Chapter 72: Foreign Genius? It’s just ants!!

Step, step, step.

Crisp footsteps sounded on the training ground.

Even the supervision teacher did not find out when Su Yang tried to enter the training room.

This young man in white appeared just like that. He walked lightly towards Lucas.

The pace is not hurried.

Every step seems to be walking in the hearts of countless people.

“Oh, let me see, there is another big Xia brother who doesn’t know what to do~”

Lucas looked at Su Xiao and shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Laughing at the live broadcast room on the side~.

Words about mocking Daxia students kept flashing on the barrage in the live broadcast room.

“My good friend, if you want to challenge me, you need to wait until I finish talking to this lovely girl, oh, this is the rule.”

Lucas had a calm smile on his face, and he exuded an extremely terrifying divine power as he spoke.


The azure divine power is like the color of the firmament. Deep and far.

With an indescribable sacredness, it converged behind Lucas. It’s like an eternal deity.

High up and overlooking everything. God is like the sea, God is like hell.

The strong sense of oppression was rampant throughout the training room. Even if it is the students outside the venue.

At this moment, I also felt the coercion that seemed like a god looking down. Mighty and boundless.

Obviously, everyone is in the third order, but in front of Lucas.

Many third-order students only feel that there is no difference between themselves and ants. Yet in the face of such terrifying coercion.

Su Yang still walked so unhurriedly.

There was not the slightest divine wonder on his body, not even a trace of divine power or divine fire.

He seems to be the most ordinary person. Under the coercion of a god. It’s still moving step by step.

Take a leisurely stroll.

At this moment, Su Yang didn’t seem to be under the coercion of a third-order mythical divine kingdom 1 powerhouse.

It’s in the back garden of your own home. Indifferent and casual.

Su Yang walked like this.

Not in a hurry, like a boy next door, the smile does not decrease.

One-step. Two steps. Three steps. Seven steps

When the seventh step was taken, the contempt on Lucas’s face disappeared. The eighth step followed, in full view.

Su Tian, who fell in the eighth step, instantly appeared in front of Lucas. Next second.


Lucas, who exuded coercion like a god, suddenly did not explode. A little cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

“Are you okay?”

Su Tian’s voice was very kind, and he pulled up the woman


I casually patted the dust on each other’s bodies.

“Thank you, you have to be careful, he is strong.”

The girl whispered

Su Xiao didn’t speak, but smiled slightly at the girl. That smile is bright, but it brings endless peace of mind.

It seems that behind this white-clothed boy, even if the heaven and earth are subverted, he can only hold the sky with one hand!

Then Su Tian’s divine power moved slightly.

The figure of the girl then appeared beside the monitoring teacher.


Lucas, who took a few steps back, felt a little dissatisfied on his face

But at the first moment when Su Yang appeared in front of his eyes. The biological instinct reminded him madly.


Otherwise you will die!!

At that moment, Lucas could not go against the instinct of survival.

It’s like the instincts of wild animals when facing top predators under the laws of the forest.

Like a rat dog instinctively fleeing after encountering a tyrannosaurus.

“Hey, bro, you’re not following the rules!”

Lucas’s face gradually turned blue, Lucas, a well-deserved genius.

Just now, in front of this kid, he stepped back. It was simply hard for him to accept.

Therefore, he decided to torture this boy in white by all means.


Su Xiao playfully repeated Lucas’s words.

Then, the voice said in a cold voice.

“Sorry, if I’m not mistaken, this is Daxia, and the rules here should be what Daxia said.”

“In that case, then at this moment, my rules are the rules. Middle. ”

Su Yang’s voice was not loud, but it clearly fell on Lucas’s ears with anger!

Crazy anger instantly filled Lucas’s heart.

“FUCK!!! You’re looking for death!! ”

He roared, hissing and raging with the unbridled divine power of his whole body.

The live barrage behind him became even more crazy.

“This big Xia kid is finished, I bet he can’t last five seconds!”

“I’ll bet ten seconds!”

“I think he can survive a minute and master the rules of space, this kid is also a genius!”

“…… Wha!!!a ”

The azure divine power is like thunder and flame. Lucas rushed madly towards Su Tian.

The powerful divine power is blessed on his body.

Furious, he was like a god of war who had come out of mythology. Honk!!


Wherever the figure passed, the memory metal of the training ground burst one after another. Even space began to crumble at this moment.


Everything began to wail at this moment.

It is unimaginable that it is only a third-order creation god that caused all this.

“His strength is even more terrifying than most fourth-order creation gods!”

The supervising teacher’s whole body is surging with divine power.

In his heart, Su Yang was absolutely unable to block this blow, and he wanted to save Su Yang as soon as he was injured.

This outstanding Great Xia talent must be saved. Whatever it takes!!


Su Xiao indifferently looked at everything that happened in front of him. Slow.

Too slow.

It’s too slow.

In his eyes, three thousand avenues flowed.

Countless rules about speed have emerged, space, speed and slowness, and reversal. Under the blessing of a group of strong avenues.

In the eyes of countless people, he is as fast as Lucas, the god of war.

In Su Tian’s eyes, it is indeed not a little faster than a snail. He slowly raised a left hand.

Next second.

Yu ~ boom!!!

Lucas, who was like a hungry tiger, instantly appeared in front of Su Tian. The tyrannical impact rippled through everything around him.

The glass of the training room was even overwhelmed and cracked everywhere. Everyone stared nervously at everything in the training ground.

“I’ll just say that kid can’t last five seconds.”

“Cut, think how amazing!”

“My legs are scared and soft, I don’t hide.”

“It didn’t take more than two seconds!!”

Lucas’s barrage in the live broadcast room was frantically discussing. Immediately after, a slightly lazy voice suddenly sounded.

“It didn’t take more than two seconds.”

“I’m sorry, Daxia is a city of etiquette, I should let him go, but”

The aftermath of the shock gradually dissipated.

A handsome teenager’s face appeared in the live broadcast room. He smiled like a boy next door.

But the words in his mouth made all foreigners watching the live broadcast only feel a chill all over their bodies and their sweat hair stood on end.

“I should have let him go, but I didn’t expect him to be so useless?”

Su Xiao slowly raised his left hand, and a humanoid creature with almost all broken bones was casually lifted by him grabbing his head.

It was as if he was holding some kind of garbage. Contemptuous, disdainful.

All the barrage disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, only the white-clothed boy was left in everyone’s eyes. Snap~

He casually threw Lucas to the ground. It’s like throwing away a piece of garbage. He shook his hand in disgust.

Then said softly: “Foreign friends are polite, want to send points and say it directly.” ”

None of the students could see Su Tian’s previous movements clearly. Only the teacher who took the order to monitor stood in place at the moment. He saw it.

At the moment when Lucas appeared in front of Su Tian. Su Day moved.

He just punched Lucas in the face with a random punch.

Then countless rules exploded. It’s like heaven and earth dancing together.

He shattered every bone of Lucas and suppressed all of Lucas’s divine powers.

However, the connection of every bone was not preserved, which means that Lucas can only be judged as a minor injury.

And even more terrifying.

Lucas, who is now lying on the ground like a dead dog, still maintains his consciousness.

He was suffering from shattered bones like hell.

It felt like countless ants eating his flesh and blood, his soul.

He wanted to scream, but it seemed like he had been deprived of all rights. can only be immersed in endless pain.

And every time when his body is about to reach the standard of exiting the battle. A trace of life divine power will appear, slightly repairing his body.

Let him only lie on the ground, constantly tortured.

And Su Tian, who caused all this, really didn’t bother to look at Lucas.

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