Thinking of this, Su Yang took out the one that had previously obtained the divine source.

The mind once again entered the chaotic world.

At this time, the chaotic world had already given birth to five gods and demons.

They are Life God Demon, Death God Demon, Reincarnation God Demon, Time God Demon and Space God Demon.

However, although there are only five gods and demons.

But divided into three camps.

Life gods and demons and space gods and demons believe that the avenue of the heavens is an orderly school that should be born and lucky.

Death gods and demons and time gods and demons are disorderly schools that believe that everything will eventually return to ruins.

and the reincarnation gods and demons born in life and death into a neutral camp of their own.

Major wars broke out between the orderly and disorderly camps many times.

It made the entire chaos tremble.

In the face of this situation.

Su Yang did not stop it.

Relative to the whole chaos.

At this stage, the threat that gods and demons can cause is insignificant.

And the newborn gods and demons, although they are the embodiment of the avenue.

But now it is not possible to fully master their own capabilities.

Only confrontation and games between the same ranks can allow them to better grasp their own Tao.

On the other hand, every battle between gods and demons will cause a collision of avenues.

This is of great benefit to Su Yang’s Avenue of Enlightenment.

Therefore, he has never interfered with this.

In the chaos right now.

There are already many shadows of the avenue gods and demons that have been solidified.

They peek into the void at everything around them.

I glimpsed the battle of five gods and demons.

But he could not get out of the shadows.

That’s all because of the lack of divine source power.

As a result, they were never able to take the last step.

Can’t get out of the shadow.

But now.

Su Yang took out the divine source obtained from the Tianjiao list.

Between the shaking of divine power.

Start refining the Divine Source.

Bursts of pure and incomparable power began to surround Su Tian.

The source of God is also constantly decomposing.

The result is the purest energy.

Su Yang raised his hands and looked at the gods and demons that were about to appear.

The mind moves slightly.


Trivial voices, in vain.

The power is like a river.

Flocked to the Venerable God and Demon Shadow.

The five gods and demons seemed to have sensed something at the same time.

Look around at the same time.




Next second.

The vision stands out.

Several laws of the avenue manifest themselves in nothingness.

There is a killing breath permeating the chaos, where the shadow of blood passes.

Even Chaos exuded an incomparable killing intent, and a phantom shadow covered with barbs slowly emerged.

He squinted his eyes and looked around.

As if Chaos was His slaughterhouse.

There is a mighty qi rippling and flowing, surrounded by immortal sounds, and chaotic chorus.

The idea of escaping and floating across the chaos, in this chaos that only exists in the gods and demons of the avenue.

It is as if countless creatures from other worlds are singing for it.

Behind him, a mountain that penetrated the sky appeared in the chaos for the first time.

Among the strange gods and demons, he is like the most ordinary creature.

But it exudes a strong aura that is difficult for the heavens to ignore.


There are tall figures that seem to carry chaos, and there are figures that walk chaotic and dashing.


One after another virtual shadow condensed, present in the world!

The entire chaotic moment burst out countless avenues reflecting each other and playing games with each other.

Kill each other, kill each other!

If it was an ordinary creation god, it would definitely not be possible to use a divine source to cause such a terrifying scene.

Because generally the creation gods use various resources to create rules and create creatures to create the kingdom of God and strengthen the kingdom of God.

And Su Yang’s avenue gods and demons themselves are representatives of the laws of avenues.

It is even more because he created Pangu, the rules that are triggered.

That’s why the gods and demons were born.

After the birth of gods and demons, they were divided into different camps to fight and kill each other.

Trigger the collision of the avenue and speed up the progress of the unborn avenue gods and demons.

The newly born gods and demons will join the camp that fits with their own Dao and fight against the Dao that is contrary to themselves.


This almost perfect virtuous circle can only be achieved by Su Yang.

And in the battle of gods and demons.

The shadows of gods and demons that have not yet been born are also because of their fighting.

Just a little short of being able to appear.

And the intervention of Shenyuan is equivalent to breaking the last layer of window paper.

Therefore, Su Yang only used one divine source.

It triggered dozens of avenue gods and demons to appear.

Dozens of rules are constantly surging behind him.

The power is complex and holy.

But with a bit of confusion.

Su Xiao did not pay attention to this.

Three thousand avenues converge together.

Every avenue represents an extreme.

The road is the rule, the law, but beyond the law, the driving rule.

It is the origin of all laws.

As long as an ordinary person masters a great road, then even if he has all the other laws, the rules are very weak.

All have the potential to become ninth-order gods.

And Su Yang is the ruler of the Three Thousand Avenues.

Everyone thought that Su Yang was just incarnating ordinary rules bred in chaos.

That’s because they don’t dare to imagine or believe it.

This is what they see as the chaos of the wasteland.

Hidden is the Three Thousand Avenue.

I dare not imagine that Su Yang can actually transform the avenue!!

Now this situation, Su Yang had long expected.

Just wait until Pangea appears.

Subject to supreme might.

Order the rule of three thousand, and coordinate the power of the avenue.

But before that.

Su Xiao’s eyes closed slightly.


He felt that his divine power was longing.

It is longing to burn, to be stronger.

“It’s time to light the divine fire~”


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