Create a Fantasy World

Chapter 116: New task of reconnection

"What's wrong? I'm quite hungry!"

Thor rubbed his stomach and said nonchalantly.

"Go talk to Hulk about this? If he comes down, he will definitely go crazy. Maybe, I will be happy when I hear about eating."

Tony smiled, thinking that this combination is going to eat, is it too windy?


"You have new group news, please check!"

Almost at the same time, several people received notifications of group messages, let them choose what task, and then opened a new copy.

"Actually asked me to investigate Hydra, is this interesting?"

"I think it's okay to find Loki's accomplice. Are you saying yes?"

Looking back at the Rocky who was caught on the side, the Rocky who was careless and heartless actually turned into the look of the US team, indicating why you are not so serious, it's too ridiculous.

The beautiful tone can make the American team happy.

"Shut his mouth shut? It's just a nag!"

Tony speaks uncomfortably. Is he researching new tasks he can accept?

The development of new armor, as well as information on the source of fire, opened his eyes, and he couldn't put it down.

Others are also secretly studying the hints in their minds, and by the way, ask others questions.

"Hey, this new mission is quite interesting. Who of you are interested in going to Asgard with me?"

"Hulk, you are a scientist anyway, go with me in the laboratory to experiment?"

"Don't make trouble! Are they all in the elevator? If you have something to say, you have to chat online?"

When we got out of the elevator, we were drunk with each other.

This is fascinating.

Outside, Pierce appeared.

Said to take away Loki and take over this important criminal.

As the head boss of S.H.I.E.L.D., he was still very important to speak, but unfortunately everyone in the Avengers is not interested in taking care of him.

"Sorry, we are not responsible for you."

"Yes, this matter let Nick come to tell me. In addition, we are going to have a light meal!"

The six left with a big swing, planning to eat first.

Speaking of eating, there seems to be a little dispute.

Thor wanted to eat something like a hamburger steak to fill his stomach, Hulk said I only wanted to eat meat, and beat the guy who made me climb the stairs.

Natasha had no idea, Hawkeye Button had just joined and had no say.

The rest of Steve and Tony started to discuss, one said that we went to eat Western food, and the other said that there is a good barbecue on the roadside, where to go?


[The new mission is triggered, please taste the exotic food once, you can get rewards! 】

Lin Yi also released a set of tasks for them, and suggested that several people eat Chinese food, so that they would get more reward points.

Cut, will we bow our heads in order to score points?

Steve and others showed their disdain. While looking at each other, they found a restaurant on the roadside.

In other words, where is the Chinese restaurant?

Don't say it, I found it after watching it for a while.

There is a Sichuan restaurant that looks like authentic Chinese food.

Several people glanced at each other, and simply took Rocky in, right?

The waiters and cooks are all Chinese people who say hello when they meet, they don't bother to speak birds.

Steve, the leader, can only have a grungy Huaxia reply, saying that they want something to eat, see what good introduction?

"Okay, we have noodles, wontons, dumplings, and stir-fried dishes. What do you want?"

The waiter brother took a menu and asked them to choose. There was no English on it. It was really proud.

Several people looked at each other while holding each other, and also looked confused.

Later, Natasha pointed to the big biscuit that someone was nibbling at, and asked, "What is this?"

She actually said a few words, it was very lame.

"Meat buns! How many of them? Will you come up soon."

"Oh, is he talking about meat?"

Hulk seemed to understand it and said that there was meat.

"Boss, here are six. No, twenty are better!"

Thor flicked the table, indicating that the buddy could not wait.

Tony could not help glancing at him. Are you still going to eat like this? Pay attention to the impact?

But think about the number of people present, Hulk alone, it is estimated that they can be satisfied?

So, there was no objection.

Just looking at the menu, several people are still worried, what should I choose?

"Wait, let's ask in the group. Maybe, can you figure out what?"

Steve had a good chance, and Tony scanned the photos and sent them directly to the group.

To translate, Tony can also use artificial intelligence to translate, the key is not to understand the mysteries of Chinese cuisine, and dare not choose randomly.

So I took a picture of the menu and posted it to the chat group and started asking for help.

"Everyone, we eat at a Chinese restaurant, I don't know what these menus are? Who explained it?"

One stone stirred thousands of waves, and the comrades in the group were curious.

"Mapo tofu, pork rice bowl! This is Sichuan cuisine! It's spicy!"

Guixian Ren made a smug expression, indicating that I knew everything.

"Envy! Can you eat delicious food?"

Sun Wukong followed with a drooling expression, which was really a foodie.

"As I say, if you eat in such a place, will you be ridiculed?"

Nick spit out coldly, saying that you don't call me when you have this good thing, and seriously despise it.

But At least someone explained it.

Hulk shouted: "I want all the meat and potatoes and beef!"

"I want a bowl of ravioli?" Natasha said thoughtfully.

"Then I'm going to grab noodles!"

"I'm so busy!"

"I eat fried rice!"

A group of people burst out their respective needs, let the waiter go to order, and then prepare.

Afterwards, twenty meat buns came up, and the big guy looked at the cake with braised pork in front of him, and was full of curiosity.

"Is this similar to a hamburger?"

"It's not the same! It is said that the meat is braised, and there are chili and garlic."

Tony flaunted with the information he just searched out.

"Well, it's nice to eat! What is he?"

Hulk took one bite and ate the two directly, still thinking about Thor's hand, but Thor held the uneaten meat bun in front of him and refused to give it to him.

"If you want to eat you again, these two belong to me!"

"Cut, stingy. Then your brother doesn't care?"

Everyone looked back at Loki, who was sitting on the side, and his mouth was closed. It seemed to be completely ignored.

At the moment, the eyes that cast his eyes for help seemed to be saying why he was embarrassing himself.

"Let him be hungry. This is punishment!"

Thor ignores his brother's feelings and must be ruthless in front of the food.

"Something is coming up! I'll try it first. Is this cooked pork?"

"And this? It seems to be wonton noodles, which is quite amazing."

"You are not in a hurry, I can start! First taste the potato roast beef!"

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by the delicacies served, and they ignored the others.

Come and enjoy first, and then prepare for a new life in the future.

Well, really fragrant!

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