Enemies and allies (1)

Immediately after hiding in a crevice in the bush.

Recalling the noise from the battlefield, I trembled my shoulders.

‘Someone help me!’

‘Hey, hey, hey! You crazy bastard!’

‘no one is here? There’s no one there!’

The number of times I saw it with my own eyes was small because I was busy running away, but the screams and cries of those left behind rang in my ears.

Sure enough, once they reached the 300-meter-high ridge, they could clearly see the outcome of the battle.

“What smoke… … .”

“Yeah. Enough to cover the entire plain.”

“… How many survivors will there be?”

“As long as the line of sight is not secured… It won’t be much.”

under the soft moonlight.

The plain between the two mountain ranges is filled with smoke, leaving all corpses, monsters and trains covered.

“Where are you going now?”

Suddenly, when Choo Seong-han asked a question, the party’s reaction was divided into two.

While the party looked at B-7’s chief of engineering, all the others chose Lee Yong-soo’s side.

“Captain Kim Sang-hoon?”

“… The current location is a village near the battlefield, halfway between Kyparisovo and Artium. To get to the city center, you have to advance 7 to 8 kilometers up the mountain range… What do you think?”

“… … .”

This is also the case with Kim Sang-hoon, the head of the engineering team, and his worried gaze soon turned to the boy who foresaw the future.

“There is no need to rush. Allamandra is mortally wounded, so I don’t think she’ll come after me right away. For the time being, they will be waiting at the scene, eating human corpses as snacks.”

“then… Shall we go east?”

“… Yes. However, it would be nice to think about entering Artium.”


“Because both the governor and the military commander are alive and dead. Just because it’s downtown doesn’t guarantee safety. This is especially true for outsiders who have left the battle.”


At the moment when saliva flows out of the corner of his mouth at the negative opinion, he hears Im Seol-ha’s voice telling him to go leisurely, and he turns on.

From the battlefield to the ridge, traversing three kilometers of rough terrain over the past two hours has left her stamina in short supply.

Food Duck!

Just in time, is it the arrangement of heaven?

Parrots also return from scouting, giving you extra rest time.

“… They say the monster didn’t move.”

“Okay, that sounds very nice. Any news of survivors?”

“About forty or fifty people are moving south. It looks like you’re returning along the railroad tracks… It will be difficult to join. They say it’s far away.”

How long to share information like that.

Lee Yong-su examines the dark night sky and spits out a random sound.

“By the way, I’ll have to tear it up for a while along the way.”

“… torn? Why?”

“I have work to do.”

“What happened?”

Despite tanker Lee Eun-joo’s questionable expression, he doesn’t give a detailed answer.

I just repeat the story that there is a personal reason.

“Is there a mission that was delivered separately?”

“… It’s similar.”

“A secret mission?”

“Perhaps. It is difficult to give details.”

Then, this time, the engineering chief expressed his objection.

“It is difficult to tear. It is not easy to return alone, and there is a high possibility that joining will not be easy. More than anything else, if the situation changes, you will have to move again, but this place does not have a communication network that is comparable to that of Korea. Even if it is possible to radio itself with earphones, it will be unavailable if it is only 150 meters away.”

“You can use the parrot as a communication channel.”

“It has to be in real time. It’s too dangerous.”

“… … .”

“I hope you understand my point of view, even if you don’t like it. Anyway, Yong-soo, you belong to B-7, and as the chief of the engineering team, you cannot accept a mission that has not been notified in advance.”

In a momentary awkward atmosphere, Lim Seol-ha looks around while opening the lid of the canteen.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the intention to compromise comes out in the afterword.

“Well, I’m in a hurry… Let’s move together.”

“… If you find out, you won’t want to move with them.”

“Then just tell me. What.”

“… I am going to kill Allamandra.”

However, because the other person’s answer far exceeded the expected range, silence suddenly came to the vicinity of the mountain peak.

“Don’t talk nonsense. There’s a certain degree of being blinded by honor, saying you’re going to find and kill a level 2 monster by yourself? Do you know where you are?”

The silence is broken by the voice of Go Won-chul, a station master, who seems to have suppressed his anger.

“I didn’t go far because I was hurt. 6 km to the north. They say it’s stuck in a cave.”

“Huh, can I catch them in the cave?”


“… Hey guys, stop listening and say something. Am I the only one stupid?”

crossroads of choice.

The party each showed a variety of facial expressions, but the order of the engineering chief came first.

“It looks like the flying monsters are out on reconnaissance. Enough rest and move on.”


“The decision is made after arriving in a safe place. Until then, please be careful not to speak loudly.”

* * *

The wild is not a safe place.

Contaminated beasts are full of will to kill humans, and the colony of pine trees reaching 3 to 4 meters gave plenty of room to get lost.

However, if there is a difference from the time I ran away from Igricus (Earthworm) around November of last year, it is the fact that experienced heroes are by my side.

We were able to reach the middle of the mountain range without difficulty.

“It’s only four kilometers to the east of here, Artium.”

“Are you really not going down to the city center? Do you want me to go alone?”

And at that point, a small question sprouted in my mind.

It is because Kim Sang-hoon, the head of the engineering team, made the decision to follow even excluding Go Won-cheol.

“You are the one who put the brakes on my decision. You’re the one who said you’d rather leave the raid than face Allamandra.”

“Isn’t that because it’s too biased! I am a member of B-7 too!”

Children of my age said yes because they had an experience in Paju before, but it was not easy to understand what the veterans believed and agreed to.

In particular, it was even more strange that Seonghan Choo did not express his disapproval.

“… Aren’t you going?”

“why me.”

“You hate water.”


“But why do you want to go with me?”

“Even if I don’t like it, I acknowledge my ability. I’m going to go there for some reason. by the way… Why are you talking nonsense?”

“Because I hate you too.”

“… … .”

For a while, I was speechless at Im Seol-ha’s bold voice.

The elongated eyes are stubbornly twisted.

“Who cares about you? I don’t care if he’s not at the level of being my competitor.”

“… competitor? who?”

“Who is your guardian? Are you lacking in intelligence? I can’t understand the language.”

One after another, until they hit each other with a strong nasal sound, which became more and more intense.

“I thought the other way around. you’re a competitor What does it mean to be a rival? I need to get someone to call me, what… … .”

“Because me and Lee Yong-soo are in the same 5th grade?”

“Even in the 5th grade, there is a grade.”

“This is real-”

“Have you caught a level 3 monster? uh?”

“… … .”

“not. There is nothing to go there. Didn’t we all run away together from the last subjugation in Seoul? Only water remains.”

“That’s a different situation! Because I’m a one-dye!”

As if Ko Won-chul’s eyes begging for help weren’t paying attention, Choo Seong-han didn’t even look back, immersed in a childish quarrel.

Before long, the man who expressed his opposition to the subjugation of Allamandra raises the white flag.

“… Okay. Let’s go, let’s go!”

“You don’t have to care about industry reputation. I have no intention of retaliating for leaving the team.”

“Yes. Instead, neither mice nor birds will die. Wouldn’t it be like committing suicide to go out alone in the middle of the night?”

“… … .”

If this is the case, is it confirmed that all participants will participate?

This… It wasn’t good.

<What would you like to do with crabs?>

“… … .”

<It’s less than 500 meters away from your current location. Are you going to reveal your identity?>

I don’t know.

Is it a wise choice to disclose the existence of Venetus?

Of course, I thought I would go alone, but the situation got tangled up and my head was frozen and I couldn’t think of anything.

<To be honest, it’s not a matter of choice. The opponent is a level 2 monster. It is impossible without the support of blue crabs. Even if he is seriously injured, even if you can use your special ability to deal a critical hit instead of the flame type ability. It will be difficult for humans here, including you, to handle.>

To sum up the words of the parrot, in the end it is a matter of going or not.

<You got the point right.>

“What do you think?”

<Me? I will definitely go Rather than being a level 2 monster, he’s a servant of the smoking mirror. It is said that it is an eagle that represents the godhead. It’s best to kill them before they get stronger.>

“… It gets stronger.”

<Yes. If you leave it alone, sooner or later you will rise to the first rank. That’s for sure.>


It’s not easy to make a decision, but it seems like it’s already been decided.

Boom, pants!


and that moment.

As if to stop worrying about useless things, the damn blue crab creates a commotion with its own feet.

“Does it sound like a tree breaking? It won’t be a tainted beast… … .”

“It’s Russian. A brown bear would do it.”

Ugh support!

“… It doesn’t look like one or two trees.”

“Prepare for battle.”

“Are you fighting here?”

“The distance is too close to hide. Besides, if you recklessly move in the dark forest, it’s obvious that they will scatter. Come on, get ready for battle!”

So, I hurriedly opened my mouth and calmed the party down.

“Don’t attack. Not an enemy.”

“… ah! Are you an ally? survivor?”

Allies are allies, but not survivors.

“… It’s similar.”

“Since before, they keep saying it’s the same.”

“Then let’s say you’re half right.”

“… half way? Are you talking about the rescue team or the support team? Uh, judging by the expression, it looks like a support group!”

It’s the right word, so I walked down about 500 meters within a dark canyon, and the shape of a ‘support’ blue crab shimmered.

The reaction erupted immediately.

“… uh?”

The blurry exclamations convey a variety of emotions.

From wonder, astonishment, to fear, to hostility.

Even the curtain of night couldn’t cover its gigantic size, and it was because the claws and carapace were completely exposed.

[Warrior, you are here.]

“… … .”

[Preparations are almost complete. As a servant of the Water Goddess, I will humbly accept the fate of today. Even if it’s a death struggle with the natural enemy-]


[…] … .]

“I told you to stay quiet. Why are you making such a fuss?”

[…] Here, both land and air are dry. I needed some water before the fight.]

In the midst of this, Park Geon-yeong, who had been silently following behind, was shaking his limbs, and I called the giant who was standing in the lead to clear the road.


“… Toya, listen.”

“Give me the flashlight.”

“give. I give, but the voice is loud. I see the monster, Toya. i saw toya Toya… … .”

I tried to explain quickly, but somehow the reaction came back as if the machine was broken.

The accusatory glances from the people around him were a bonus.

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