He Yuzhu was taken aback.
Yes, such a terrifying thing, that other people don’t know their weakness.
Will it be eaten away?
You must know that this thing eats people, but there are not even corpses left.
He Yuzhu didn’t speak, and others knew what He Yuzhu meant.
Because of this, anyone who thinks about it will think so.
Looking at the low-level people, He Yuzhu’s current task has been completed, so He Yuzhu said:
“I don’t know if they are still alive. From what they looked like just now, it’s even more dangerous.
Now I can protect you, but in the face of more serious danger, my strength may not be able to protect you.
Whether to continue or not, make up your own mind! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone fell into silence. You must know that if He Yuzhu didn’t know the danger here just now, then the people here would definitely suffer casualties. With such a large amount, no matter how powerful these people are, it is impossible to compare to these monsters.
So everyone didn’t speak. At this time, the monk said:
“Captain, you have never been a soldier, you don’t know that those who came before are all my comrades-in-arms.
I want to continue, whether they live or die, I have to give his family an explanation.
Live to see people, die to see corpses! ”
Hearing the monk’s words, everyone else nodded.
Wu Sansheng also nodded:
“I want to continue!”
Wu Sansheng did not explain anything.
The rest of the people also nodded and agreed to continue.
He Yuzhu said:
“Okay, this is what you want, I didn’t force you.
I don’t know what the next road will be, but the danger just now, I feel that it will be difficult to walk next, so if I encounter a danger that I have no way to solve, I will definitely protect myself. I also know that you have family too, but I also have family. If I can’t go back, then my family will definitely have nothing to do.
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone else nodded. These people are all reasonable. If these people are in danger, they will definitely protect themselves.
Only when he is not in danger will he save others.
So everyone can understand what He Yuzhu said.
Seeing that no one had any problems, He Yuzhu said:
“In that case, let’s go now. If we stay for a while, I don’t know if those bloodthirsty red beetles will come again!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone followed He Yuzhu away.
And He Yuzhu led the crowd to move on.
Just when everyone was down, Huo Ling said:
“Look at this mark!”
The Taoist priest was shocked when he saw the mark Huo Ling said:
“This is the mark of our bureau, they are not dead, not dead.”
Seeing the excited Taoist priest, He Yuzhu said:
“Since it’s all right, let’s go quickly, I don’t know what’s going on now 1”
The monk nodded, then continued with He Yuzhu and the others.
Suddenly, a cave appeared in front of everyone.
There are various carvings around the cave, and the carvings have never been seen before.
He Yuzhu asked Zhang Qiling:
“Zhang Qiling, have you seen these?”
Zhang Qiling shook his head and did not speak.
He Yuzhu doesn’t know these patterns either, but the identification shows the engravings, and the specific contents of the engravings.
He Yuzhu (bgag) also saw it through his divine sense. It was just an ordinary stone sculpture.
Everyone watched for a long time, but they didn’t see what these were.
If you can’t see it, you can’t know where this place is.
At this time, Chen Wenjin said:
“Come and see!”
Everyone came to Chen Wenjin at once, He Yuzhu said:
“Is this still that symbol?”
the monk’s way;
“Yes, it’s the sign of our bureau, they entered this cave!”
After hearing the monk’s words, He Yuzhu said:
“I don’t know what’s dangerous here, if you don’t want to go, you can wait outside.
This is everyone’s freedom, even if you don’t go, no one will say anything about you! ”
The seventeen people all shook their heads, none of them wanted to leave. He Yuzhu saw that no one wanted to stay.
Then nodded:
“Okay, since that’s the case, then let’s go in. I hope everyone will be careful, so that we don’t save people out. Instead, let’s go in for ourselves!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone nodded.
Then everyone and He Yuzhu entered the cave.
Everyone lit the torches and walked towards the cave.
He Yuzhu said:
“It looks like this is a natural cave, and then it was transformed by someone!”
Everyone saw it, and Wu Sanxing said:
“That’s right, but the feng shui here looks like it’s not a tomb!”
He Yuzhu couldn’t tell what kind of feng shui treasure this was through his 16-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique.
He Yuzhu said:
“I don’t know, maybe the people here don’t believe in Feng Shui?”
However, He Yuzhu’s words have no confidence. How could the ancients not believe in feng shui.
At this moment, Chen Wenjin said:
“That’s right, I’ve thought about this question just now!”
Wu Sansheng said:
“How is it possible, looking at this look, how can you not believe in Feng Shui! ”
Chen Wenjin said:
“This place is different from any dynasty we have seen, which means that the people here have never had contact with the outside world.
You must know about Feng Shui, which is the patent of our country and nation.
Most of the people who believe in feng shui are because of the influence of our nation.
What if the people here don’t have anything related to Feng Shui? ”
After hearing Chen Wenjin’s explanation, everyone suddenly realized.
He Yuzhu said:
“I didn’t expect this, but Chen Wenjin’s words reminded me, whether they believe in Feng Shui or not, and whether this is a tomb or not. We have to be careful.” Everyone nodded and moved on.
Everyone also found several marks around them.
Everyone lit the torches and continued to search. During the process of walking, He Yuzhu saw the situation here and said:
“Why is it so quiet here?”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, the monk asked carefully…
Chapter 512: Quick, they are still alive [Subscribe]
“Captain, is there something wrong?”
He Yuzhu nodded:
“Think about how dangerous we are outside, the environment here is more suitable for those monsters.
But we’ve come so far without a single monster? Encountered! ”
Hu Xiao said:
“Wouldn’t it be better to have no monsters?”
Huo Ling shook her head:
“No, no!”
Xie Lianhuan asked:
“What’s wrong? ”
Huo Ling said:
“Territory awareness, all beasts have a strong territorial awareness, since this is the best place.
The reason why the monsters we encountered before did not come here is because there are things that those monsters fear.
Otherwise, they won’t give up here!
Everyone was shocked when they heard Huo Ling’s words, because everyone knew what Huo Ling said.
But not everyone thought so.
Wu Sansheng said:
“Those corpse sting kings are powerful enough, what is it that makes that corpse sting king more fearful?”
Everyone didn’t know, and even He Yuzhu didn’t find any dangerous place.
He Yuzhu nodded:
“I think so too, but I don’t feel the danger yet. Let’s go. If there is any danger, I will notify you!” After hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone continued to walk forward.
At this time, He Yuzhu saw a mark on a stone gate. This mark was newly added.
However, this notation is different from the previous notation.
He Yuzhu said:
“Monk, come and see what this mark means!”
The monk stepped forward, looked at the sign, and said in shock:
“They, they, they are in here!”
After hearing the monk’s words, He Yuzhu checked it and said:
“This is the trap door, everyone look for it to see if there is any trap!”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, everyone began to look for it, beating and beating.
He Yuzhu actually saw it just now, but He Yuzhu couldn’t find it there.
Zhang Qiling was soon found. After all, apart from the monk and others, Zhang Qiling was a professional. Zhang Qiling pressed the button, and the stone door opened.

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