On the blue sea, Jiang Chen was very satisfied. This time he changed the plot again.

A group of people were lying on the deck chairs, facing the sea breeze and basking in the sun.

Especially Jotaro and Kakyoin were still as they were in the plot, wearing school uniforms and sunbathing. The scene made Jiang Chen particularly comfortable.

However, because Jiang Chen just asked Joseph if he knew how to sail the ship, now he refused to let the first mate touch the rotating steering wheel of the cockpit. He said that this was a task assigned to him by Jiang Chen and he must complete it well!

This makes Jiang Chen very helpless. The cargo ship that he finally saved does not want to be destroyed by this vehicle killer!

According to the development of the plot, the next step should be to meet the lustful orangutan, an animal with a substitute, and its substitute is"force".

This power was only seen by everyone after drifting in the lifeboat all night. The specific ability is that it can turn a small broken ship into a 10,000-ton cruise ship. If it weren't for the gorilla's roughness and let Jotaro solve his body, the protagonist must have The group is really going to hang here.

But now it seems that Jiang Chen doesn't have to worry about all this. After taking care of Captain Tenier, no explosives were detonated. This ship is rushing towards the Lion City.

Soon, half of the sun's face had sunk into the sea level, and the red setting sun made the sea look more beautiful. This made a person extremely excited, grabbing the railing on the deck and shouting:

"Look, this scenery is so beautiful!"

Joseph preferred to pick up the conversation. Looking at Ann jumping around, he walked over, smiled maliciously, and said cooperatively:"I didn't expect that our Lord An also likes romance!"

Of course, the result was a beautiful white eye, especially for An, who has wheat-colored skin. Her white eyes can be described as exceptionally white.

Kakyoin stood up, put his hands on the fence, and said to Joseph with a faint smile:" Mr. Joestar, it seems he doesn't like you very much!"

"Yes, he only likes Jiang Chen!"

Shaking his head, Joseph's helpless answer made Ann even more angry. This time, due to the light of the setting sun, it seemed that the blush on her face could be seen clearly.

And Jotaro, who was lying down, took off his hat and put it on his face, He said lightly,"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"Don't worry about it, Jiang Chen has two extremely beautiful girlfriends!"

It has to be said that Er Qiao still likes these bad tastes even in his old age, which is in line with his personality.

"Yes, I won't cheat!"

Just when Joseph was stimulating An, Jiang Chen had already come to the side of everyone, and he looked at Joseph and said these words. The word"cheating" made Joseph feel smart all over. From the moment he met Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen seemed to be talking about Dongfang Tomoko, intentionally or unintentionally. This made Joseph, who was already guilty of committing crimes, even more frightened.

At that time, he went to the university to give a lecture and had a relationship with a female student. In the past, no one seemed to know about that kind of thing.

Especially since Jiang Chen was from the Dragon Kingdom living in France, how could he possibly know about it?

However, could the divination of the Dragon Kingdom even calculate things like cheating?

"What are you talking about? It's so annoying!"

But An's face turned red, her neck thickened, her heartbeat quickened, and she hurriedly ran towards the center of the deck. She felt her breathing quickened. Jiang Chen's words made her extremely nervous!

In the end, everyone laughed in return. The sound made her want to find a crack in the deck and crawl in.

"Don't worry, Mr. An! This is the deck, there won't be any cracks, otherwise we will be doomed! Anyone can say the word" finished", but Jiang Chen always had a bad feeling when he heard it from the mouth of the vehicle killer Joseph.

At this time, the sun had completely sunk to the bottom of the sea, and the stars above the sea were particularly bright. , as if it was a peaceful night.

The deck finally calmed down, Jotaro stood up and walked to the edge of the deck, admiring the endless sea with the moonlight shining on the sea, not to mention how leisurely it felt..

However, just when Jotaro looked ahead with Platinum Star’s telescope-like eyes.

"What's this?"

Jotaro's brows gradually furrowed into a splay, and his already serious expression became even more solemn.

It was a white ship, or a white warship. The slender hull was very beautiful, but there were some rust spots, which seemed to be a little... However

, it was moving very fast. The white ship in his sight was quickly getting bigger.

Jotaro calculated that it would take less than three minutes.

In fact, Jotaro didn't find it strange to see the ship directly with his naked eyes, but there was always something strange about that ship.

"What are you looking at?"

Kakyoin seemed unable to sleep either, so he went to the deck to enjoy the sea breeze!

"There is a ship, no, it should be a ship! Heading towards us! Or maybe they are chasing us!"

Jotaro couldn't explain clearly what was going on with that ship, but it was just weird everywhere!

"It might be a patrol ship of the Coast Guard. There’s nothing to be surprised about. Aren’t you going to sleep yet?"

"Coast Guard patrol ships should have lights when traveling at night, right?"

"Also, were you surprised by those tentacles during the day and felt like you were a little too nervous?"

Kakyoin thought that Jotaro was because of what happened during the day. After all, there were so many tentacles. If Jiang Chen hadn't taken action, Jotaro might have ended up in the sea.

This time, Jotaro didn't answer. He turned his head and continued to look in the direction just now.

"Hey, hey, hey, there must be something wrong with this ship!"

In Jotaro's sight, the white ship in the distance actually slowed down and kept traveling at a certain speed with their ship.

The distance was about twenty kilometers, that is, these twenty kilometers, which made Jotaro completely See the ships in the distance clearly

"No, that's your warship. It doesn't look like a recent model. It has a strange shape and looks more like a child's toy!"

This warship is not a battleship, a destroyer, or a frigate!

If you insist on describing it, it does have a shadow of a miniature battleship, but it is obviously quite nondescript.

However, Jotaro saw at a glance that there was a giant in the center of the warship. The barrel is slowly rotating, and the direction it aims at is your own direction!

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, hurry up, Kakyoin, wake everyone up!"

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