Song of Flowers (2)

Shortly after the combat support team retreated under Pakistani military escort.

Engineers move to the designated location.

Rajit Shahi, dressed in silver armor, stood at the front, me at the 1.5th line, and Reba Richie, the engineering commander, and two others stood behind him.

Valeria Andreyeva, who was in the reserve, stayed back in preparation for the tanker replacement situation. Supplement 1 and 2 teams are also waiting slightly behind.

In the event of a battle, it was planned to form a siege network as if spreading wings to the left and right.

“Check the radio.”

“Rajit Shahi, check transmission and reception.”

“Lee Yong-soo, check.”

“Lina Taylor… … .”

Within moments of checking the wireless channel. I gave a short answer and looked at Scorpio, who had come right in front of me.


2 kilometers away.

The 4-meter-tall scorpion monster was manipulating the river bank bushes at will.

Twisting the bark of trees and crushing weeds, literally forming waves of vegetation. It is to put the body on top of it and move at high speed without moving a single foot.

A detailed explanation is the role of the parrot.

<Check the red macaw!>

“… … .”

<… I have good news and bad news. The former is that he did not reach Level 2, and the latter is that he has reached the top of Level 3 nonetheless. Don’t be careless.>

A little bit of birdsong.

The parrot vomits up the [Three-Dimensional Sensing] and the information delivered by the fragments.

<The nucleus is inside the torso. The hummingbird’s seal is embedded in the joint of its tail. FYI, he’s not going to try to have a clumsy conversation. Witchilopochtli, so it’s been eaten away by the hummingbirds of the west.>

“Tell me the gist.”

<Considering that the shield is rather strong, don’t bother aiming for the tail. It took the form of a scorpion, but it doesn’t have the same characteristics. Even the claws are poisoned. Personally, I recommend blowing the front leg first. Remove the seal after complete suppression.>

I didn’t need to hear any more than this.

After sufficient discussion in the pre-briefing, the characteristics of handling plants were analyzed from various angles.

So, all that remains is to face it.

And not long after that, a full-fledged battle unfolded, starting with Lina Taylor’s [Organism Control].

“Tank current position shooter! Proceed sequentially from data collection! In advance!”

“… I’m doing it!”

Scorpio’s [Biological Wave] is also a skill made of organisms after all, so the grass that overturned the ground quickly disintegrated.

In addition, as soon as the command of the engineering commander is issued, the first ability is activated.

The presence that will open the door is Ina Miranova, a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church.

A prayer came out in a sonorous voice.

“Heavenly Father, wherever you are, evil comes and reaches out to tempt you, so I ask for light to dispel the darkness. You grant me the means to overcome despair by the power of faith, so open the way to those who set out to do their duty.”

[Divine Wave]

Jigsaw Jigsaw!

An empty lot that used to rely on a small oil generator and electric lighting is instantly filled with bright light.

In the meantime, a pattern unique to the Russian Orthodox Church (a cross is a cross, with three horizontal bars per vertical bar) was revealed on the back of her hands, and a school of fish leaped from the dirt floor as if it were the sea.

Although the divinely charged attack failed to break through the shield and crumbled, it was splendid enough for the first attack.

However, the eye-pleasing effect was not proportional to the effect of the technique, so a shout with a Russian accent soon hit the back of my ear.

“It’s not level 4! At least level 3! The shield is strong!”

“… Acknowledgment. Adjusted the monster level to level 3 or higher.”

While the members of the engineering team raised their guard, Scorpio’s attack naturally continued.

Reinforced tree roots protruding from the ground were also intimidating, but the main attack was the weight-bearing claws.


Its weight is as formidable as its gigantic size, and Rajit Shahi is pushed back by about 2 meters even though he deflects the impact with his shield.

I rushed at the same time as if I was salty with the engineering leader, Leva Richie.

Supplement 1 and 2 teams spread their wings left and right, so it was difficult to be pushed out.

<Look at me at first. Unlike Allamandra, he has better defense than attack. Even if you blow the counter with ‘Negative’ or ‘Seize Space’, it won’t break easily. Both the exoskeleton and shield are top-notch.>

I know it well without adding any comments.

Scorpio is the first monster I ever faced in my entire life.

Without being vigilant, I beat only the surface, compressing the [Negative] into [Collecting (Collecting and Bundling)].


The result is half success.

The body and abilities strengthened by [Moonlight] dealt an effective blow to the monster’s defense, but it could not be shattered like before.

In addition to this, the same goes for Leva Reach’s pike (a whopping 3m long long spear). The blade of the spear pierced the inside of the shield, but that was all.

“The monster’s attention has been caught! Escape to the rear!”

The rest of the work is left to the Indian tanker again.

… The defense is definitely strong.

That doesn’t mean there were no answers at all.

The stem that overturns the stretched ground is blocked by Lina Taylor, and the prayer of Lee, a crusader and Russian nun, protects the tanker.

With each individual’s abilities supporting him, he feels quite stable even though he is a level 3 monster.

So what you need now is patience.

When the reinforcements deployed on both sides attract the monster’s attention, they enter again and strike, accumulating damage to break down the defense.

At least, this seemed to be enough until he vomited his awakening machine.

* * *

The raid team has been steadily matching since Korea, but in the end, you have to go through a real battle to check your skills properly.

And the members of the engineering team of Project L were doing well.

“Scratch the ground with your hind feet! Be careful!”

[Pattern B4, a poison dart attack is expected.]

As soon as the air chief’s mouth fell, the combat controller’s advice flowed into his earphones.


25 minutes from the start of the battle.

Scorpio was being dissected one by one, putting the evaluation of him as a level 3 monster to shame.

The combat support team classified each action through real-time video transmission, accumulated data, and analyzed it, predicting the behavior of the monster from a certain point and carrying out a stable subjugation operation.

[SP, SP caution.]


“Leave it to me!”

Then, once again, poisonous plants grow everywhere, but are extinguished by Lina Taylor.

From one to ten, it was within the expectations of the support team.

<Ah, I feel refreshed inside. This is why you have to hang out with people who are nerds.>

“… … .”

<Honestly, Yong-soo, are you also admiring it from the bottom of your heart? I like it. is not it? How long has it been stable? It’s the first time for a high-level monster.>

I wasn’t admiring it.

It’s about finding a pattern… Even when I was a villain, I recognized it with my intuition and solved it by moving with my instinct.

However, it is true that I was surprised by the systematic system.

Aren’t girls who are only 15 years old easily putting into practice the experience I gained while going through high school?

<… You are the youngest here.>

Pretend not to hear the parrot’s babble.

Just in time, a sniper bullet from the long-distance dealer of the replenishment team 1 – Lara Newberry pierced the defense.

“Penetrate the shield!”

[Team 1 take a big step back. Aggro is focused. Deal stop.]

“It’s about to break! Lee!”

“I support you too!”

As soon as Rajit Shahi activates [Warrior’s Roar] to draw attention, the raid commander steps up to support with a pike and calls out to my castle.

Ina Miranova was more of a support system, and as Lina Taylor was preoccupied with stomping on the sprouts growing everywhere, she meant to let me finish.


In response, I bring out [Seize Space].

If he brought out [Negative] because the physical burden was less than before, this time he intended to push the entire barrier and collapse it.

It was a high-level skill, and [Moonlight] amplification was also attached, so there was no room for failure.

It was then.

“… Lord, I believe. We believe in coming to us for mercy, forgiveness and salvation.”

<… eh?>

“Hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us out of temptation, please… deliver from evil. amen.”

[Sanctuary Proclamation]

It took a while for the parrot to spit out a stupid sound.

As Ina Miranova finished her prayers in Russian, an unprecedented beam of light came out.

No, it would be better to describe it as a light bomb rather than a beam of light.

The light that covered a limited range based on the raid completely washed away the fatigue of 30 minutes of combat.

The effect was so great that it caused Scorpio to back away with an uneasy look… Even the moonlight was taken away.

I didn’t hear it wrong.

The granting effect of [Moonlight] has disappeared.

“Come on! I wrote an awakening!”

“… … .”

“… … ?”

It’s good to relieve the fatigue from a long journey, but what if I erase even the protection of the moon goddess?

<What crazy! Use the awakening without a word? Hey… … .>

I am comforted by the fact that the parrot is more angry than I am, but I can’t afford to enjoy it for long.

Because Scorpio was struggling to get out of the encirclement.

Accordingly, [Space Control] is maintained, and the effect of [Moonlight] is replaced with a similar specialized ability [Revenge]. It would increase the cost of consumption, but it was an unavoidable choice.

* * *

15 minutes after that.

On the other side of Talian Village, the light leaks out even though it is late.

The town hall with impressive gray walls was a temporary forward base for ‘Project L’, and it was powered by generators owned by the Pakistani army and built a network with a satellite connection.

“A2, A2 pattern.”

“How did you turn it into a monster behavior model?”

“Because this is their first appearance, almost all behavior patterns are different. There is nothing to refer to.”

“The main tanker’s body temperature is rapidly rising.”

In the meantime, a combat support team of about 40 people was making noise indoors.

At the top of the chain of command is Jang Ye-seong, a team leader who studied abroad in the United States.

“… Mr. Rajit Shahi, your body temperature is outside the normal range.”

[Cooling… … ?]

“Numerically, the cooling system in the armor is fine. I think it’s because there are too many direct defenses. Um, just in case you don’t know, I’ll double check and tell you again. Until then, please keep your movements as low as possible.”

From personnel measuring armor, weapon and gem output to positioning and positioning per raid.

He shows a cool and neat work process despite the constant flow of reports from each field.

In the United States, he belonged to NCH Corporation, headquartered in Texas, and in Korea, he was in charge of the OSSAM 2nd assault force.

However, as the second stage of the Scorpio attack comes to an end, team leader Jang Ye-seong’s composure is shaken violently.

“… What is that?”

“This is an unregistered pattern.”

“Who doesn’t know that and asks? Why are you crouching down!”



“That’s the monster skin… It seems to be drying up.”

It was an awakening period.

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