The Three Wolf Gang is a gang in the neighboring Rongxing Town.

Its status is similar to that of the Axe Gang in Dafeng Town, and it is even more cruel than the Axe Gang.

It is because of their three wolves.

These three wolves are extremely large, taller than tigers, and no one knows how they were raised to grow so big.

Moreover, their strength is also extremely strong. It is said that the strength of each wolf is stronger than that of the average late-stage skin refining wolf. They have eaten many people and are a terrifying existence in Rongxing Town.


As soon as the group saw Lu Tao, they rushed over directly without any intention of talking.

Lu Tao understood their plan after a little thought.

Perhaps the people of the Three Wolf Gang thought that he had taken the spiritual herbs, and they did not want to mention this matter to prevent him from using the spiritual herbs as a threat to make them afraid to act rashly.

Unfortunately, they underestimated Lu Tao.


Lu Tao roared, and with his body skills, he directly climbed over the wall and ran to the back mountain.

The yard was too small for him to use his full strength, and he didn't want to destroy his yard because of the fight.

The big black dog was smart. He knew that any one of the Three Wolf Gang, or even any wolf, could easily kill him, so he fled directly to the toilet.

He decided that if anyone or a wolf chased him, he would jump into the toilet and survive in humiliation.


The people of the Three Wolf Gang chased him without hesitation, and the three wolves also rushed directly to Lu Tao at a faster speed.

They didn't even look at the big black dog.

Follow the wind step.

Lu Tao glanced at the three wolves, and without getting too entangled, he used the Follow the Wind Step and soon came to the back mountain.


The moment he returned to the back mountain, Lu Tao instantly took out the eighth-level inferior long sword, turned around and slashed with a sword, the blade light was dazzling.

"Get out of the way!"

The other people of the Three Wolf Gang were shocked and shouted anxiously when they saw this.

What a pity.

With a puff, a wolf howled and screamed, and a wolf head soared into the sky, blood spilled in the sky.

"Fuck, you are not in the early stage of blood refining, but in the middle stage of blood refining?"

"And the entry-level weapon is wrong."


The people of the Three Wolf Gang were shocked and angry. One of them, a sturdy man in his fifties, was the leader of the Three Wolf Gang, Zhao Anshun, and he said hatefully: "We have been deceived."

The Axe Gang was destroyed, and the news was notified to them by the people they arranged in Dafeng Town.


The information that the person told them was that Lu Tao was only in the early stage of blood refining, and his weapon was also a ninth-level middle-grade weapon, and the iron armor was a ninth-level upper-grade weapon.

After weighing the pros and cons, the Three Wolf Gang decided to give it a try.

They chose to act late at night, originally intending to launch a sneak attack, but they were discovered by the big black dog, forcing them to confront Lu Tao head-on.

Who would have thought that they would lose a wolf right at the beginning.

And Lu Tao's information was completely wrong.

"How dare he? We poisoned him."

This thought flashed through his mind, and he didn't have time to think deeply. Lu Tao had already pounced on another wolf. Almost in an instant, the wolf howled in fear, and before he could dodge, he was chopped to death and fell in a pool of blood.

"Stop it."

The gang leader Zhao Anshun had to speak out to stop him, and hurriedly said: "Brother Lu, this is all a mistake..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Tao stopped the third wolf and chopped it down directly.


A light sound made the nine people of the Three Wolf Gang feel cold all over.

It was terrible.

In just a few breaths, the three wolves that they were famous for all died in front of them.

They didn't even pose a threat or harm to Lu Tao.

They died so easily, as if they were not three wolves, but three mice.

"Brother Lu, what do you mean? I've already told you to stop, you..."

The gang leader Zhao Anshun's heart was bleeding, and he was about to say something in a deep voice, but Lu Tao roared directly, "Stop it, all of you, die for me."

While roaring, Lu Tao took out his armor and put it on, and instantly rushed into the crowd, killing people.

They had already launched a sneak attack at night, wanting to kill him, and now that he is strong, they want to negotiate?

There is no such good thing in the world.

If it weren't for his cultivation level being improved, his weapons being upgraded, and the big black dog's qualifications being improved and his sense of smell being more acute...

Maybe he might really fall into the hands of this group of people.

How could Lu Tao let the Three Wolf Gang go.

"Kill, fight him."

"Escape, run away, we are not his opponent."


As soon as Lu Tao rushed into the crowd, the Three Wolf Gang was in chaos. Some people knew they couldn't escape, so they planned to die with Lu Tao, while others wanted to escape.

In an instant, the nine people who usually cooperated very well also turned into birds and beasts and flew away in front of Lu Tao's powerful strength.



Several sounds rang out in succession, and in the blink of an eye, the Three Wolf Gang lost four people.

There were a total of nine people in the Three Wolf Gang. Except for the gang leader Zhao Anshun who was in the early stage of blood refining, the others were all in the late stage of skin refining, and their strength was extremely powerful.

Unfortunately, the attacks of the late stage of skin refining posed no threat to Lu Tao.

Lu Tao rushed into the crowd, as if he was in an empty space. Facing several late stage of skin refining, he killed them all with a brutal sword without any extra movements.

Even if the weapons were head-on, they were cut off by his eighth-level inferior long sword.

The only thing that needed to be distracted was to resist Zhao Anshun's attack.

This person actually had a pair of ninth-level inferior gloves with five sharp claws on his fingers.

"Escape, escape in different directions."

After fighting for only a dozen breaths, the remaining people of the Three Wolf Gang completely realized the reality. They were no match for Lu Tao and could only be slaughtered.

If they didn't run away, they would never have any chance to escape again.

In an instant, the remaining five people fled separately.

"Want to escape? Too late."

Lu Tao snorted coldly, and performed the perfect state of following the wind step. He caught up with one person in an instant, and cut through with a knife, and the two bodies fell to the ground.

Lu Tao didn't even look at him again, and his body didn't stop at all. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with another person, and with a puff of knife, he took another life.


The shrill screams continued to sound in the back mountain, and they stopped abruptly as soon as they sounded.

In less than two minutes, there was only one person whose legs were chopped off in the entire Three Wolf Gang, and the gang leader Zhao Anshun was still alive.

At this time, Zhao Anshun had already fled three miles away along the back mountain.

Seeing that Lu Tao didn't chase him, Zhao Anshun couldn't help showing a look of surviving a disaster, and murmured: "He didn't chase me anymore, I finally survived..."

The next moment, Zhao Anshun suddenly saw Lu Tao took out a bow and arrow, and his heart suddenly jumped.

Feeling something was wrong, and his body instinctively rose with a great sense of crisis.

But before he could react...


An arrow came from far away, as if it didn't take time, and suddenly reached his back, with a puff, it penetrated from the back and shot directly through his body.

Zhao Anshun's body was dragged by inertia and fell to the ground, rolling for dozens of meters before stopping.

"Why is it an eighth-level weapon again?"

Zhao Anshun was puzzled. Why did Lu Tao have so many entry-level items?

This equipment is too luxurious. If they had known this earlier, they would never provoke Lu Tao.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

The Three Wolf Gang had dominated Rongxing Town for thirty years, but because of a spiritual herb, they were destroyed by this 17-year-old boy.

With a heart full of resentment and unwillingness, Zhao Anshun twitched a few times, and then his soul flew away completely.

After getting rid of the last person, Lu Tao was relieved. He did not rush to retrieve the arrow, but came to the man whose legs were cut off but not dead yet.

"Tell me, who betrayed me."

Lu Tao was very angry. He eradicated the Axe Gang for Dafeng Town, but someone betrayed him. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was a wolf and a dog.


This person was also tough. He looked at Lu Tao with hatred, and he looked like he wanted to eat his flesh alive.

Lu Tao smiled lightly, and was not angry. He said: "You didn't seem to think that my cultivation was so high and my weapons were so good before?"

This sentence made this person's face change. I don't know what he thought of, and a strong resentment appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Lu Tao continued, "I guess that man didn't tell you the truth, lied to you, and caused you to die in my hands. Now that's the case, you still want to hide it for that man?"

The man was silent for a moment, then he said, "His name is Fan Jian."

Lu Tao asked curiously, "Why did he betray me? Do you have any leverage over him?"

The man was silent and didn't answer.

Lu Tao asked again, "How do you raise three wolves?"

The man gritted his teeth and said nothing.


Lu Tao didn't care and killed him with a knife.

Since the Three Wolf Gang has a way to raise animals, other places must have it too, so he wasn't in a hurry.

Lu Tao began to touch the corpse and put it away.

However, these people didn't have anything on them, but Lu Tao found a piece of soft armor from the gang leader.

Golden silk soft armor.

It was just shot through by his arrow, and it didn't play much of a defensive role.

"This is good. Soft armor is definitely more comfortable than iron armor, and you don't need to take it off at ordinary times. But I don't know how to make this thing. It seems that I need to learn more in the future."

I have to say, it is a pleasant surprise.

What makes Lu Tao a little regretful is that he didn't find a way to raise animals from the leader of the Three Wolf Gang.

"There should be some in the Three Wolf Gang's lair."

Lu Tao looked thoughtful and looked to the southwest...

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