Chapter 0088 – Discover the Stone Statue! Become a captain who sacrifices power!!

on the street;

“Where are they all dead?”

The cosmic people who are usually seen everywhere are as if they are all missing.

Jiang Hai searched on the street for a while.

But not a single cosmic person was found.

The more he couldn’t find anyone, the more irritable Jiang Hai became.

He had just calmed down the urge to destroy everything around him before he felt wrong.

“System, what’s wrong with me?”

Jiang Hai looked at his body in surprise, he was sure that something was wrong with him.

The feeling he had just now was not an illusion, but that he really wanted to do it.

“Back to the host, this is the sequelae brought about by the surge in strength, and the host quickly obtains the power that it did not have before, resulting in changes in thinking and adaptation, and then it will gradually improve.”

Jiang Hai was quite speechless.

This is a professional answer, so it seems complicated.

In fact, it can be summed up in one sentence: Jiang Hai, you are inflated!

Too much power is subtly changing his mentality.

It’s just that Jiang Hai hasn’t encountered a problem before, and he can’t solve it by himself.

This situation is not exposed.

Now that he encounters it, he has some urge to solve everything directly.

However, impulses are ultimately just impulses.

Jiang Hai has already realized the problem, and it is okay not to do it.

“Co-author, is the surge in strength that has swelled me?”

Jiang Hai smiled a little bitterly, it was really a shame for the crosser.

I can actually encounter the problem of state of mind.

Then, after taking a deep breath.

I continued to walk the streets.

If you find a problem, just calm down.


Digga World; Luluye;

Luluye is actually very easy to find for people like the King of Ultra who are sensitive to energy.

It’s like finding a black dot on a blank piece of paper that you can see at a glance.

It’s just that sometimes the paper is too big to see at a glance, and it takes time to find it.

The whole earth is indeed huge.

But the South Pacific is small in comparison.

So it didn’t take much effort for the King of Ultra to find here.

“Old man, are you in trouble?”

The King of Ultra has just arrived at Luluye’s gate.

He heard a soft voice ringing in his ears.

The King of Ultra was silent for a moment, intuitively he felt that the owner of this voice did not look like a bad person.

However, the other party uses dark power.

You can’t go wrong with that.

“If you’re okay, stay away from my house!”

Seeing that the King of Ultra did not speak, the other party’s tone raised a few degrees.

It feels like you’re bullying honest people.

“Are you Gatangehe?”

The King of Ultra responded and asked his own questions.

“Yes, I am! Are you in trouble, old man? If not, leave quickly, I still want to watch the video! ”

Gatangea has no desire to chat with the King of Ultra, and the video in the sky has deeply attracted it.

Although when he began to be awakened, Gatangehe was angry.

However, after watching the video for a while, it was very interesting.

It doesn’t want to move at all now.

Is it good to have that time to watch more videos? Since Gatangeah is not going to leave Luluye.

The King of Ultra has no reason to strike at it either.

Just because the other party uses dark power, he must kill the other party.

That’s not real justice.

“I’m coming to Camilla them!”

The King of Ultra put down the killing intent in his heart and directly said his intentions.

He wants to meet Camilla and the others to see if there is a chance to redirect them into warriors of light.

“This way! Then you come in! ”

Gatangea says it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, as long as the video is good, it will never leave the house!

In the video footage in the sky;

The research vessel, which belonged to Project F, soon landed on the island where Luluye was located.

After they had packed their things, they began to move quickly towards Luluye.

At the same time, it seems that it is afraid that the viewer will not understand.

Jiang Hai’s explanation also sounded: What made Megumi intermediary very concerned was that.

These people seem to be very familiar with this place.

They moved extremely fast and did not take any detours.

Such a situation should not exist in the team that landed on the island for the first time

Because the island is so big, the ruins of Luluye are also very extensive.

On what basis can they be sure that they must be going in the right direction?

In the video screen, Megumi Intermediary really frowned and looked at the person next to him.

Among the orders she had received, these people should have come to Luluye for the first time.

And now what these people are doing proves that she has been deceived!……

Jiang Hai continued to explain:

This state made Megumi feel very anxious.

But she didn’t find the reason for her real anxiety.

And not just because of the unreliability of these expeditions.

All the more because of a fear in her heart.

It was like something waiting to devour her completely.


The picture is extremely fast in these useless plots.

Holding flashlights prepared in advance, people walked through the dark tunnel.

In the process of traveling, Megumi is even more discovered.

They didn’t encounter any collapsed debris in this place full of broken walls.

Soon, a fork appeared at the end of the road.

This time, they didn’t have to act immediately.

A staff member took out a slap instrument and began to lead the way.

Climb the steps and cross the ruins.

Soon, they came to Jiang Hai at a wall covered with superancient period texts:

Seeing the symbols on the wall, a deeper fear wrapped around Megumi she knew that it must not be simple here!

However, I thought that the purpose of this trip was to find the literature in Luluye.

Megumi Intermediate’s hanging heart let go of half of it.

“Because there should be no problem in this way, since you have found the text in the ruins, you can go back and decipher it.”

Megumi comforted herself in her heart.

It’s just that the next moment something happened that she couldn’t have imagined at all.


In the picture;

Saeki looked at the wall covered with text, and then confirmed the situation on the instrument.

Then, in Megumi’s incredulous eyes.

He said to the people behind him: “This is it, just behind this wall!” ”

Jiang Hai’s commentary continues:

Megumi instinctively wanted to stop them, but couldn’t say anything at all.

She knew that she had no say at all.

She had discovered that no one in this team would listen to her

The so-called letting her lead the team to carry out the scientific expedition is actually a pretense to make her carry the pot

If it is good, someone will definitely come and take it away.

And when something goes wrong, she will be held accountable and even guilty.

Why did she think of this?

That’s because she found that this expedition team was in addition to the instrument just now

They didn’t bring anything else, they brought items like rhinestones and explosives.

With Jiang Hai’s voice, the picture has come behind the wall.

The expedition team installed various spotlights in the space behind the wall.

They saw stone statues of three giants!

Saeki was very excited, he could finally make a business.

“It turned out to be a stone statue of an Ultra warrior! Or three! ”

His voice was as excited as it was his mood.

These three stone statues will soon become his feats.

As for the person who led the team is Megumi Intermediary, who is in Ping?

The other party is just a pretense, a pretense that some people in TCP feel like they didn’t ask.

“No, it’s not right!”

In Megumi’s eyes, he saw the dark power circulating on the three stone statues.

She knew what it was.

This is danger, it is the enemy!

“Isn’t that right?”

Saeki didn’t understand what she meant.

“This is the Dark Giant!”

Megumi said as she grabbed him by the collar.

“Don’t make trouble, this is the stone statue of Ultra Warfare Ten! Start construction! ”

Saeki couldn’t see the dark power, so he didn’t believe Megumi’s words at all.

Or rather, he doesn’t care what kind of giant it is.

As long as it is a giant stone statue that can be used, it is his credit.


He doesn’t care!……

“This woman called Megumi is actually able to see the dark power, and she doesn’t seem to be an ordinary person!”

“As far as I can see, does she look a lot like Yu Li?”

Shouldn’t this woman be a reincarnation of mercy?

“Is Camilla finally going to be resurrected in 30 million years? Do you really want to know that she still loves Digga now? ”

“This intermediary should be a victim of the power struggle, what a pity!”

Viewers of all dimensions have found something interesting.

Some of them pay more attention, who is Megumi who looks a lot like Youxie?

Some are more concerned about what Camilla has been through.

Do you still love Digga?

Others are more concerned with the problems between the intermediary and the expedition team.

They have all discovered, all sorts of stories.


Land of Light; Science and Technology Bureau Laboratory;

Hikali: “Humans, it’s really stupid enough. Clearly got the right answer, but didn’t want to believe it. ”

Despite helping humanity a lot, Hikari was resentful of this stupidity among humans.

I clearly heard the right words, but I didn’t believe them because of my own stupidity.

Just think about it and make him angry!

“That’s because humans don’t have the ability to distinguish between authenticity and falsity, isn’t it because of this why Ultra warriors protect them?”

Tyro looked up at Hikari and said.

His eyes were very solemn, as if he was saying his vow.

“yes! Humans are always so strange and complex that they don’t like to hear the truth most of the time. ”

Hikari nodded in agreement, but it seemed that Tyro’s lips were wrong with the horse’s mouth.

Tyro looked at Hikari and knew that the other party was not actually talking to him.

Hikari must have fallen into some kind of memory.

Seeing that Hikari had ignored himself, Tyro shook his head and stood up to leave.

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