Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 30: This is also a doctor

Mu Chunbai was lying on a chair bored, fanning around with an outdated medical journal. Chu Sisi sat reading a book opposite her, always disturbing Mu Chun with questions, Mu Chun was reluctant, but answered them one by one.

There is no problem professionally.

Chu Sisi didn't know whether to be happy or troubled, but fortunately there were no patients recently, and Mu Chun didn't ask Chu Sisi to wear some weird clothes.

"What's going on with Liu Tiantian? If we don't send a few patients up, we'll be drinking northwest wind."

Mu Chun stood up, left the seat he was reluctant to part with, and paced back and forth on the ground.

"Doctor Mu, Doctor Mu."

Chu Sisi yelled several times in a row, but Mu Chun didn't seem to hear it.

When he shouted for the third time, Mu Chun reluctantly turned his body sideways, not even turning his crotch along with his upper body.

Why is this person so reluctant. Chu Sisi muttered in her heart.

"What's the matter? If Dr. Chu feels bored, he can go back to school. It's so comfortable in college. Why do you come here and stare at me?"

"There is no such thing as big eyes and big eyes, you just have small eyes, okay?"

Mu Chun called out, "What are you talking about, are my eyes small?"

After finishing speaking, he ran to the sink, looked at the mirror with wide eyes, and muttered to himself, not small, not small at all.

"I have a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time. Is the word fear of marriage created by the teacher?"

"What fear of marriage?"

"The teacher said that Chu Shenming is a fear of marriage, the second type of fear of marriage."

"I seem to have said so."

What does it mean? As if I said it, Chu Sisi's shoulders sank, and she made a grimace at Mu Chun's back.

"Is it a fear of marriage, and what is the first one?"

"It's the second type."

Mu Chun bouncingly answered.

"But the cure for fear of marriage is not to get married? Cancel the engagement, is that okay?"

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't it a little irresponsible?"

Chu Sisi had wanted to say this for a long time, but now she finally said it, she didn't expect that Mu Chun's expression was not surprised at all, only a trace of calmness like a knife, piercing tears in Chu Sisi's clear eyes.

Mu Chun supported the table with both hands, and leaned close to Chu Sisi's cheek.

Just as he was about to speak, a patient came in.

"May I ask where it is?"

The patient backed out the door and looked at the door sign.

"It's the physical and mental department. I didn't make a mistake, did I?"

Mu Chun said no, and reached for the patient's medical book.

"Shaking hands?"

"Huh? The doctor already knows?"

Before Liu Yun took his seat, he saw Mu Chun trembling with his hands hanging in the air.

"No, it's not that exaggerated." Liu Yun quickly explained, "It's just trembling slightly."

"Can you describe the situation to me?"

Liu Yun briefly explained to Mu Chun what had happened in the past few days.

"Doctor Chu, this patient is a well-known writer."

With a flattering smile, Mu Chun asked Chu Sisi to move a chair and sit beside the patient.

"Look, does this female doctor have the potential to become a writer?"

"What?" Liu Yun was at a loss when asked.

"She seems to be very familiar with the people in the publishing house. I don't know if you have a common language. It is said that many authors are single nerds and can't find a girlfriend at all."

Having said that, although it is true, what does it have to do with healing.

Liu Yun came to the hospital after thinking about it, maybe a little medicine would be enough to take it, but unexpectedly, he seemed to have strayed into the two-dimensional world, a silly male doctor and a... No matter how you look at it, it is like a cartoon fake female doctor.

Looking at this doctor named Chu Sisi, Liu Yun felt more and more uncomfortable.

For the sake of writing, he hasn't thought about women for many years, and it's not that he hasn't thought about it, and it's useless to think about it.

Although there are quite a few female fans, but what he writes is not that kind of romantic or modern urban writing, so it's hard to expect those good stories about the marriage between the author and the fans.

It is a bit difficult to find a female reader who loves science fiction.

It is even more difficult to be outstanding in appearance.

Stop it, Liuyun, you are here to see a doctor, and you have to go back to catch up on the manuscript after the doctor's visit.

"So, when you type, your hands shake, but do you usually shake? For example, when shaking hands with someone?"

"I don't know. It's been a long time since I shook hands with anyone."

"Then try shaking hands with the female doctor."


If the sky wasn't clear, these people's words and appearance would look like people from the earth, and there was still a smell of coffee from the earth in the outpatient room, Liu Yun really doubted which time-traveling novel he had entered.

"Check, necessary check."

Chu Sisi also looked at Mu Chun in bewilderment.

In the past, when there was such an examination, Mu Chun would explain it clearly to Chu Sisi in advance, or teach him by hand, such as the abdominal examination for Chu Shenming and the problems during the examination.

Mu Chun will explain in detail several times and tell Chu Sisi why she did this.

Although Chu Sisi felt that some examinations were unnecessary, Mu Chun was a professional psychophysician, so he did what he said.

"Come on, just a simple handshake."

Is that so?

The two reached out their hands and held each other awkwardly.

Mu Chun looked at it for a long while, both of them felt embarrassed, but couldn't let go. UU reading

"Wait a minute, wait a little longer."

Liu Yun turned his head sideways, looking depressed.


Liu Yun shook his head.

Mu Chun looked at Chu Sisi again.

Chu Sisi also shook her head.

Just when the two of them thought it was over, Mu Chun said again: "Hold tighter, tighter."

The two did so.

"Shaking or not?"

The two shook their heads.

"Okay, okay, let go, let go."

Having said that, Chu Sisi and Liu Yun didn't know how to let go, and hesitated for a second in embarrassment before taking their hands back to their sides.

"Not fun."

Mu Chun kept spinning a black ink pen.

"Not fun, not fun, not fun at all."

"Then do you want to switch hands?"

With that said, Mu Chun stood up again, and this time he asked Chu Sisi and Liu Yun to exchange their left hands for a new handshake.

"How do you feel? Are you shaking?"

Shake your head, or shake your head.

Mu Chun spun around on the spot, and said, "Ha, holding both hands together, when typing, you must be typing with both hands together?"

Liu Yun also felt that there was a little bit of reason, so he took the initiative to extend his other hand. Chu Sisi gave Mu Chun a sneaky look, and he had already complained a thousand times in his heart.

"Now? Are you shaking? Do you feel like you can't hold it?"

Still shaking his head.

"So, it's not those questions."

Mu Chun frowned, ran to the coffee machine, and patted the fuselage.

"It's stuck again. You must change to a manual grinder."

Mu Chun seemed to have completely forgotten that there was still a patient waiting, so Chu Sisi could only cough and said softly, "Director Mu, Director."

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