Praise for a while.

Mo Yu smiled and said, "I heard from Yang Qiu that you two are college classmates? Have a good relationship?"

"Yes!" Qiu Jinliang said with a smile: "But we are not the same major and we met in the school library."

"I studied journalism and he studied management."

Hearing this, Yang Qiu recalled the past and couldn't help laughing: "Lao Qiu, I remember there was a pretty girl in the library at that time. We both went over to ask for her contact information at the same time, but we were both rejected."

Qiu Jinliang rolled his eyes at him: "If you don't interfere, I will definitely ask about the phone number!"

"Fart, you should have stayed out of it!"

The two of them were joking with each other, which was very interesting to Mo Yu.

Yang Qiu is very young, in his early 30s, but he is more serious about work and rarely relaxes.

Meeting his friend today made Mo Yu see another side of him.

After laughing for a while, Mo Yu got down to business.

"Reporter Qiu, Yang Qiu told me that you work for the "Jingzhou News" column?"

"Jingzhou News" is the local news program of Jingzhou Channel, which is broadcast on time from 6.35-6.55 pm every day.

Because it broadcasts all local news in Jingzhou, and accepts citizens' reactions and dares to disclose it, it has a certain ratings among local people and a large number of viewers.

In the general public psychology, if something can be on the TV news, it must be very important and extremely extraordinary.

Mo Yu not only focused on the ratings of the "Jingzhou News" program, but also on the meaning it represents.

"Yes!" Qiu Jinliang nodded.

"Then I wonder if there is a chance to be on the show this time?" Mo Yu asked.

Qiu Jinliang shook his head: "I don't know."

"I don't know what you mean?" Yang Qiu asked anxiously: "Lao Qiu, I came here just because I want to be in your column. Please give me the right words!"

"It's not that I don't give the right answer, it's really that I don't dare to guarantee it!"

"Although the program "Jingzhou News" is promoted as filming the scenery of Jingzhou and solving the problems of citizens, it is a serious news program after all."

Qiu Jinliang smiled bitterly: "To tell you the truth, I don't have much say in the station. The reason why I was sent to cover the competition is because the leader thought that the scale of this competition was very interesting. But after all, it is about online games. Can it be in the news? How can I be sure? I can only say that I will try my best!"

"No..." Yang Qiu wanted to argue.

Mo Yu raised his hand to interrupt: "Okay, Yang Qiu, don't hurt the friendship. I understand very well what Reporter Qiu said. The situation of online games is indeed not very good, but no matter what, it is enough that Reporter Qiu is willing to help mediate, but If you need anything, just ask.”

"Thank you, Mr. Mo, for understanding." Qiu Jinliang breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "It's not that I don't want to. If I were the leader, with my relationship with Yang Qiu, I would give at least 3 minutes without saying a word! But the game is It’s something, and it has nothing to do with honor, so it’s hard to say!”

Qiu Jinliang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Mo Yu could only express his understanding.

No matter how unwilling you are, there is nothing you can do about it. Supervision from above is too strict, and public opinion is not good, so it will be difficult to deal with it.

Many game company bosses themselves look down on the game industry.

Shanda, for example, often publicly stated that gaming was harmful to people, and in the end even smashed the bowl itself. From then on, the giant became a second-rate player.

After sending Qiu Jinliang to the venue and taking his seat, and arranging filming locations, Mo Yu continued to receive other guests.

This time he invited a lot of media, and all the media that could come were invited. Sina, Sohu and other portal websites were lucky enough to say that they had enough money and it was not a negative publicity news. They all said that they would publish a report. Anyway, the network supervision is not strict.

People sent by the official game platform said they would vigorously promote it and advertise on the platform's homepage.

The rest of the traditional media is different. Most of them have no guarantees. Except for one "Video Game" magazine, the others are very ambiguous.

And this "Video Games" is not a popular publication, with not many subscribers, just barely.

After receiving reporters, Mo Yu treated everyone equally and arranged them to sit in the front row without favoring one or another.

The reporters arranged their camera positions, and a group of small groups began to discuss.

Reporters from several portal websites gathered together.

"Before I came here, I thought it was just a small competition, just write a few sentences. I didn't expect it to be so big!"

"This scene can be called a grand event in the gaming industry!"

"Indeed, but do you know the specifics of this game and the company behind it?"

"don't know!"

"I do know a little bit. This game is very famous now. Several of my friends are playing it, but I don't know the details."

Several people discussed it together, and it turned out that they didn't know much about it. In this situation, the article would not be able to boast about it!

You can't agree and then take the money and not brag, right?

Then how can you treat others with sincerity?

So a few people searched around and happened to find an interviewer sent by the official platform nearby to ask him about the specific situation.

"Fishing company? Then I know more than you do!"

"Speak quickly!"

Several people urged.

The official smiled and said, "Then let's talk about it."

"This company is very powerful. It developed a game and it became popular all over the country within a year. It beat many established popular games and ranked at the top."

"Although no specific report has been disclosed, according to our statistics, the revenue is very considerable. It is easy to earn tens of millions per year, and it is not impossible to make over 100 million. The current number of registered users should be several million. Looking at the country's fourth most popular ranking, it is very fierce!"

"In addition, the full name of this competition is actually the First "Gods and Gods" Internet Cafe E-Sports League. Not only the games, but the competition itself has received a lot of attention among the player community."

"And just by hearing the name, you know that this won't be the first time, and there will definitely be others in the future!"


Officials talked a lot and finally concluded.

"That's all I know about the specifics, and I can't tell you more details. All in all, this company is great and its future is limitless!"

Reporters from several portal websites were entranced.

None of them expected Moyu Company to be so powerful, growing from an unknown small studio to its current size in one year, with an annual income of tens of millions!

They didn't do any detailed research before coming, and they didn't take it to heart at all. It wasn't until they arrived at the scene that they realized something was wrong.

But I didn’t expect it to be so wrong!

This is not the small business that I thought it was before, it is actually an industry giant!

Several people began to search for information.

Qiu Jinliang happened to be nearby and listened roughly.

He didn't even expect Moyu Company to be so awesome!

"If this is really the case, then it should not be underestimated!"

"I have a relationship with Yang Qiu, and this company is huge. If this game can be reported, it will definitely increase the ratings of the program, attract the audience's curiosity, and it will also greatly improve my future!"

"Looks like we have to find a way to get it on the show!"


The weather was sunny and no rain.

The blazing sun slowly sets, and the residual warmth is still there, but it is no longer hot.

The air conditioning on site is fully turned on, making the air comfortable.

Mo Yu stood in the background and saw that 7.80% of the 1,000 seats arranged for the scene were occupied. Most of them were gamers who came to watch the game, holding support materials to support their respective teams. There were also some curious ones left. passers-by.

There are no tickets anyway, and there are many people who like to watch the excitement.

"It should be almost there. The number of so many people has almost reached the limit. If there are more people, it will probably only be a hundred people at most."

Observing the situation at the scene, seeing that it was almost done, Mo Yu made arrangements.

"Get ready to start!"

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