"Oops, the God of War walked too fast, and I didn't even have time to ask him for skills and formations."

Lu Tao was a little annoyed.

I finally met a martial god and admired him very much.

In the end, he only gave him a jade talisman and left directly without waiting for him to ask for skills, formations and other things.

If there is a divine formation and it is arranged, Lu Tao will not be afraid of even a Martial God, let alone Shan Yu.

Kong Hao, General Wei and others looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

The contrast between Lu Tao now and Lu Tao during the war is huge.

Lu Tao before.

Killing hundreds of thousands of troops without changing his expression, with such a mind, let alone a boy under twenty years old, even they are inferior.

Moreover, he calmly and easily resolved the verbal dispute with General Du, making General Du laugh and giving people a very mature feeling.

It's better now.

First, he was almost "coquettishly" demanding to reward the God of War, and now he is even more childlike, making people dumbfounded.

But I have to say that Lu Tao at this time made them more accepting.

This is what a teenager should look like.

"Brother Lu, don't be too greedy. The Martial God's skills are of the heaven level and cannot be given away casually."

Kong Hao consoled him: "For us monks under King Wu, it is enough to practice earth-level skills, but heaven-level skills are a bit time-consuming... and a bit wasteful."

He wanted to say that it took some time to understand, but when he thought of Lu Tao's understanding, he had no choice but to change his mind.

"If Mr. Lu likes to collect exercises, we also have some in the army. I can make a copy of them and give them to you."

General Wei said so.

Everyone actually guessed that Lu Tao might be planning to pool the strengths of other families to create his own technique, but they didn't point it out.

Lu Tao said happily: "Then thank you General Wei."

"Young Master Lu, you're welcome."

While everyone was talking, those powerful masters had also arrived at the border.

Led by several generals, they guarded the border here.

Not long after, a large group of innate experts also came to the border. Under the arrangements of General Shentai, they began to clean up the border cities and repair them.

Lu Tao, Kong Hao, General Wei, and the three powerful men from the altar brought by Kong Hao flew towards Mufeng City.

On the way, Lu Tao asked very curiously: "General Wei, I have a question for you."

"Young Master Lu, please speak."

Lu Tao said strangely: "I'm very curious. Since our Dagan and the ancient barbarian countries have martial kings and strong martial gods, why are they not seen during the war? Just like today's war, as long as our Dagan dispatches a martial king, it should be Can you easily turn the situation around on the battlefield?"

Lu Tao really didn't understand. He had only been in this world for more than ten days and he didn't understand many things.

He could only turn into a curious baby and ask these seniors for advice.

When General Wei and Kong Hao heard this, they looked at each other and smiled.

Kong Hao explained: "King Wu and God of War are so powerful that they can destroy cities and armies with just a wave of their hands. Therefore, their battlefield is outside the sky."


Kong Hao pointed to the sky and continued: "That's the sky outside the sky. There are not only battlefields outside the sky, but also caves, secret realms, etc. The vitality of the heaven and earth is rich, which is more suitable for the cultivation of Martial Kings and Martial Gods."

“What’s more important is that there are all the martial arts kings and martial gods from the entire martial arts world gathered there, including not only my Dagan, but also the strong men from the surrounding countries of Dagan, as well as overseas martial gods, and even strong men from the demon clan and demon clan. "

"In short, it is a place where all powerful people gather. It is more suitable for exchanging martial arts, and it is easier to improve your cultivation and strength."

The sky is beyond the sky.

Listening to Kong Hao's introduction, Lu Tao felt yearning.

In this place where the strongest people in the entire martial arts world gather, there must be so many heaven-level techniques.

Lu Tao couldn't wait to break through King Wu and ran to Tianwaitian to purchase goods.

"When you reach the realm of the God of War, you basically work hard to ascend to the God Realm. You generally don't care much about other small things."

General Wei added: "Furthermore, the Martial Kings and Martial Gods in the entire martial arts world have signed a Martial God Agreement. Monks from these two realms cannot participate in ground wars between countries. Once they participate, not only will they be hunted down by all the Martial Gods, but also The country they belong to will also pay a large amount of compensation, which is not worth the loss.”

"I see."

Lu Tao suddenly understood, and then asked: "Doesn't Shan Yu's behavior violate the Martial God Agreement?"

"It doesn't count. He just enslaved others to participate in the war. As long as he doesn't directly take action at the level of King of Martial Arts, it doesn't count. For example..."

Kong Hao explained: "For example, there are some small countries where the national strength is not strong and they only have the strong King Wu. However, there are more arrogant geniuses in the country. In order to prevent the dynasty from being changed in the future, the royal family will choose to enslave these geniuses to serve them. It is unavoidable to let them join the army and join the war, so the War God Agreement will not restrict it. "

Lu Tao nodded to express his understanding.

Lu Tao understood this situation very well.

Not to mention the country, even in some families, when a genius appears in a collateral line, the narrow-minded direct lineage will not be able to help suppressing and bullying, for fear of being robbed of power and resources.

He was even a little more ruthless and directly assassinated the collateral genius.

The family is like this, let alone the country. If they don't pay attention, they may change the dynasty, so they can't help but be cruel.

This is also a cruel aspect of the martial arts world.

It can only be said that fortunately Lu Tao himself does not live in such a small country, but in Daqian.

Big countries have the ambition of big countries, while small countries have the helplessness of small countries.

Lu Tao asked again in confusion: "What if the Ancient Barbarians occupied Yongkang Prefecture because of Shan Yu, and even attacked Yanzhou and the Imperial Capital... Wouldn't the Martial King and Martial God of Daqian care?"

"Brother Lu, you underestimated Daqian. Our Yongkang Prefecture is just one of the hundreds of prefectures in the entire Daqian Dynasty. Even if they occupied Yongkang Prefecture, they can't annex Yanzhou."

Kong Hao patted Lu Tao on the shoulder and said in a long voice: "My Daqian Dynasty has a large population and a vast territory. Even with the orders of the Grandmaster and the God Platform, we can pile up their ancient barbarian army to death; besides, this time we just suffered a loss in Shan Yu's calculations, not because the ancient barbarian army is really that powerful."

Lu Tao nodded.

Indeed, if Shan Yu hadn't enslaved Qi Qian, Shen Tu Nan and others and caught the garrison army off guard, the ancient barbarian army really had no chance of winning.

"Why did the ancient barbarian country fight with our Daqian?"

"It's to grab resources."

General Wei continued, "Our Daqian is vast and rich in resources. Such a huge country can eat for many years."

As if he knew what Lu Tao was going to ask, General Wei continued, "As for why we have to fight with them, it's mainly because we are forced to fight back. In fact, we Daqian don't want to fight with them at all. They are too poor. Even if we win, we can't grab anything good. It's meaningless."

"In addition, it's for experience. Have you noticed that there are many young disciples from the sects in our garrison army? They come to the army for experience. Experiencing life and death in the war is good for their breakthrough in cultivation and improvement of mind."

Lu Tao almost couldn't hold it when he heard General Wei say that the ancient barbarians were too poor.

But after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the case.

The ancient barbarian country used the lives of countless soldiers to grab resources, while Daqian was just for experience.

You can imagine how big the difference between the two countries is.


Lu Tao thought of something and asked, "What if there is such a genius who is not only invincible in the same level, but can even kill the King of Martial Arts in the realm of the God Platform. No one can stop him below the King of Martial Arts. If this person leads the army to kill through Yongkang Prefecture, Yanzhou, and the Imperial Capital, what should we do? Can't the God of Martial Arts help?"

After these words came out.

Kong Hao and General Wei looked at Lu Tao with a somewhat subtle look.

This kid, why do you always ask questions about the invasion of Daqian.

If it weren't for the song Lu Tao sang before and the extermination of the ancient barbarian army, the two of them couldn't help but wonder if Lu Tao had any ideas.

Lu Tao hurriedly explained, "I'm just curious. After all, there should be such a genius, right?"

"No, the difference between the God Platform and the Martial King is not just a simple difference of one realm, but another kind of transformation. You will know it later."

Kong Hao said: "Moreover, even if there is such a genius, it is impossible that the army he leads is full of such powerful beings, right? As long as the rest of his army is dealt with, he will be the only one left. One person cannot form an army, and the Martial God can kill him."

"What's more, he will be promoted to the Martial King sooner or later. If he really does that, when he becomes the Martial King, there will be no place for him to survive."

"Besides, rules are dead, people are alive, why not send a Martial God to kill him secretly, as long as he is not caught in the act."

After Kong Hao finished speaking, he did not forget to wink at Lu Tao.

Lu Tao was slightly stunned.

Good guy, I am still too noble.

As they talked, the six people came to the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of troops were frozen...

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