Creation System of the Universe

Chapter 486: Heavenly Spirit Sword Emperor

Inside the ghost ship, the earth shook the mountains.

The enchantment that suppressed the undead had disappeared, and everyone who entered the ghost ship was panicked, hiding like a rat in panic.

"What's going on!? Why does the barrier disappear?"

"Someone touched some mechanism to make the barrier disappear early!"

"Nima, don't find this person for Lao Tzu, or you will have to bury him alive."

"Now go out and talk about it! We are now surrounded by tens of thousands of undead spirits with one-third of the power of God."

"Children of the emperor, what are you doing in a daze, summon the emperor quickly!"

"Hurry up and call! Otherwise everyone will be finished!"


Hearing that, the emperor's children immediately took the bleeding crystals, ready to summon his father out.

"call out……"

But at this moment, dozens of breaking wind sounded.

Everyone looked up and saw a golden sword light floating in the sky. Upon closer inspection, it was a long sword that was crystal clear like colored glaze.

And around the long sword, there are still twelve stone steles suspended, on which twelve different writing "swords" are written.

"This is, this is the sword of the Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor, the innate spirit treasure, the Biyou spirit sword!"

"The twelve stone steles must be the twelve sword steles of the Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor!"

"Why is Tianhuang Sword Emperor's stuff here?"

"It must be the Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor who came to the ghost ship before his death!"

"I didn't expect the ghost ship to be broken long ago. I thought we were the first people to come in."

"That is to say, the time supernatural power in the ghost ship has long been taken away?"

"may be!?"

"Haha, these cloth days have lost a lot of money, not only did they not get the magical power of time, but also the other treasures."


Seeing the Biyou Spirit Sword, the children of the emperor no longer had the slightest hesitation and directly used the blood crystal to summon their father.

The magical powers of time, even if they didn't get it, would not say anything because of the creation of the sky.

But now that the Xiantian Lingbao is born suddenly, this can't be lost, otherwise the emperors will lose a lot.


Immediately, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and strong pressure came instantly.

At this time, Bu Tian was breathing very quickly, and Biyou Lingjian, as the sword of the Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor, issued a strange call to the Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor's Profound Seed, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Haha, God's will is so!"

"The ghost ship is born, and the arrival of the Great Emperor is indispensable."

"Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor actually put his saber here."

"Where's the magical power of time? Has Butian got it?"

"The Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor has already come, how can the time supernatural powers remain."

"That is to say, when the Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor died, the time supernatural power was lost?"

"It's good if it is lost, otherwise we will be afraid of seeing this kind of magical power."

"Yes, even though the ghost gods were only a member of the gods, they can suppress the present. Now that I think of them, they are all in a cold sweat."

"Look, there are 30,000 dead spirits here, which means that 30,000 gods were killed that year."

"The ghost **** is really an executioner!"

"Everyone will rely on their abilities to see who can compete for this innate spiritual treasure!"




In the next second, the dead spirits on the ghost ship made a miserable cry, and then disappeared between heaven and earth.

At the same time, a series of terrifying energy collisions erupted in the sky, and just a little breath made people frightened.


But at this moment, the accident happened again, and there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the sun and the moon appeared at the same time.

"The sun and the moon are in the same sky, the **** emperor was born!!"

Seeing this, on the ghost ship, whether it was the people who boarded the ship and competed for time, or the emperor, all looked up at the sky.

Last time, the Great Emperor Jitian proclaimed the emperor, but this time will the emperor proclaim the emperor again?

"I am proclaimed the emperor today, the title of Heavenly Spirit Sword Emperor!!"

A majestic voice resounded throughout God's Domain, and the auspicious clouds in the sky were dazzling.

"Title Sky Spirit Sword Emperor?!"

Butian's eyes widened, and among the gods, he was the only one who could use sword intent to power the gods and had the position of assaulting the emperor. Except for the sword **** who was pulled over by him to make a movie, there seemed to be no one! ?

"The Sword God has broken through, and the Tao Te Ching is indeed the supreme magical skill!"

Ouyang Ruolan looked at the sky, the sun and the moon, with a look of envy, she was almost close, and only a little bit, she could realize that she was emperor.

But she believed that not long before it was her turn, she would be the first female emperor of God's Domain.

Butian glanced at the Biyou Spirit Sword that the great emperors were fighting for, and quickly took out the blood crystal that the Sword God had given him.

Rather than let these great emperors compete for the Biyou Spirit Sword, it is better to give it to the Sword God.

In this way, there is still personal affection. If there is anything you don't understand about Kendo in the future, you can ask for advice.

Thinking of this, Bu Tian was not welcome, and directly activated the blood crystal.


The next second, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky again.

At this time, everyone on the ghost ship was numb, and today's events were too shocking. Now, even if they have something more, they all said they could accept it.

When the sword **** appeared in front of Bu Tian, ​​everyone around him was shocked. What was the super sword intent? Is the eighth level of sword intent? !

Could it be that after the Heavenly Desolate Sword Emperor, the second **** who understood the eighth-level sword intent was born?

"Biyou Spirit Sword!"

The Sword God looked up at the Biyou Spirit Sword that the emperors were fighting for, with an extremely indifferent expression.

"Sword God, that's not right, it should be called the Heavenly Spirit Sword Emperor now."

Bu Tian came to the Heavenly Spirit Sword Emperor and looked up and down. This guy actually realized the eighth level of sword intent. Should he be looking for a movie?

The last time the gods participated in the movie, made him earn soaring worth, even if it has been almost two years, it is still difficult to resist the enthusiastic audience.

If he came to make a movie this time, Butian promised to earn him thousands of years.

"Did you come to me to help you fight for the Biyou Spirit Sword?" The Heavenly Spirit Sword Emperor said lightly.

"I have enough Blood Fiend Sword. The Biyou Spirit Sword is too high to be of no use to me." Bu Tian raised the Blood Fiend Sword in his hand and said with a smile: "I think you just became the emperor, so I will give you a gift. "

"Half Congenital Lingbao, no, it is infinitely close to Congenital Lingbao, but the level has not yet been upgraded."

The eyes of the Heavenly Spirit Sword Emperor suddenly shrank. Although the Blood Fiend Sword was an unfinished innate spirit treasure, the devilish energy was too heavy.

However, when he saw the Demon Suppressing Stone at the hilt, he had nothing to say.

A suppressed magic sword, and still in the hands of someone like Bu Tian, ​​who dares to move, nothing big will happen if you think about it.

"I just proclaimed the emperor, and I just lack a sword in my hand that can match me. I accept your intentions."

The Heavenly Spirit Sword Emperor smiled slightly at Bu Tian, ​​then lifted a step, his eyes sharpened in an instant, like sword light, directly shooting people's hearts...

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