Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 22: Newton the Mermaid

"Because there is no one here!" As soon as he finished speaking, Newton pulled towards Youge, and his sticky palm tightly grasped Youge's arm: "Get out of here quickly, I don't want to meet those monsters around here."

Youge didn't feel disgusted at all. Before entering the sewer, he was ready to be sticky, and followed behind with Newton's power.

After turning left and right many times, he finally arrived in front of a small iron door.

"Creaky~", Newton took out a small wire and twisted it on the key of the iron door.

"This is my hiding place. Since those monsters appeared, I can only hide in this small room!" After the iron door was opened, an area of ​​about 20 square meters appeared in front of him. There was only one algae in the enclosed space? Nest? !

After the two walked in, the iron door slowly closed.

"Human Hall, be glad you met me. If you had met that group of monsters first, you would have become one of them!" Newton's face became distorted: "Hey, I'll send you out when they all go back. Remember not to come again!"

Send out? Youge's mission has not been completed yet. Is he going to take Newton to complete the mission?

Looking at the half-merman again, he didn't think it was what the coffin wanted.

"No! I won't leave until I find what I need!", the footsteps slightly behind, the stubborn face made Newton start to have a headache instantly, what a naughty child!

"Human Hall, what are you looking for!"

"A round, big, shiny thing." Youge also boasted, and drew a big circle with his arms.

Round, big, shiny? It seems that there really is such a thing. The half-merman didn't consider whether Youge's small body could be taken out, and instantly thought of the items served by them in the monster's nest. That was really the reason why these monsters appeared!

"Human Hall, why are you looking for that thing!"

Huh? Really? Youge's throat suddenly got stuck, and his nonsense was actually to the point: "I dreamed about it!"

".Dream.", he is indeed a naughty child

Newton didn't want to say anything, and he just nestled in the seaweed, looking like he had no desire to live.

"Mr. Newton, do you know where it is?"

"You can't find it. That thing is a treasure to those monsters. It is protected tightly every day. No one can get in!", Newton twisted his buttocks: "Human Hall, even if you find it, you can't take it out. That thing is completely grown with the sewer!"

Youge also squatted on one side at this time, looking at Newton's speech with expectation. And the half-merman Newton, who had not communicated for a long time, also aroused the desire to speak, and slowly told everything that happened here.

It turned out that since humans built the sewer network, some mermaids were curious and went into it to explore. An accidental earthquake collapse allowed the young mermaid to discover an underground relic, and then discovered the strange huge round statue. In the hallucination, the mermaid became extremely powerful, and then returned to the tribe and conquered everyone here by force.

Countless mermaids became extremely powerful, and as time went by, this group of mermaids became more and more irritable, while some naturally weak mermaids were gradually eliminated and corrupted in the sewers. With the death of the old mermaids of the previous generation, the entire tribe was completely controlled by the first mutated mermaid. It seemed that the passage of time would not make this group of mermaids old. This discovery further intensified the remaining mermaids.

After a violent struggle, more than 50 mermaids separated from them lived in the sewers forever, and the other mermaids disappeared from then on.

A few years later, a kind of fungus spread from the ruins to the sewers, and many of the mermaids who originally lived there were also eaten. And the remaining dozen or so mermaids did not know when to start luring humans in, and used human corpses to build that strange hatching nest to create monster mermaids.

Newton is a hybrid born of a mermaid and a human who has not completely mutated. He has been able to maintain a clear consciousness and survive in the cracks of the sewer until now.

After listening to Newton's story, Youge also understood the source of the mutation in the sewer, the "huge statue"! And his mission target should be the first mermaid to mutate.

After the mission target was clear, Youge's pressure was even greater. Although he knew that the strength of the mission target would not exceed his own by much, what exactly that statue was, it is likely to cause unignorable changes in the next action! In addition, the number of mermaids transformed by humans in recent years is probably not too small near the ruins!

Although the fishmen tested at Lv3 before were not very strong, they were still not easy to deal with when there were too many of them. As for the first generation of mutant mermaids mentioned by Newton, they should be Lv5 or even higher.

It reminds me of the story of the mermaid in the sewer. This Newton hybrid is probably the child of the original painter. Judging from his current situation, if he wants to seek help from some villagers outside, he will probably be the first to die, not to mention the strange fungi predating plants along the way.

"Mr. Newton, is there a sewer manhole cover exit nearby?"

"Huh? Human Hall, are you going to go out?" Newton was startled: "Yes! Of course, I often go to the human territory to steal those delicious foods. I really don't understand why you humans don't want so many delicious things! It's really a bargain for me!"

Seeing Newton's bulging belly when he laughed, Youge instantly thought of the half-merman churning food in the garbage dump.

"There are several shafts at the end of this passage. You can find the stairs to get out when you reach the last one! Let's go. As long as you don't get close to their village, there will be basically no powerful monsters."

How could Youge not understand when he saw Newton's swift figure? He must be greedy and wanted to go out to find food.


It is not feasible to attack the mermaid village by force. In this case, it is better to go out and seek help from external forces. You can try it when you glance at Newton's appearance!

Along the way, Newton's mouth kept secreting transparent saliva, and from time to time he threw it at Youge's face, which annoyed the latter.

"Mr. Newton! Do you hate mutant mermaids?" It didn't take long for Youge to start leading the topic.

"Hate? A little bit. Every time I encounter those little mermaids who come out to trap humans, I always chase them madly." Newton paused for a while and continued: "In fact, I have secretly watched it. Every time they sacrificed the statue, there would always be crazy voices in my mind. If I hadn't hidden behind that iron gate, I might have gone crazy long ago!"


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