Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 61 Cultist Apartment

The apartment where Cooper lives is a single apartment in a small town, only one street away from the school.

Most of the people who live here are people who hold various positions in the school.

The unrestrained night, coupled with the large number of "similar people" living in the apartment, almost every night is a carnival night. The world of adults is nothing more than this.

Cooper, who went home alone as usual, went directly to the bar downstairs tonight, holding a school bag with David's name printed all over it.

"Hey, why is Cooper in the mood to drink tonight? Don't you have training in the afternoon?" The bartender was cleaning the wine stains on the table while teasing Cooper who just came down: "Have you made an appointment with that cute little guy? girl?"

"Come and relax." Cooper's face was dull and his gloomy aura told others directly, "Don't mess with me!"

"Yeah, are you still the same?" After approaching, I finally saw Cooper's expression clearly through the light of the bar. After meeting all kinds of people, the bartender also knew that at this time, it would be better to just serve the drink.


Cooper sat on the bar, tapping his trembling fingers on the table, looking around at all the frustrated people who came to get drunk.

After an hour or two of this, most of the people were already drunk and passed out, and those who should go home began to plan to leave.

After "Cooper" drank his last sip of wine, he staggered into the innermost table.

Coincidentally, the other three people at this table had just left to go to the bathroom, and it would take a short time to come back even if they were quick. Mike, who was lying alone on the table, was already about to fall asleep.

Cooper slipped like a drunk person, and the schoolbag in his hand fell right next to Mike's leg.

The sudden touch made Mike lower his head and grab the schoolbag beside his leg. Just as he was about to shout whose schoolbag it was, he stood still.

Cooper, on the other hand, acted as if nothing was wrong and ignored his dropped schoolbag. After stepping over several drunk people, he left the bar.

A few minutes later, something like this happened again. Mike dived, Robert dived, and William flopped. All the people in the apartment bar became parasitic [vessels].

It was late at night when Joseph arrived at Cooper's residence with several people, but the windows of the apartment were all brightly lit.

Several people who had seen the strange behavior of the rugby players quickly thought that something must have happened here, otherwise it would be impossible for everyone to stay up all night with the lights on during a big carnival.

"Alert! I'm afraid this is no longer the apartment we know." The fleeting thought in Joseph's mind already made him shudder.

Turning around to look at the few people who had followed him, Joseph could only silently pray in his heart that he would not fall into trouble here.

605, Cooper's residence,

After a few people quietly went upstairs, everyone's room was unlocked. The slightly closed door crack allowed Joseph to see residents with the same symptoms as the football team members.

"Go out and report to the director that this place has been occupied by cultists and ask him to quickly support us." After thinking for a while, Joseph continued: "You guys guard the corridor and prepare to support. If something uncontrollable happens, just shoot. !”

"I'll go up through the fire escape and see Cooper's house!"

After hearing Joseph's arrangement, several other people breathed a sigh of relief. Faced with these unknown cultists, it was better for them not to have contact with each other or not.

After sneaking up to the sixth floor through the safe passage outside the security, Joseph also saw Cooper sitting firmly on a chair at home.

Just as I thought, the eyes were in the same situation.

After sneaking down again, the few people quietly waited for the director's support.

The apartment that Cooper lives in is almost the same age as the town's high school. The cheap prices and convenient transportation have always made it the first choice for high school employees. If this place is labeled as a gathering place for cultists, the town will The high school will definitely not be able to conduct an in-depth investigation.

Not to mention the previous situation of the football players, if it continues to evolve like this, even the principal and other directors will not be able to escape this investigation.

There are so many cultists hiding in the town and the school, and yet you haven’t found anything? !

After all, even children have become one of them? !

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be allowed to expand. Even if they discover the strangeness of the school bag, they will still have to find a reason to offend the public, and the term cultist that keeps popping up will be the best reason.

By the time the chief arrived, all the police in the town had been mobilized, and the fire brigade was also on standby outside.

All the residents of the apartment who looked out from the window raised their hands, sat down and silently bowed and knelt towards the sky in a unified movement.

"Quick! Go up and arrest people, don't let reporters take pictures!" This situation was a declaration of war on the relevant agencies. The director, who didn't want to cause more trouble, hurriedly started taking action.

Fortunately, these parasitized people also knew that their fragile bodies could not resist firearms, so no one offered any resistance and all silently approved the arrest.

"Joseph, take someone to search the area to see if any fish have slipped through the net."

"Yes, Director!"

"Chief! We found something special!" A young policeman reported to the chief in a panic after arresting everyone.


"Director, go and take a look, we don't dare touch it!"

Seeing the panic look on the other side, the director also understood that the former must have discovered something important.

In a room on the third floor, two policemen stood outside the door, staring motionlessly inside.

"What happened to you?" The chief's question had not been answered yet, and the young policeman motioned the chief to look inside.

"Are these the hands of the parents who were cut off?"

"Chief, I'm afraid so." The young policeman took a look inside and immediately closed his eyes.

I saw that the hands whose parents disappeared after the arrest of the football players were really trying to unzip a schoolbag and get in.

"Bring people to seal it up, no one can go in!"

The chief looked upset. Tonight he saw something he would never forget in his life. Even if no one was killed, his career would have no way forward.

In Youge's small broken house,

A phone suddenly rang on a quiet night.

Youge turned over and saw the caller's name "Thatcher".


"Hall, you have done a big thing. Now you are going to be famous in our circle!" Thatcher's tone on the phone was like eating dog shit, out of breath.

"Well, I know!"

How could Youge not know about this kind of thing? The power of that backpack is not small to begin with. Once it comes into contact with humans, few people will be spared.

Before Thatcher could continue to nag, Youge hung up the phone directly.

Let things ferment for another night. We will know what will happen tomorrow. Don't be anxious.

Not far away from the room, a thin shadow appeared and stared at Youge on the bed.

Poor little author

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