Creation upgrade: When a daughter is born, an experience bar will appear on her head

Chapter 26 The initial formation of a small experience-earning group

"It's okay, your grandpa just suffered a little shock."

Lu Tao replied casually, his face still full of excitement.

Five hundred thousand taels of silver, converted to China, that is 500 million yuan. Lu Tao had never seen so much money in his previous life. At this moment, Lu Tao felt so fulfilled.

No matter which world you are in, it feels so good to have money.

"What happened to grandpa?" He Yuanshuang supported He Zongming worriedly.

He Zongming asked his granddaughter with lifeless eyes, "Yuanshuang, is grandpa useless?"


He Yuanshuang opened her mouth in surprise and said hurriedly: "No, grandpa is the pillar of our family. Without grandpa, we would not have our current life. What happened to you, grandpa?"

He Zongming murmured: "Grandpa has earned a lifetime of money, but it is not as much as your brother Lu's pair of chopsticks."

"A pair of chopsticks?"

He Yuanshuang was a little confused and didn't quite understand what grandpa said, "Grandpa, what are you talking about, are you okay?"

"I say, old man, is it that serious? You are so old, you have seen all kinds of storms, and you can't stand such a little stimulation?" Lu Tao pouted on the side.

He Zongming suddenly became excited, puffing his beard and glaring, saying: "You make it easy. If you find out that you earn less money in your lifetime than from selling a pair of chopsticks, you will be more excited than me."

"No, not at all."

Lu Tao shook his head and said slowly: "I have known it for a long time. I have seen... well, heard that someone sold a painting for one million taels of silver, and that painting has not yet entered the rank."

"Impossible, how did you know about this? How come I don't know." He Zongming was suspicious.

Lu Tao smiled and said, "Of course it's true. Why would I lie to you?"

"Oh, I see. The person who painted the picture must be someone special, a master above the innate?"

Lu Tao shook his head, "No, he's just an ordinary person, without any cultivation."

"How is this possible? How can an ordinary painting be worth so much money?"

He Zongming didn't believe it at all, "Could it be a painting of a master? Or..."

"Don't guess, it's none of them."

Lu Tao interrupted He Zongming's guess and said, "They are all ordinary, and I once heard that someone made hundreds of thousands of taels of silver by singing a song."

"So, you should be more open-minded and take it easy. You will get used to this kind of thing after seeing it more often."

He Zongming rolled his eyes at Lu Tao's comforting words. How could he get used to this kind of thing? But as soon as this thought came to his mind, he couldn't help but glance at Lu Tao, and then silently retracted it.

Yes, he might really see a lot of such things in the future.

Just get used to it.

"Grandpa, are you saying that Brother Lu sold a pair of chopsticks for a lot of money?"

At this time, He Yuanshuang seemed to have reacted a little, his eyes widened, and he said in a silly way: "More than you have earned in your entire life?"


He Zongming finally recovered, and was stabbed by his granddaughter again. He felt a little pain in his heart, but he could only say helplessly: "Yes, just now your brother Lu went to sell chopsticks, and sold a pair of chopsticks for 5,000 taels."

"Wow, 5,000 taels? So much?"

He Yuanshuang opened his mouth in surprise, looking at Lu Tao with an incredible face, which gradually turned into admiration.

"What 5,000 taels?"

Others also came out of the room at this time and asked one after another.

Finally, He Zongming told the story of selling chopsticks, which immediately shocked everyone.

"Five hundred thousand taels?"

No one could believe this was true. Selling chopsticks for 500,000 taels? It was just like a fairy tale.

No wonder Lu Tao didn't care much about accommodation, ice beads, ordering dishes, etc. before, and didn't feel sorry for the money at all. It turns out that this money is really not worth mentioning to him.

"Brother Tao, those chopsticks, are we..."

Wu Ming excitedly grabbed Lu Tao's hand, wanting to ask something, but didn't ask directly, his eyes shining.

Lu Tao smiled slightly and nodded: "Yes, Xiao Ming also contributed a lot to the sale of these chopsticks."

When this was said, everyone looked over.

Especially Wu Ming's parents, surprised: "Xiao Ming also contributed?"

Then hesitantly said: "But, what can a child like him do to help with the entry-level chopsticks?"

"Why can't he help?"

Wu Ming felt a little wronged when he heard this, as if his parents didn't believe him, which made him very unhappy.

Lu Tao touched Wu Ming's head and smiled: "Not only can he help, you can too."

"Can we?"

Now, everyone looked at Lu Tao expectantly, not knowing what kind of help Lu Tao was talking about.

"Yes, this is quite simple."

As he said this, Lu Tao took out a branch and made a pair of chopsticks. Then he put the chopsticks into the wooden basin and stirred them, saying, "Just keep stirring like this."

"Ah? So simple? What's the use of this?"

Even He Zongming didn't understand.

"There is a blood medicine for practicing in the blood refining realm in this basin. If the chopsticks want to be made into an entry-level object, they need to be contaminated with the blood of this high-level object when they are initially made."

Lu Tao said casually, "This is the simplest step, and it is also the only step you can help with. I need to do the other tedious steps myself. You just need to help me stir like this."

"This is simple, just leave it to us."

Wu Ming's father Wu Tianyou agreed immediately, and the others nodded.

Lu Tao smiled and said: "Thank you everyone. Of course, Lu Tao will not let everyone's help go in vain. From now on, I will give you every pair of chopsticks..."

Before Lu Tao finished speaking, He Zongming interrupted: "Why are you talking about this? It's not troublesome to be busy. We use your money for food and accommodation now. Now I can do something for you, and I can still ask for your money." Not rewarded?"

Wu Tianyou also said: "That is, our family relies on you now, and Xiao Ming relies on you to practice. Now that I can help a little, I will feel more at ease, otherwise I will always feel embarrassed."

"Forget it, let's not talk about these for now."

Lu Tao shook his head helplessly, "Let's wait until we settle down later."

"That's right."

He Zongming chuckled, then picked up the remaining branches and wanted to help make chopsticks. "It's okay anyway, I'll help you with it."

"Don't move, I'll do it."

Lu Tao hurriedly stopped and explained: "The first step of making chopsticks must be done by me myself. You can just help me cut off the branches and I will peel them."

"Okay, you peel it."

He Zongming didn't insist, but just frowned. Suddenly, he asked with some hindsight: "Lu Tao, was your ancestor a chopstick maker?"

He had forgotten to ask before. All he knew about Lu Tao's family was that they were blacksmiths, which had nothing to do with chopsticks.

Lu Tao said again: "Yes, my ancestors were making chopsticks. Later, when they stopped making money, they switched to blacksmithing."


He Zongming was stunned, not knowing whether he believed it or not.

Wu Tianyou and his wife didn't understand this either, so they didn't ask any more questions.

Next, Lu Tao took out a large number of branches and made simple chopsticks, and then asked everyone to help gain experience.

In the end, a large number of thousands of pairs of chopsticks were made.

"Be careful, don't break it." Lu Tao warned.

He Zongming said angrily: "I still need you to remind me that this pair of chopsticks is five thousand taels. If it breaks, even if you don't care, we will all be heartbroken."

That's right.

This group of people are very careful when brushing up their experience, for fear of breaking their chopsticks.

If one is broken, it will be two thousand five hundred taels, and if one pair is broken, it will be five thousand taels.

Lu Tao was willing to let go, but none of them were willing to let go.

In this way, Lu Tao's small group for brushing experience took shape.

Lu Tao didn't know much about other people, so he naturally didn't dare to invite them. But relatively speaking, he knew a lot about Wu Ming's family and He Zongming's family, and he also trusted them.

Therefore, Lu Tao decided to let them help him gain experience.

Of course, Lu Tao will not treat them badly, not only in terms of quality of life. When his cultivation level improves, even if he allows them to take a further step in martial arts, there will be no problem...

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