Corrupted Nation

Chapter 140 Adventure

Just for a while, Maya has already started to make preliminary plans. There are two units in the sawmill, one unit is the indoor factory building, and the other unit is the large open space in the north connecting the interior.

There is a road ten meters away from the south gate of the sawmill, and you can directly enter the factory building from the small iron gate. There are parking lots on the east and west sides, each with an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters, and a large number of long logs have been piled up. There is an iron gate in the east and west to enter the factory building. The north side is the most special. The large open space in the north is very large and wide, and there is a wall connecting the factory area. At the same time, there is also a gate to the north. Behind the gate is the Zuoxian River. The river is neither deep nor urgent, and there are zombies walking in the water every day.

The advantage of the sawmill is that there are no patrolling corpses around, and it is not difficult for Maya to take down the sawmill. The difficulty lies in holding the sawmill. There are doors on all sides of the sawmill, and there is no height difference. In addition, the interior is open and flat. Players are likely to face a large influx of zombies directly. The only way is to block the door with scrapped cars, but it can't stop Big Mac and Furious. It is also not possible to block all four gates, otherwise it will be a problem for players to enter and exit before the siege.

Lin Wu pointed to the map and said: "There is a road in front of the south gate, and there is a gentle slope on the opposite side of the road. There is an air monitoring station on the gentle slope. I can occupy the monitoring station as a sub-base. Build a sentry tower to overlook the south gate and the east and west open spaces. .Because the two bases are close, the safety zone covers the South Gate Highway, which can provide guarantee for daily security.”

Maya nodded: "This opinion is very good. Judging from our current firepower, it is not suitable for confronting corpses head-on. One way is to increase the intensity of collecting guns, especially automatic rifles. One way is to sneak into the sawmill to kill Zombies in the light area. Lin Wu, this is how you play every day, and you don’t need to practice. I will conduct systematic training for the day shift to ensure the smooth occupation of the sawmill.”

Shitou said: "At the beginning of the game, it was a gamble to occupy the church on the top of the mountain. It is different when stationed in Zuo County. We must ensure that everyone survives as much as possible. Therefore, I want to mention the matter of my marriage with Su Shi again. I hope You can consider getting married in pairs to ensure that you can return to Beishang Town after death. Compared with everyone's skills and strength, I value this rare fate more.

Stone: "We have been together for more than three months, and everyone knows the basics. It is difficult to find such a harmonious family in Shadow in another place. Even if you find it, you are just a newcomer. A newcomer without any contribution wants to integrate into the collective The difficulty is relatively high. But in the shadows, we all see your contributions. The shadows are not anyone’s shadows, but everyone’s shadows. In order to avoid tragedies like Tangtang and Cotton, I suggest you consider marry."

Lin Wu: "You are afraid of being ridiculed alone, so you plan to get someone to accompany you to be ridiculed."

Shitou pointed at Lin Wu: "As long as there are enough married people, you will be ridiculed as a single dog."

Lin Wu was speechless for a moment.

Maya said seriously: "What Shi Shi said makes sense. I reserve a spot here, and anyone who needs it can tell me."

Is marriage so casual? Excluding the moral aspect, the status and function of the marriage certificate are very low, and it is almost not subject to legal constraints and restrictions. Lin Wu happens to be a different kind. As a person who doesn't like responsibility every day, he has a strong sense of responsibility in his heart. He believes that falling in love, getting married, and even having children is a responsibility. He won't get married for a game, but he doesn't object to others getting married for a game.


After the party, Maya sent Lin Wu out. The two first discussed and completed the operation of the base, and Maya officially withdrew from the supermarket base. When it was over, Maya said to Lin Wu: "I'm sorry about what happened last time, I didn't take your thoughts into consideration."

Lin Wu smiled: "Even if you worry about my thoughts, it will not change your decision."

Maya responded with a smile: "Thank you for saving my face in front of Xinghuo Base."

Lin Wu: "It should."

Maya held out her hand: "I've had a great time this month."

Lin Wu shook hands with Maya: "Me too, take care."

"Take care of yourself."

Shana started the motorcycle, and Lin Wu got on the car and waved goodbye to everyone. After crossing the factory bridge, Shana turned around and said, "You are really difficult to get along with."

"Use a headset." Lin Wu replied: "Since you know that I am not easy to get along with, you dare to provoke me the first second you get along?"

Shana smiled: "I don't care, I won't say nothing just because you are unhappy."

Lin Wu did not refute. After the motorcycle passed the checkpoint, Lin Wu asked Shana to stop by the big tree on the side of the road to avoid the rain. Shana thought that Lin Wu was playful again, but she never thought that Lin Wu would not even look at Kuangmeng who was more than 20 meters away, and asked, "Shana, who do you think is right and who is wrong in this matter?"

Shana knew that Lin Wu was asking about the relationship between him and Maya, so she replied: "From the perspective of outsiders, it must be your fault. Sigh, like a little daughter-in-law. This is the theory of consequences. From the perspective of the process, Maya gave you a choice, and you choose to carry out her orders, and finally lose your temper with others."

Lin Wu asked: "Is there any angle other than outsiders?"

Shana said: "The point of view between you and Maya is also the point of view of the person involved. You think that Maya has betrayed the friendship and trust between you, but you can't say this because you can't stand scrutiny. But you don't know. Maya is the biggest loser, and you're probably her best friend in the game."

Lin Wu finished listening: "Why don't you go back?"

Shana didn't care about Lin Wu's attitude at all, and said: "Maya's main business is to stay in the shadows, and teaming up with you is on vacation."

Lin Wu asked: "What's the problem?"

Shana shook her head: "I can't say, you will bully me if you say so."

Lin Wu glared: "Am I such a stingy person?"

Shana smiled and said: "The problem is your sensitive mentality and defense against the outside world. The first time we had a conflict was when you thought I wanted to change you. In fact, I just expressed my views and opinions, and I didn't want to change anything. Your intention. The first conflict between you and Brother Hundan was because of my death, they said something, you did not refute them, but took the responsibility, and then refused to form a team with me to evade responsibility."

Shanna: "This disagreement between you and Maya also lies in this. Maya made the best solution plan, and you are dissatisfied with the part of the plan that sacrificed you, thinking that Maya betrayed your friendship."


Shana said: "That's as clear as I will tell you. Now you should say: Thank you sister."

Lin Wu squinted: "Since I'm so bad, how dare you mess with me?"

Shanna said: "You also have many advantages. Your biggest shortcoming is lack of tolerance. From a certain point of view, you are a perfectionist. Of course, you also know in your heart that it is impossible to meet a perfect partner, a perfect spouse .”

Lin Wu: "Talk about the advantages."

Shana: "Just talk about the matter between you and Maya. Even if you feel dissatisfied in your heart, you will still do your best to complete the work Maya explained. It is very easy to get along with you, and your words and deeds will not cause pressure to others. You are easy to accept The objective point of view of others will reflect and examine oneself."

Lin Wu pondered for a while: "Listening to your analysis, I suddenly feel that I am a multiple personality psychopath."

Shana said: "No, the more intelligent people are, the more complex their personalities are. The higher the proportion of thinking time, the more delicate their personalities. For example, someone yelled: For the sake of the shadow, brothers, rush. The heat rushes. Some people think, who gave the order? Why the rush? Is the shadow good for me? Is it necessary to charge for the shadow? What is my loss without the shadow? When he starts thinking, he goes It will appear to be a social outlier, leading to what people perceive as multiple personalities."

Lin Wu asked: "At the end of the day, you didn't directly say right or wrong."

Shana said: "Because there is no right or wrong. I can understand your mentality at the time, and I can also understand the decision Maya made. If you can be more brainless and calmly accept Maya's command to die, there will not be so many Thoughts. If Maya had been emotional and refused to sacrifice her best friend, it wouldn't have mattered so much."

It's time to change the subject, so as not to be criticized. Lin Wu thought about it, looked at Shana's weapon rack: "You came empty-handed?" Immediately found the height and began to turn against the customer.

Shanna wanted to cry without tears: "I also want to bring an assault rifle, but I don't know how to say it. Besides, everyone doesn't care about this issue, so I don't have the nerve to mention it."

"With our current firepower, we can't even withstand a 5-star siege." Lin Wu thought for a moment: "Let's go to the observation post on the top of the mountain, which is the closest to us and the most likely place to get guns."

Shana said: "It is said that many players have gone to the observation post. I heard that it is very dangerous. No one came back alive. We have to climb a high mountain. There are many beasts in the mountain. At the end of autumn and winter, the food for the beasts is scarce. The probability is greatly increased. To get to the observation post, you need to pass through a minefield. Unconfirmed sources say that there are two infrared-sensing automatic machine guns arranged on the height of the observation post.”

Lin Wu was surprised: "How do you know?"

Shana replied: "I am the shadow host of the 8 o'clock channel." 8 o'clock in the evening is the scheduled radio communication time at the base in Beishang Town.

"Oh." Lin Wu said: "Let's go, host, go back to your new home to replenish supplies, and go to the observation post to vote."

Shanna sighed, saying nothing.

Back at the base, Lin Wu took an axe, a rope, and a compass. After being teleported out of the waste city dungeon, all the materials obtained in the dungeon will be returned to zero, and what the player gets out of the dungeon after entering the dungeon will be what comes out, which saves Lin Wu the time to charge the drone.

"Library." Shanna said in surprise, "Do you have a library?"

Lin Wu walked into the library and looked around for a while: "Yes, we have a library." This question was asked. As a person with a high IQ sometimes it is impossible to answer such a low IQ question.

Shana ignored Lin Wu's ridicule and went into the library to check it out, looking very happy. In the past few months, Shanna's only entertainment activity has been the interaction of base members. The library is like an inexhaustible treasure to her. Full of joy, Shana took the tablet and began to choose books.



"Let's go, come back and see."

Shana put down the tablet reluctantly: "It's annoying you."

Lin Wu said angrily: "Maya dare not talk to me like this."

Shana replied: "People don't have the same knowledge as children."



The observation post has no roads, and it is said that the observation post is built entirely by air power. The biggest reason for not building roads is that the hillsides are steep and densely wooded.

When you enter the mountain, you can find that the huge tree canopy blocks the sunlight tightly, and all kinds of weeds and bushes in the forest shake from time to time, but there are no traces of animals. Lin Wu's advantage is that he has a drone, and the drone cooperates with a compass to keep them from getting lost. However, the deeper they went into the forest, the more frightened they became. From time to time, they could hear the sounds of various animals. There are bears howling and tigers howling, and the sounds can be heard within tens of meters, but no animals can be seen with the naked eye, and drones can't catch their traces.

Shana seems to have never climbed the primeval forest, and tripped over trees and vines from time to time. Lin Wu laughed at her for being blind to Zhuo Min's physique, and while taking care of her, he walked in front to remind Shana to be careful of stumbling blocks. After a while, Lin Wu also accidentally slipped and fell, which attracted Shana's relieved laughter and Shana's helping hand.

"Bears, black bears, two." Lin Wu immediately squatted down and entered the stealth state, and Shana also entered the stealth state. Lin Wu pointed towards the endless ramp: "50 meters."

Shanna was a little nervous: "Have you ever met a bear?"

Lin Wu nodded: "Twice."

Shanna relaxed: "How to defeat them?"

Lin Wu replied: "Fleeing."

Shanna asked, "How do you let them escape?"

Lin Wu replied: "Did I say they fled?"

Shana suppressed a smile, and Lin Wu said seriously: "I'm not kidding, this thing is too difficult to deal with. Let's go around."

After walking more than ten meters, Lin Wu stopped again: "Bear." Damn it, another bear appeared at the place where they had to take a detour. How can there be so many bears? Still all black. The terrible thing is that Lin Wu's stealth is camouflage, and animals have a very developed sense of smell, so it is very difficult to escape their noses.

Shana asked, "Go around again? Back up 20 meters and go around again."

"Good idea." Lin Sha and the two slowly backed away, crossed the hillside, and walked to the other side of the hilltop. The trees on this hillside are much sparser, mostly miscellaneous trees. After the two walked more than ten meters, Lin Wu reached out to stop Shana, and said, "You will come up with bad ideas."

There are indeed no bears in this direction, but there are warning signs on the hillside, which say a military restricted area, and three patterns are drawn below. The first pattern is that people are shot dead. The second pattern is a person being blown up by a landmine. The third pattern is that people are sent to prison.

A bear den on one side and a minefield on the other, which side do you prefer?

Lin Wu had met bears and minefields before, so he took Shanna back to the bear's den without hesitation. At least you can run when you meet a bear, but not a mine.

Shanna reminded: "When we are downwind, the bears can't smell us."

Lin Wu said: "We are at the disadvantage right now. When we pass through them, we will become the upper hand."

Shanna was lucky: "It may not be chasing us. Animals are no more than zombies. There are many uncertainties in their behavior."

Lin Wu looked at Shana: "Trust you once."

"I'm just suggesting, don't believe me." The dead man had already decided to take a risk, and he wanted to back up his own words.

As Shana said, in the downwind area, the bears on both sides did not find the player, so Lin Wu and Shana passed through the middle of the area of ​​more than 30 meters. Not far after passing, the bears on both sides began to growl, and followed the two along the smell. Lin Wu set up a trap, covered it with leaves, and pulled Shana towards the top of the mountain.

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