Creation upgrade: When a daughter is born, an experience bar will appear on her head

Chapter 56 There is no more Red Flower Valley in the world

The beautiful young woman Man Yutao, the wife of the owner of the Red Flower Valley, was trying her best to escape, even burning her essence, blood, and energy of the five elements just to escape with her life.

Man Yutao didn't want to die, especially when she had just broken through the innate and doubled her lifespan. If she was killed at this time, she would be too unwilling.

As for the evil she had done in the past, she had no regrets at all.

If she hadn't absorbed the essence, blood and energy of the five elements from so many men, it would have been impossible for her to cultivate to the innate realm.

At this time, Man Yutao only had endless resentment in her heart. She obviously only killed some low-level monks who were in the realm of blood refining and organ refining, but the person who came here actually killed her husband who was in the innate realm without mercy.

It should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

If Lu Tao knew what this woman was thinking, he would definitely be very speechless. However, not only Man Yutao thought like this, but also most of the disciples in the entire Honghua Valley.

They always only care about their own interests and ideas, regardless of the life or death of others.

Man Yutao looked back at the direction of Honghua Valley and found that no one was chasing her. She breathed a sigh of relief, but she did not dare to be careless and continue to burn her essence and blood to escape.

"You bastard, I remember you. Sooner or later, I will skin you and cramp you."

Man Yutao felt fierce in her heart, remembering the revenge of destroying the valley. She believed that with her beauty and ability, sooner or later she would be able to be promoted to a grand master or a god, and then come back to take revenge.

Although, she doesn't even know who her enemy is now.

Every time she escaped a certain distance, Man Yutao would turn around and take a look. After dozens of times, she didn't see anyone. She felt relieved. Just when she thought that the person wouldn't come after her, she had already escaped. Yutao glanced behind her out of habit.

This glance——

Man Yutao was so frightened that he almost lost his soul and almost fell into the air.

In the distance, she saw a humanoid monster with a pair of fiery red wings on its back, chasing her like lightning, faster than she could burn the energy of the Five Elements.

"How is it possible? How could he catch up? I changed direction midway."

Man Yutao turned pale with shock, and her heart was filled with confusion. She was worried that Lu Tao would come after her, wipe out her aura midway, and then change the direction.

She didn't expect that Lu Tao would catch up with her.

How did he do it?

There was no time to think deeply. At this moment, all the essence and blood, the strength of the bones, the energy of the five elements, and even the vitality in the body, all burned up in Man Yutao, and the speed doubled immediately.

But what makes her despair is that even so, the distance between her and Lu Tao is still shrinking.

"No, if this continues, I won't be able to escape at all."

Man Yutao forced herself to calm down. She knew that if she continued to escape, she would soon be caught up by Lu Tao. It was better to stop now and find a way to survive.

Moreover, there is still blood essence, five elements energy, and vitality left, which can be used to risk one's life. Once these are exhausted and caught up again, it will be no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"So young?"

When Lu Tao chased him closer, Man Yutao discovered that the strong man who hit her in the Red Flower Valley was actually a young man, and his cultivation did not seem to be at an innate level.

She did not feel the existence of innate vitality from Lu Tao.

Man Yutao's mind was spinning, and she suddenly put away the hatred in her heart. She looked at Lu Tao with a charming smile, "Young hero, you are chasing the slave family so closely. Could it be that you have fallen in love with the slave family?"

As she spoke, her slender jade fingers passed between the red lips, and her left hand gently lifted up a section of her long skirt, revealing her jade-white calves, and her face showed just the right amount of shyness.

Both his expression and movements are full of temptation and captivating.

She has used this trick countless times and seduced many innocent young men and infatuated strong men. The result is self-evident. Those people have become ghosts under her skirt.

Unfortunately, this time, she miscalculated.

Lu Tao turned a blind eye to all this. He stretched out his right hand with an expressionless expression, and a small knife appeared in his hand, which was more than three feet long in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Man Yutao's pupils shrank, and then she felt secretly happy.

She did not expect that although Lu Tao was not in the innate realm, he actually had a spiritual weapon on his body.

"Did he make an unexpected fortune? Otherwise, how could he possess a spiritual weapon without being innate?"

Man Yutao suddenly had an idea. She wanted to eat Lu Tao and take everything on Lu Tao as her own.

How much knowledge can a mere young man, maybe still a youngster, have?

Since the temptation is unsuccessful, you might as well be bolder.

The innate vitality in Man Yutao's body turned slightly. In an instant, the clothes on her body were completely exploded, and her tall and exquisite body was completely exposed in front of Lu Tao. Man Yutao looked at Lu Tao who was about to take action with tears in his eyes, "Master, you really have the heart to do this to me." Will Yu Tao take action? If Young Master is willing, Yu Tao is willing to follow Young Master and serve as your servant."

Speaking of the word "driving", the look he looked at Lu Tao was even more charming.


Lu Tao was speechless. After just one second, this person actually asked him to confront the River Crab Emperor. Wasn't this going to kill him?

His heart should be punished.

"You deserve to die!"

In order to restore the friendship of Emperor Hexi, Lu Tao took action decisively. In order to avoid suspicion, Lu Tao gave up the close attack with swords and chose to kill with bow and arrow.

Man Yutao was shocked.

She didn't expect that after she had reached this point, Lu Tao not only was not tempted, but instead aroused an even stronger murderous intention in him.

why is that?

Man Yutao couldn't understand, but she also knew that now was not the time to think deeply. She rushed directly towards Lu Tao, hoping to take advantage of Lu Tao's bending of his bow to fight at close range with Lu Tao.

She couldn't escape, so she had to fight, maybe she could still have a chance to survive.

Unfortunately, the idea was beautiful, but the reality was cruel.


This arrow was too close and too fast, so fast that she couldn't dodge it at all, and was shot through the waist and abdomen.

Before she could react, Lu Tao chopped her down again.

A ten-foot-long blade gleam instantly passed through her body, killing her with one blow.

"This damn little thing, he didn't show any mercy to women, he saw my body naked, and he was so cruel, it's really hateful."

Man Yutao's two halves fell into the forest, a weak consciousness left her head, and quietly sank into the ground, trying to escape with this.

However, at this moment——


A ray of light shot from the air, and it actually found her consciousness accurately. The light just brushed her, and she was horrified to find that her consciousness actually melted directly in the light.

"So that's it."

At this moment, Man Yutao finally understood why Lu Tao could find the direction she fled. It turned out to be the pupil technique.

Even when she was hiding underground, her very weak spiritual consciousness could be seen, and even directly killed. It seems that Lu Tao's pupil technique is very good, and he must have seen her escape traces a long time ago.

"Is this retribution?"

Before dying, Man Yutao remembered the curses that those who had died in the hands of her and her husband had cursed them, cursing them to die badly and get retribution.

They had never taken it to heart.

As a result, today, she and her husband both died in the hands of Lu Tao, and their bodies and souls were destroyed, their spiritual consciousness was destroyed, and they didn't even have the chance to reincarnate.

"Maybe there is retribution in the dark."

Man Yutao thought so, and then her consciousness was swallowed by darkness.


After killing Man Yutao, Lu Tao finally relaxed, put away the body, storage bag, took back the spirit arrow, and flew back to Honghua Valley.

When Lu Tao returned to Honghua Valley, all the disciples of Honghua Valley had been killed by Luo Xiaojun and others, and none of them escaped.

The whole Honghua Valley was filled with curses, crying, and even crazy laughter.

They were all captured by Honghua Valley, and at this moment they were wantonly venting their anger and resentment.

Many people were even punching, kicking, and chopping with knives and axes at the dead disciples of Honghua Valley.

Lu Tao looked at this scene and sighed silently.

"Young man, these are the storage bags of all the disciples of Honghua Valley."

Luo Xiaojun and others respectfully took hundreds of storage bags and handed them to Lu Tao.

Lu Tao nodded, swept his spiritual sense, and took away the storage bags of those who were in the bone forging and organ refining realms that he had killed, saying: "You killed them, and the spoils belong to you, but I need all the skills in their storage bags. I can exchange them with you for the Xuan-level skills."

Luo Xiaojun and others naturally had no objection.

Lu Tao was not stingy and took out several Xuan-level high-grade exercises to give to everyone.

When exchanging exercises, Lu Tao also took out a lot of pills to give to several people, and asked them to feed some pills to restore blood and qi to those who had their blood and five elements sucked out.

"You all should leave Honghua Valley first, I want to burn it."

Hearing Lu Tao's words, Luo Xiaojun and a group of people with numb expressions retreated one after another.

But a few people did not leave. At this moment, they finally regained a trace of spirit in their eyes. They looked at Lu Tao gratefully, and then calmly chose to free themselves.

They were not old, about 20 or 30 years old. They were all women whose blood and essence were sucked out by male cultivators in Honghua Valley. Their foundations were destroyed, and they were tortured many times. They had no hope of living and had already given up.


Seeing this scene, whether it was Lu Tao, Luo Xiaojun and others, or those who had not yet had their blood and essence sucked out, they felt very uncomfortable and could not help but feel a trace of pity.

Those who had no intention of committing suicide seemed to want to commit suicide after seeing this scene, but fortunately they were stopped.


Lu Tao used the power of fire in his body to ignite one building after another in Honghua Valley, and poured out a lot of wine from the storage bag to fuel the fire, so that the whole Honghua Valley was on fire.

During this period, Lu Tao also threw other corpses in the system space into the valley and cremated them together.

This fire burned for several hours.

Until everything in the whole Honghua Valley was burned under the eyes of the sky, even the bones buried underground were burned, Lu Tao put out the fire with the power of water in his body.

From then on, there was no Honghua Valley in the world.

"Thank you for saving me, young man. May I ask your name? I will set up a longevity tablet for you when I go home."

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