Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 82 Deserted Bells

After passing the corner of the stairs, the rotten door handle fell off at the touch of a touch. Wei Ying pushed the door open and walked in. The cold light on his right wrist slowly appeared, and a sense of crisis quietly spread.

The huge bell on the ceiling suddenly rang for some unknown reason. The rumbling sound lingered around the ruins. Silvery white shining dust slowly floated up from the nearby land, spiraling into the sky.

In the midst of the chaos, Wei Ying walked to the observation window, leaned half of his body out of the tower, and stared intently at a black figure in the distance.

Under the dim white light, the girl seemed to be wearing a white gauze dress, holding a slightly red crossbow in her hand, slowly approaching the tower.

"Who is that?"

"Didn't Song Sheng say that this place is absolutely safe?"

"Is this also false information?"

"Or is this guy in front of me the leader of the third level?"

The first person to think of Xinglian who was still sleeping downstairs, Wei Ying rushed downstairs in two or three steps, opened the door of the compartment, and saw Xinglian who had just woken up and was rubbing her left eye with her delicate little hands.

"Mr. Wei Ying? What happened?"

"Get up, something strange is happening outside."


Before Xinglian could stand up, there was a violent rumbling sound from outside the clock tower, and a bright red light crossed the window sill and fell to the ground, revealing the aura of death, which was particularly scary.

The complicated sound of electric current came from the top of the ceiling, accompanied by the chaos of mechanical parts hitting each other. Wei Ying began to worry from the bottom of his heart.

I originally hoped to find some stability here, and then decide how to act after taking a rest, but now I am in a dilemma, and I can't decide whether to advance or retreat.

Wei Ying and Xing Lian walked back to back to the window sill. After confirming their surroundings, they both turned their gazes to the sky outside the window.

The sky has already changed its color. It is different from the darkness of the past. It has changed from the normal color to blood red, giving it a doomsday atmosphere.

"I accidentally fell asleep. What happened outside?"

"I don't know. After hearing the bell ringing, the outside world changed."


"Yes, just a few minutes before you woke up, there was a deafening bell ringing from this tower. It was very strange."

Tragic songs suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, and a group of pitch-black crows suddenly attacked the sky, swooping and crashing into the tower with a mournful scream. The chaotic feathers and blood merged together, sticking to the wall and emitting black-purple smoke.

Wei Ying stretched out his hand and pushed Xinglian behind him. He took a step forward and looked at the girl who had just appeared on the surface.

"It's still there, but..."

"She is drawing the bow now?"

The direction of the bow and arrow was facing the zenith of the tower, and several golden magic circles appeared at the girl's feet. Countless runes were engraved on her arms, shining throughout the sunken area.

"Her intention is to destroy this place?"

I saw the girl pulling the bow with one hand, and the huge force that could lift the rock pressed the two ends of the crossbow into a full moon-like arc. The infinite red light in the sky danced like a ribbon and attached to the girl's hand.

An arrow with a red light on its tail appeared out of thin air, illuminating the sky outside the tower with its own bright color.

Wei Ying rubbed his eyes, trying to confirm if this was a dream, when several groups of real robots fell from above - without the disguise of plastic human-shaped leather bags, they were completely made of machines. body of.

"Mr. Wei Ying, what were those things that just fell?"

"It looks like some robots?"

With his heart pounding and panicking, Wei Ying slowly turned his head and looked at the stairs at the corner. He pricked up his ears and listened to the sound of metal collision that was slowly approaching. The next second, his eyes widened when the other party revealed his body.

Just like the robot that just fell to the ground, a robot walked down from the top of the tower.

Its face is made of a huge old clock. The mechanical parts that move the clock replace its neck. The mechanical parts above its head are pieced together to form a false hat shape.

The left hand was replaced by a metal spear striker, and the right hand was a chainsaw with countless rust and earthy colors. The parts on the whole body were incompatible with the modern city.

The creaking sound of mechanical parts barely functioning came from the robot's waist. The old equipment actually made Wei Ying inadvertently feel a sense of indifference and underestimation in his heart.

"Is this guy the same as those robots that just fell from the tower?"

"Indeed, what do you think, how to solve it?"

"If you keep it, it will only be a disaster, right?"

The moment the robot appeared from the turning of the stairs, Xinglian picked up her gun and reloaded her ammunition in preparation for the next battle. The moment she sensed that her fighting spirit was aroused, she rushed forward like a hare.

Contrary to the expected result, although this robot looks as bulky as a cow, it is extremely flexible and strong beyond normal standards.

"Stand by, encounter a powerful enemy, order...clear!"

There was a buzzing sound from the electric saw on his right arm, and the next second the blue electric current traveled from his neck to his arm, two beams of red light lit up from the three o'clock and nine o'clock positions on the clock on the opponent's head.

The sweeping chainsaw was as fast as a leopard, scraping past Xinglian's left shoulder before she retreated. The successful enemy did not stop its offensive. Instead, it was determined not to give up until it achieved its goal, and continued to maintain the rhythm of the attack.

"Withdraw, Xinglian, I'll do it!"

Stomping the ground with his right foot, a thick layer of ice suddenly rose in front of Xinglian, deflecting the chainsaw that was about to slit his throat and blocking the next thrust of the spear.

Ice, snow and frost climbed along the edge of the spear and into the inside of the machine, condensing ice blocks from the fundamental position and hindering the movement of mechanical parts.

As if it sensed an abnormality in the body, the machine took the same emergency action. It turned on its whole body power, and the billowing hot air instantly evaporated the ice cubes, and the machine regained contact.

"Warning, new data has been detected, the combat power will be re-estimated, and an attempt will be made to change the combat mode!"

The spear pierced the ice and approached Xinglian's heart when the two were terrified. Just as it was about to penetrate her body, an arrow shot through the sky and hit the Zenith Bell.

The rumbling sound sounded again, and the banging sound soaring into the sky surrounded the tower. However, for some reason, this sound could temporarily short-circuit the mechanical system.

"It seems to be short-circuited, Xinglian, shoot!"

"Oh! Got it!"

Wei Ying also did not stop, rushing up and scanning the enemy's body structure with his eyes, and finally, with a try attitude, he forcefully thrust the sword edge into the opponent's head, which was the giant clock.

The moment the long sword was pulled out, the lump of iron finally collapsed to the ground, unable to rise again.

Suddenly, Wei Ying's heart trembled, and an instinct told him that he must go to the window sill and take a look.

"Go to the ledge! Quick!"

"What's wrong?"

The rapid beating of his heart made Wei Ying lose his composure, but he still walked to the window as quickly as possible, holding on to the railing beside him with both hands to ensure that his body would not fall to his death.

"This guy......"

"Who is it?"

The red-haired girl who was originally on the ground was now standing on a few lumps of scrap metal, slowly rising into the sky and disappearing into the clouds under a beam of white light.

Just before disappearing, the girl quietly turned her head and glanced at Wei Ying. Finally, the dust turned into white powder and floated under the sky, falling into the ground.

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