Creation furnace

Chapter 1 Copper Furnace

“Manager Zhang, these grains and next year’s spring planting are also available, you can’t take them all away!!”

In a thatched hut, a thin young man clutched a cloth bag tightly and refused to let go.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have to pay for the Yang family's land. This is a matter of course! It's none of my business if you don't have spring food!" Manager Zhang's face was full of fat, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he suddenly kicked him. face.

He was a tall man and practiced martial arts all year round. This kick was very powerful. The mouth of the young boy he kicked was covered in blood and he rolled on the ground several times before he stopped.

Manager Zhang looked at it coldly, picked up the food he had just scooped up like a nonchalant person, and walked away humming a little tune.

"Eighteen touch, eighteen touch, touch the little peach, touch the little apricot~"

The young man climbed up in embarrassment, looking at his back, his thin body trembling slightly,

A pair of eyes turned even redder with anger, staring at the stone in the corner.


The November wind blew the wooden door, and the dilapidated wooden door swayed. Then, Manager Zhang's footsteps seemed to pause.

Time seemed to have stopped, and it was not until a moment later that the footsteps resumed and gradually faded away.

The boy in the room weakly threw the bricks in his hands. In the end, I still didn’t dare to take action.

Years of malnutrition have made his body very thin, making it impossible for him to beat the opponent. If he did, he might be beaten to death on the spot.

"Dad, Mom, I tried my best." The young man moved his pale lips and slowly sat in the corner.

His name is Ji Die, and his ancestors have lived in Wenhe Village for generations and made a living by farming.

Not long after he was born, his father, who was suffering from a serious illness, passed away, leaving his mother to raise him alone until he was five years old.

Unexpectedly, his mother also left him when he was five years old because of the cold...

So he was the only one left in the whole family...

Yang Yuanwai, a wealthy family member nearby, saw that he was a child who was easy to bully, so he took advantage of the situation and bought the family's remaining Susukita at a very low price.

Then he rented it to him for an annual commission.

Over the years, the commission has increased year by year, and now it requires him to spend all his food to pay it.

I made it clear that I didn’t want to give him a way to survive...

He was tired and didn't know what to do in the future. He might starve to death. After all, there was no food.

But thinking about his mother holding his hand tightly before she died and angrily telling him to live well, Ji Die still staggered to his feet again.

"My mother said that as long as people are alive, there is hope. Ji Die, keep living..."

He doesn't know what the meaning of living is.

It was probably the unwillingness and resentment deep in his heart towards those wealthy wealthy people that kept him alive!

He wants to kill these bastards who bully him!

But the Yang family raised many people who practiced martial arts, and it was said that they were also connected to immortal cultivators. It was not something he, a fourteen-year-old boy with malnutrition, could handle.

Ji Die raised his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth, but instead his face looked covered in blood.

My stomach is also singing the empty city plan at this time.

He looked around and saw that the house was empty, without any belongings.

Even furniture such as tables, chairs, and benches were all exchanged for money over the years, making the family completely destitute.

Suddenly, a pleasant voice came from the door,

"Brother Ji, are you busy today? Can you take me to catch crabs?"

Ji Die looked around and his eyes fell on a seven or eight year old girl wearing straw sandals.

This girl's full name is Li Pingping, from the same village as him.

Because once I saw him catching a big crab, I admired him very much and liked to follow him.

During the non-busy farming season, Ji Die would often take her to catch crabs in the creek outside the village.

But now he still had to worry about how to survive, so he had no time to spare, so he turned his back to her.

"No time."

"Oh..." Pingping stood at the door, not pestering him like before, and turned around and ran away.

Ji Die shook his head and ignored it, looking at the corner.

There was an overturned stove with two ears that looked about the same size as a cooking pot.

This is the only thing in the family that may be worth some money. It is said that it was dug out of the soil by Grandpa Ji Die's generation.

It looked dark. It might be a copper utensil. It was usually used to store rice, but now he was starving to death. Ji Die couldn't care about it. He walked over in embarrassment, preparing to take the stove to the town to sell it. money.

Unexpectedly, just as he lifted the stove from the ground with his blood-stained hands, the black stove suddenly flashed with light,

Immediately afterwards, the blood on the surface of the stove disappeared quickly, and then the stove in his hand turned into a stream of light and rushed into Ji Die's body.

What's going on, am I dazzled?

Ji Die was stunned and rubbed his eyes to confirm that his hands were empty and that the black furnace had really disappeared out of thin air.

"Where's my stove?"

As if sensing his call, the copper furnace reappeared in his hands.

Ji Die was even more confused. Seeing this scene that was beyond his understanding, he seemed to understand something and tentatively spoke,

"Put it away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the copper furnace disappeared from his hand.

"Come out." Ji Die shouted again.

Not surprisingly, the copper stove reappeared in his hand.

"Could this be a magic weapon used by immortals?"

Seeing this magical scene, Ji Die hugged the copper stove tightly in his arms. He no longer wanted to sell it for money, and was ready to study the function of the stove.

Maybe it can make him turn over!

At this time, a series of footsteps came from outside the house.

"Brother Ji, this is for you... You can sell it at the medicine store in town, and you should be able to get some money. There are also steamed buns for you to eat..." The little girl who had just left ran back anxiously and spread her white and tender little hands.

She put a wild ginseng as thick as a finger and a steamed bun in the copper stove in his hand.

Ji Die was slightly stunned, looking at the steamed bun and ginseng that were still emitting heat, and his voice suddenly choked.

"Pingping, I can't..."

Who knew that before he finished speaking, the little girl ran away with a smile.

"Brother Ji, in Pingping's heart, you are always the most powerful. You can catch such a big crab. You must be strong. Life will definitely get better..."

Hearing this innocent voice, Ji Die sniffed, and a layer of mist appeared in his eyes.

His parents died when he was young. At a young age, he knew the warmth and coldness of human nature. He knew that it was easy to add icing on the cake, but it was difficult to send charcoal in the snow.

Now, when he was at his lowest point, there was someone who cared about him. That feeling was indescribable...

Suddenly, a green light flashed from the copper furnace in his hand. The ginseng, which was as thick as a finger just now, not only increased several times, but also, behind the misty precious light, the flesh that was originally slightly shriveled seemed to be fuller, and things like whiskers grew out, which was completely different from the original ginseng.

"What's going on, my ginseng, why did it become like this..." This sudden scene immediately made Ji Die full of astonishment, and he stuttered when he spoke.

The price of ginseng increases with the age. Generally speaking, the older the ginseng, the fuller it is and the higher its value.

The previous ginseng was only about a few years old, shriveled, as if malnourished, and could be sold for about a few copper coins.

But the ginseng in front of him now smelled like a refreshing fragrance, refreshing. He had never seen it before, and he was afraid that even ginseng that was several decades old would not be as good as this! It must be very valuable!

With it, there is no need to worry about starving to death!

But why did it suddenly change...

Ji Die slowly looked at the copper furnace in his arms, quickly went over to close the door, and came back to study the copper furnace.

Before, he thought that this furnace might be a magic weapon of the immortal, and now he is more certain.

After all, this wild ginseng was placed in the copper furnace, and then it suddenly changed! !

"Could it be that this copper furnace can improve the quality of medicinal materials?"

Thinking of his guess, Ji Die put the wild ginseng into the furnace again, staring at it intently, for fear of missing a detail.

But until his eyes were a little sore, the furnace still did not react this time.

"Is it that each herb can only be upgraded once, or can it only be upgraded once in total? If it is the latter, then..."

Ji Die ate the steamed bun that Ping Ping had just given him, filling his stomach a little, and pondered for a moment, planning to go to the town to sell the wild ginseng.

Before leaving, he washed his face to wash off the blood stains on his face.

With another thought, he put the stove back into his body. Then he carried the wild ginseng and left the village all the way, heading towards the town a few miles away.

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