Chapter 552: Terran Hustle, Su Tian’s Worry!!!

“With the situation of our human race, who can suppress and even suppress the power of the laws of the foreign race.”

Hearing this, among the crowd, the young man was suddenly unhappy, so belittled the true God in his heart, so he sneered and interjected: “Heh, you said that you need five revolutions, just five revolutions?” ”

“Are you the true God? So clear? ”

“I see that the figure that just appeared is an extremely powerful true god.”

As soon as the young man’s words fell, the young people in the crowd also pandered to agree and said: “That is, why do you say that you are not the strong man of our human race!” ”

“I see that you don’t care about your own family so badly, I’m afraid it’s a foreign race!”

“That is, that is, the strong man of the Terran race, how can he let you one…”

However, before the words fell, a divine light soared into the sky and turned into a pillar of light.

The mighty divine power suddenly enveloped the entire city.

In the midst of the divine fire, the man who spoke before looked at the young man just now with a silent expression.

The low voice said slowly: “Because I am the true God!” ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was originally calmed by the sudden change was instantly speechless.

It also made the young man who had spoken before suddenly panic.

This is the true God.

Know that the true God is not to be dishonored!

This is a place that all the strong of the rank are afraid of.

He was a young man who had just graduated, and he was not a famous school, only a third-order little creation god.

How can it not be panicked.

Just when the youth thought he was dead.


“Young man, you are too impulsive!”

A voice sounded, and with the sound, a gentle force appeared, unloading the divine power that was also on everyone.

Everyone only felt a loose on their bodies, following the source of the sound, but seeing the figure of the old man, everyone couldn’t help but show surprised eyes.

The presence of a true God has already shocked and horrified them.

The old man I didn’t want to see in the past was actually a true god.

It is a basic common sense that true God can deal with true God.

Under the light of the faint true god, the old man was significantly mysterious and powerful at the moment.

The man’s eyes shrank, and then his face showed seriousness, retracted his momentum, and slowly saluted the old man.

The old man stretched out his hand and waved his hand, and said to the True God Man: “They are just a group of children!” ”

“It’s more impulsive to talk, but don’t use this to persuade them.”

The true god man looked silent, his face was calm, but he did not agree in his heart.

It was because he knew they were a bunch of kids that he did.

As a teacher, how could he not know what these monkeys thought.

Besides, just to warn them, it is because they are all standing on their own side and defending the power of the true God.

Seeing the man’s look, the old man didn’t have much intention of preaching, but turned to the group of people and said: “You haven’t gone through the catastrophe of heaven and earth, you don’t know some things, and I don’t blame you!” ”

“True God, the stronger the foreign race, the better, these are not important.”

The old man said and put his gaze on the bend, his low and serious face, showing a bit of surprise, and said excitedly: “The important thing, the one he came back to pull!” ”

When everyone heard this, their eyes blinked, and they looked at it with confusion, and the old man who became a little inexplicable did not react for a while.

The man on the side did have a sudden look in his eyes, and his originally silent expression showed a look of horror.

“Senior, you mean, you mean.”

As he spoke, the man couldn’t help but tremble with excitement.

The old man turned his head and looked at the man’s excited look, a pleased smile appeared on his face, and he said: “Su Xiao, he is back!” ”

As the voice fell.

A wind of silence suddenly spread out.

Su Day?

Who’s this?

Anyone present who pulls a person out can say one or two paragraphs of Su Tian’s affairs.

Who is he?

He is a hero of the Terrans.

It is the greatest hero of the Terran who can be safe and stable than here.

It’s a savior.

At this moment, whether it is youth, middle age, or even some ordinary old age.

They couldn’t help but grow up the most afraid, stunned, unbelievable, fleeting.

The ensuing cheers resounded throughout the heavens and the earth.

Whether it is a city, a family station, or even a place where some vassal races live.

Another person who manages the catastrophe of heaven and earth, personally testifies.

One temple of the entire human race, three holy places, five realms, eight regions, and one hundred and eight cities.

Even some large and small places to live, everyone is boiling.


Ascend to heaven.

One by one, one by one, one by one, one by one.

“Let’s go!”

“We should also welcome the strongest of our Terran race!”

Looking at the light rising from the sky, the old man laughed.

The momentum on the body suddenly boiled, and the true divine power turned far away.

The old man turned into light and left.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man followed excitedly.

Waves of air that break through the air, raging.

Everyone who wanted to stabilize their figures was stunned to find out.

One another, one another.

In the light of the Dao, it is either an old man or a middle-aged figure.

Although their momentum is completely unable to catch up with the two true gods.

But the redness in their eyes is visible to the naked eye.

The other side.

At the moment when the Terrans were surprised and flew around the alien race into ashes.

In the middle of the bend.

Under the huge divine thoughts that enveloped the entire heaven and earth, seeing those mythical alien personnel who died and turned into flying ashes, Su Xiao couldn’t help but frown.

Things are going so smoothly that there is not a single wave.

He stilled his original plan.

Is it prudent? Or did you deliberately let me vent the fire?

Su Tian, who had such a thought flashed in his heart, immediately hid his gaze on the group of people in the corner of the Terran race.

He took so much pains, deliberately revealed his holy icon, and even used the power of mythology, which is only a simplified power.

Nor can they make a move, and even at a critical time, they are clear about the power of mythology in those human bodies.

This looks like it was done deliberately.

Looking at Yahid, who was safe and sound in front of him, he said ruthlessly: “When are you going to see it?” ”

The voice passed through the void and into the ear of the figure sitting on the throne.

Yahid, who was swept by Su Tian’s gaze, couldn’t help but feel a sudden feeling in his heart, nervous to death.

You know, although he did not participate in this matter, there are some things that he does not want to do.

In the entire human race, there are about ten mythical forces that he knows just to say.

Moreover, these people also have their own views in the face of the Terrans, and they are not like them, with the attitude of participating as little as possible.

Among those people, there is the idea of captivity.

To be honest, it is the city where they are located, if it were not for their intervention, it would have become another Wanmin City.

It has become a blood-eating alien holy place.

However, from the current point of view, his original decision did not arouse Su Yang’s disgust.

Otherwise, with the power that just broke out, his good-hearted highness would not be able to save himself.

Seeing that Su Yang did not intend to deal with himself, Yahid couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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