the interior, Youge found that it was exactly the same as the factory in the slum last time.

Especially when he arrived here this time, his spiritual perception after upgrading to Lv10 allowed Youge to see something completely different.

For example, those who install some gears and clockworks on their heads actually use mechanical equipment to stimulate the body or stimulate the spirit to reach a state of extreme rationality and wisdom. In particular, their [body] has been separated from the normal concept of the body and has become something like a [tool].

Physical tools plus mechanical tools to achieve the purpose of strengthening the external, this kind of transformation. It is impossible to use their language to say that this is sublimation, completely breaking away from the limitations of the human body and becoming a new life, which is indeed a little stronger than living in the body.

On the other hand, as long as the spirit is immortal, it can be regarded as eternal life.

This time, Youge's naked probing eyes also attracted the angry glares of countless "people". Needless to say, among those who can use their own bodies as tools for transformation, there must be people with extreme emotions.

The sound of gears rang out,

A human whose half face was completely made up of clockwork gears threw away his clothes.

Four or five gear-shaped flying discs with barbs flew out directly from his chest,

"Lv14: Brain Modification-Gavin John; Attribute: Copper; Trait: Gear"

"Huh? Attack me?" After Youge felt the sense of danger coming from behind, a large amount of [blood] quickly flowed out from the back of his body and solidified into a blood crystal wall.

The gears flying towards Youge quickly rotated on the blood crystal.

The sound of friction and collision between each other sounded.

"Hmph, you have good abilities, arrogant newcomer!" Seeing that Youge easily blocked his attack, Gavin's human half grinned: "No wonder you are so blatant to detect other people's existence, try this!"

As Gavin spoke, all the gears on the other side of the metal face began to spin wildly, and the sound of friction was heard.

On the other side, all the barbed gears that were still spinning in the blood crystal wall made by Youge began to merge in the collision.

In a blink of an eye, a gear even bigger than Youge with countless barbs appeared in front of Youge,

Rotating! Friction!

After becoming huge, the speed of rotation did not decrease but increased, and the humming friction sound alone could make ordinary people's brains explode.

It's a pity that even the strengthened [gear] still couldn't break Youge's defense, but only left a slight mark. After all, under the premise that the basic structure of the material has not been changed, these abilities still cannot easily break through some abilities with natural advantages except for the increase in strength.

"Hey, is this your ability?" Since someone wants to play with him, Youge is naturally willing to play along. How can you know the difference between yourself and others if you don't take action after breaking through to Lv10?

After the promotion, [Blood] is no longer restricted to the shape of the blood crystal gun. Youge extends several spikes from both sides of the crystal wall in front of him and inserts them into the internal structure of the gear.

"Crack! Crack!", the gear stops, and the blood crystal wall is also shaken left and right.

"Give it back to you!", grabbing the blood crystal wall, along with the gear stuck on the wall, Youge threw it to Gavin not far away.

Feeling looked down upon, Gavin became even more angry: "What newcomer, wait until I catch you, and let you feel the painful transformation!"

People nearby also gathered around. Such a situation is indeed rare in the clockwork center. After all, few newcomers will openly explore other people's secrets. All those who have been locked by Youge just now are waiting to see his good show.

As for Gavin, he had never considered that this newcomer was the object of special attention of Mr. Orange, let alone the identity of a quasi-future partner.

And in the eyes of this group of people, why don't those extremely talented people join other noble forces, or more promising forces? There are no women and no fun here, only cold machines to accompany them all day long. If it weren't for the limitations of their own attributes and the desire for power, they also hope to become more glorious humans.

Greed, prejudice, and unsteady will, these people are destined to become the bottom personnel here. Even if they have undergone some special transformations or "sublimation" in line with their attributes, it only speeds up their loss of self.

At this time, Youge no longer held back. It was just a small minion. I believe that Mr. Orange would not feel any loss to such a person.

And people can't be too honest. When it's time to take action, you have to show some courage!

After becoming serious, Youge naturally would not give the other party a chance to take action again. At this moment, the land within a radius of 20 meters was all stained with Youge's breath, and then a concentrated rotating [blood] ball was sent underground.

"Hmph. Stop you first!", watching the gears on Gavin's body start to spin wildly, the ground was quietly stained with blood.

Thump, thump, thump! Countless tiny blood crystal spikes penetrated into the gaps of the modified parts of Gavin's body in a blink of an eye.

"Ahem! What are you doing?! Let me go!", the operation of the gears in the body was hindered by the blood crystals, making Gavin instantly cowardly.

Mechanical body, strong in the machine and weak in the machine, especially when encountering people like Youge who have special strong blood crystals, unless they can be quickly cleared, they will slowly wait for death.


Youge was too lazy to explain.

The ground cracked, and with Gavin's screams, the two-meter-wide ground under his feet broke through countless blood crystals that rushed upwards.

Piercing, continuous piercing, Gavin's metal creations could not escape the result of being penetrated.

The blood crystals sent him from the ground to a height of two floors, and the scene was extremely cruel.

The ground surged again, and the huge spikes on the field pulled the corpse into the ground,


Quietly, Gavin completely disappeared from this world.

At this time, Youge's unusually powerful performance was also seen by everyone.

"A genius-level professional?"

"This is from another force! Poor Gavin!"

"Look at his wrist!" There is always a person with good eyes, who finally saw the unusual place of Youge-the watch given by Mr. Orange.

"That's the token of that lord, right?"

"It seems so!"

The air froze in surprise, and everyone bowed their heads to Youge and said, "Lord!", and a trace of panic and anxiety also flooded out.

It's boring, this is Youge's only thought.

With multiple attributes, Gavin was killed without any reaction. Perhaps only those elites who have been trained can compete with Youge.

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