Create a Fantasy World

Chapter 220: 9 head snake invasion

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The Red Skeleton and Megatron were connected through a chat group.

For this reason, it is also recommended that the leader of Decepticons join the Hydra chat group.

Although not interested in human things.

But the idea of ​​Hydra, and some of their black technology, made Megatron very curious.

Especially the universe Rubik's Cube, and the matter of the soul gem, make Megatron very excited.

If you can get the legendary infinite gem, can it make the Decepticons stronger.

It's his expertise to grab resources everywhere for trouble.

Megatron said no problem.

But the red skull came for another purpose.

He will use the force of the Decepticons to rebuild the Hydra.

Therefore, providing a universe cube is just a guise.

The team that secretly controls the Decepticons is true.

After some talks between the two sides, the Red Skull also discovered some Decepticons secrets.

For example, Starscream and others are mass-produced Transformers.

The tape force is also the same mass-produced robot.

Coupled with Megatron's camouflage technology and mysterious source of fire, all make the red skull eye-opening.

He even learned about the magic ball and the leadership module from Megatron.

These two things seem to be not simple.

If you can get it in your hand, it would be better.

The intention of the red skull was soon discovered by Megatron.

It is a pity that he only wanted to get white wolves from the hands of red skulls and empty gloves.

As for what goes to Cybertron, don't think about dreaming.

Seeing to be fooled, the red skull is not covered.

He who has been guarding soul gems for a long time has already acquired the ability of telepathy.

Actually aware of Megatron's thoughts, and powerfully launched a mental attack, making Megatron's mind greatly changed.

After struggling, he knocked down the disturbed sky, and immediately knelt in front of the red skull to show his surrender.

Dignified, he was kneeling down towards the red skeleton.

Looking at the proud red skulls and star spiders, they are also incredible.

What does this say?

"Great Red Skull, I am willing to serve Hydra. Will you just let me go? What on earth should I do?"

"Now, go find the Autobots first. I will also create a powerful Hydra army!"

The red skull laughed, indicating that I had already arranged.

Strongly ordered Megatron to play, take him to meet the Autobots, fight and talk.

I didn't think that there was a stern battle there. Someone heard that the Red Skeleton had come here and couldn't help worrying about her purpose.

The American team Steve brought the Falcon and Winter Soldier together.

This is more interesting.

The adversary's early appearance means that it has to fight again.

The Autobots warmly received the American team and learned about the horror of Hydra.

Since they are criminals that endanger the world, they must be treated severely.

So record the data of Hydra and others, and notify all the motorists, not to be careless.

In the Autobot chat group, everyone is also talking.

"What, this guy who looks like a skeleton, what kind of traverser?"

"Curious look. Is it human?"

"I heard that there are zombies, won't it be this?"

"I was told that. He dared to come and beat him!"

The cable said very carelessly, who knows that the red skull will really be here next second.

He rode on Starscream and led Megatron and others to appear, just to be happy with the Autobots.

Optimus Prime took the lead, and it seemed that Megatron said that you had nothing to do, and would come to trouble all day.

"Hello, who said that we have nothing to do when we are idle? I came here today to settle down on you!"

Megatron weather is not good, just open scolding.

To put it this way, it's nothing new.

Ironhide and others couldn't help but pull out their ears. They always felt that after many years, there was still no progress.

However, this time Megatron was not kidding.

The Red Skeleton followed, watching these ignorant robots, but ordered Megatron to attack strongly.

"Come on, Megatron. Don't talk nonsense."

Megatron was helpless, and the artillery fire was a mess.

Optimus Prime also fought back.

Everyone shoots at each other, the lasers are scattered all over the sky, and each one is a pig's foot aura online.

Lin Yi supervised this scene and felt almost drunk.

Is it too old-fashioned?

Unexpectedly, the red skull looked down.

So you can play for 100 years, OK?

Directly use telepathic remote control to increase the attack head of both sides.

With two swishes, Optimus was shot in the shoulder and Ironhide was also struck.

Bumblebee was so small that he took the initiative and got shot.

This is not scientific.

How many years have the two sides played, they have not said that they have died casually, and now the injury rate is so high, funny?

Megatron was also shocked, who would have been hit in the next second.

Fly out on the spot, no trace.

This move is not an attack by the Autobots.

But I saw a guy with wings flying in the air, turned out to be a falcon.

Followed by the one-armed Bucky, the unicorn arm was used, and the battle was Megatron.

Steve waved his shield and asked the red skull to come down for a fight.

"Haha, it turned out to be your trash!"

The Red Skeleton smiled immediately and deeply hated the old rivals.

Steve has the same hatred, saying that you finally come out and continue to harm other worlds.

How did I charge you today?

"Accept me? Don't even think about this life!"

The Red Skull reappears with its old tricks and exerts a mind attack to try to control Steve.

The U.S. team's face changed immediately, and it was uncomfortable to cover his head.

While hesitating, Bucky came up and gave him a punch. While waking up Steve, the two shot together.

The unicorn arm and shield flew to the front of the red skull. The harsh sound of two things made the red skull's face change greatly.

Telepathy is completely unavailable and collapses directly.

"What is your move?"

"go to hell!"

The two did not talk nonsense, but when they came to the front, grabbing the red skull was a complete blow.

Trash, must die!

After the red skull was beaten, it was considered a service.

How can this be done, I am incompatible with you.

Forced to be pressed on the ground, not confessing.

Megatron and others were awake, realizing that they were being controlled, and were furious for a moment.

"Okay you guys, dare to control me. This is not the end!"

When the cannon is illuminated, it is necessary to shoot.

This is the rhythm that even Steve didn't let go.

"Megatron, you are crazy!"

Optimus rushed up and was about to stop, but Steve threw his shield and blocked him.

It happened to stop the shelling.

Unexpectedly, such an obscure shield could actually block Megatron's cannon, which was unscientific.

Looking at Steve's combat methods nowadays is even more stunned.

They don’t understand the fighting methods of mortals!

Megatron shot down, and then retrieved the scene angrily.

"You guys, it's boring! But today, this matter won't stop here."

Turning his head, he wants to repeat his

Who knows there was a voice in the air, but the owner of the chat group was calling them.

"Don't come, all come, and it's only right to fight."

Don't play around every time, just hit it if you want to.

Megatron suddenly had a crooked mouth.

Even Optimus Prime felt wrong.

What is this for?

At this moment, a time-space door flashed in the air, and someone came out.

It was Dr. Zola, and Ultron behind him.

As villains, they also joined in the fun.

"It's true, we discovered the magic of this world. Red skull, you are not alone!"

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