
The little Baltan starman told Musashi: “Gauss’s injury has recovered, use your power to awaken him!” ”

“Stop the fight of the adults!”

Musashi couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he heard this: “But… But I don’t have the strength to wake him up! ”

Little Baltan shook his head: “No? You have, you have great power. ”

Then he flew back to the spaceship.

At this time, the lost Musashi finally plucked up the courage, and he took the crystal given to him by Gauss Ultraman and ran to a clearing.

Then looked at the crystal and whispered: “A true brave, I am a real brave!” ”

“Gauss Ultraman…”

“Gauss Ultraman…”

With a few calls, the crystal emitted a small ripple, and then a faint light emanated from within the crystal.

Gradually, the light grew louder.

Seeing this, Musashi was overjoyed.

He threw the crystal into the sky.

At this time, the crystal burst out a brilliant brilliance.

Then, it bloomed like a lotus flower.

Gauss Ultraman flew out of that light.

He jumped and stopped the Baltans.


“Go back, fly back to your planet in your own spaceship, this is my ultimatum to you.”

But the Baltans shook their heads and refused: “I can’t go back, I want to grab the earth!” ”

With that, he shot a freezing ray towards Gauss.

However, it was easily avoided by Gauss.

Seeing this, the Baltans lured Gauss into his spaceship.

It was a huge planet-like spaceship.

After landing, Gauss faced the Baltans.

“Gauss, enter my territory, you will stop going out again.”

The Baltans let out a treacherous laugh, and then both pincers plunged into the ground, and countless extremely sharp blades appeared on the ground.

Surround Gauss.

Seeing this, Gauss did not have the slightest weakness, directly stretched out his hands, and then rotated at high speed, shattering all those blades.

Seeing that the blade attack was ineffective, the Baltans emitted a freezing ray to freeze Gauss.

But this time, Gauss did not dodge, but condensed light energy and rushed directly towards the frozen light.

The powerful energy impact cut through all the frozen rays, and then jumped up and kicked out.

The Baltans saw that Gauss was too fierce, so they had to shift the battlefield, fly away from the spaceship, and come to the ground.

Gauss followed.

Immediately, the two began a hand-to-hand fight.

At this time, Gauss’s combat power is very powerful, obviously in the form of a moon god, but the attack is extremely fierce, whether it is speed, strength or fighting skills are far more than the Baltan Starman.

The latter saw that it was not an adversary, so it evolved into a second form.

This form not only greatly improved the strength and speed of the Baltans, but also added two weapons, one is artillery fire attack and the other is sword blade attack.

Seeing this, Gauss did not wave, and rushed up to fight with him.

After some battle, Gauss did not have much of the upper hand, but was firmly trapped by the latter’s lightning.

Gaussian directly changed the form, and the second form, the coronal pattern, appeared.

In this form, his strength has also improved, and his speed is still fast.

No matter what means the Baltans used, they were easily defused by Gauss Ultraman.

In the end, Gauss did not give the Baltans any chance, and directly used the killing move Gerry.

One move knocked the latter to the ground.

The Baltans who stood up knew that they were not Gauss’s opponents, so they issued a final plea: “It doesn’t matter if I die or not, I just hope that my children can at least live happily here, and I hope you can grant my wish.” ”

After that, he actually chose to blow himself up.

Gauss looked at this scene, and his heart seemed to be a little touched, and he used a magical light in his coronal form, transforming the Baltans back into a second form.

At this time, countless little Baltans flew out of the spaceship.

They used their weak bodies to support the bodies of the Baltans and flew back into the spaceship together.

They know that humans will not allow them to inhabit the earth.

Therefore, they can only continue to live on the planet destroyed by their own hands and float in the universe again.

Before leaving, the little Baltans left a message for the children of Earth.

At this point, the video screen switches to the spaceship.

Countless little Baltans stretched out their hands and waved goodbye: “Children on earth, never lose their dreams!” ”

At this time, a warm, beautiful melody sounded in the ears of the little Baltans, a parting song given to them by the children of Earth.

After hearing this song, tears actually flowed from the yellow eyes of the little Baltan starman.

After a goodbye, the spacecraft disappeared from Earth.

What awaits the Little Baltans will be endless wanderings, perhaps when their generation grows up, they will find a home!

At this time, in the major dimensional universes.

Countless viewers watched the little Baltan star in the video and silently shed tears.

Who doesn’t have a child yet!

Land of Light;

Father of Ott: “Alas! ”

“I didn’t expect that the Baltan Starmen of that world actually had such a sad experience.”


In another dimensional universe, a cosmic person with a woman in white is flying between the stars.

Looking at the video in the distance, he secretly said: “No matter in any world, war is inevitable, but it is the children who suffer after all!” ”


In the video, Gauss looks at Musashi on the ground and says, “Musashi, never give up on the dream in your heart.” ”

Musashi said firmly: “Dream, I will not give up, never!” ”

When Gauss heard this, he nodded with satisfaction, and immediately fell to his knees, and he stretched out his finger to Musashi.

“Musashi, you want to be a brave, a true brave, a true brave who protects the earth.”


“I will, Gauss, definitely!”

Gauss nodded when he heard this, and immediately flew away from the earth.

At this time, Jiang Hai’s voice continued to sound.

“This paragraph is the encounter between Gauss and Musashi, and it is also because of this encounter that the bond between Gauss and Musashi is established.”

“This bond of destiny will be passed down forever.”


Fast forward time, and years have passed.

Growing up, Musashi kept his agreement with Gauss and became a trainee pilot at the Space Development Center.

Silently guarding the earth.

Because he is very passionate about monsters, he is not small in SRC.

At this time, Musashi is catching up with his good friend Litorias on Dysseya Island.

It was a very docile flying monster.

What he didn’t know, however, was that a terrifying enemy was descending on him.

(Kneel for flower ticket tip support!) )

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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