Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 80 Petite Figure

When the two of them first stepped into this ruined city, they clearly felt that it was different. Except for a clock tower standing in the center of the sunken area, there was only desolation.

"It's so different from other areas. How could this place be so abandoned?"

Wei Ying stepped forward, stepping on piles of yellow sand and soil mixture and moving his body with difficulty. When the fingertips of his right hand rubbed against the worn stones in the ruins, his skin was abraded.

"It's so scary. Is this really just a ruins?"

"Wei Ying, what's wrong?"

Xinglian came close to him, frowned when she saw his finger bleeding out, and looked at the stone aside in disbelief.

"The abrasion of these stones is very strange and the structure is uneven. It is definitely not caused by ordinary wear and tear."

"Xinglian, do you have any clue?"

"No, let's take another step forward."


The half-shattered gilded sliding door proclaims the former luxury of this ruined city, but the fact that it falls off at a touch can no longer conceal its decline.

"Cough cough cough!"

"It looks like it's been abandoned for a long time."

"It's like it's been through a mighty battle. It's been ruined like this. I don't know if the stairs can hold up."

Xinglian took a step forward, and her footsteps made a squeaking sound on the floor, sending up billowing dust into her nose.

"Cough cough cough, I feel so choked."

Looking at the spiral staircase leading to the ceiling and the dilapidated escalator, Wei Ying couldn't help but tremble in his heart, "Can this thing really hold up?"

He slowly lowered his first foot with his heart in mind, and slowly moved his center of gravity to the stairs. After three seconds, nothing happened, and then the stone hanging in Wei Ying's heart fell.

"I'll go first, you follow me."

"But logically speaking, I am lighter and more suitable for exploring the road. Let me do it!"


Xinglian licked her lips, mustered up the courage to climb up the steps, and took the completely opposite action from Wei Ying, walking boldly upwards.

"No, Xinglian, be careful."

"You are too worried. Our time is precious and cannot be delayed, right?"

Except for the bottom floor where they just entered the bell tower, the entire bell tower is divided into three floors, high, middle and low, each made of different building materials. The two people now have just stepped onto the lower platform.

Feeling soreness in the muscles of their legs and feet, and an endless feeling of exhaustion flooding their bodies and minds, Wei Ying and Xing Lian leaned against the wall, looked around, and finally found a decent place to stay.

On the platform directly connected by the spiral staircase, various furniture are neatly placed, ranging from small benches and tablecloths to large sofas and soft beds. Without exception, they all reflect the luxury of the people who originally lived here.

"I'm so tired. Let's take a rest first."

In order to relieve physical fatigue, Xinglian suggested searching around to see if there were any supplies.

Her index finger brushed across the coffee table, and a white mark suddenly appeared on the dusty table. Xinglian shook off the dust on her hands and walked straight to the inside of the door, where there was another compartment.

"Xinglian, where are you going?"

"I'll look around again, maybe there's something to eat."

Yes, the march has been too long. Not only the two of them, but everyone in the organization is hungry, and their combat ability has been greatly reduced.

"There's still some food left in here, let me check the date."

Xinglian tore off the military label and opened the box containing food. They were some compressed biscuits, which could just replenish Wei Ying's body.

"I found some food and the date was confirmed to be within the sell-by date."


"Well, some compressed biscuits, but the reserved water on the side is no longer drinkable."

"It's okay, I still have some reserve water in my portable water bottle."

Xinglian picked up the box with both hands and walked out of the room uncoordinated with her hands and feet. She tilted her head and opened one eye to carefully check Wei Ying's position.

"I can do this kind of thing myself."

"Your body is already very weak, please replenish it quickly."

"Well, thank you, Xinglian."

Wei Ying tore open the package, broke off part of the food and threw it into his mouth. His jaw muscles slowly exerted force to crush the food into dregs, and swallowed it mixed with a mouthful of water.

Taking a deep breath, the whole person escaped from the hands of death, as if he saw an angel in white descending from the sky.

However, when Wei Ying turned to look at Xinglian, she just sat next to him and kept holding a towel with her white hands to wipe the parts of the gun, from the butt to the muzzle, carefully and meticulously.

Suddenly, the girl's face suddenly twitched and she looked above the blood transfusion ring. The blood was out of replenishment.

She deftly took out another bag of blood from her backpack and changed the position of the plug into the new blood bag. It wasn't until a few seconds passed that her pale face began to improve.

Xinglian didn't touch the food at all and continued to wipe her weapons after the incident was over.

"Um... Xinglian, don't you want to add something?"

"Thank you for your concern, but no, I don't need to replenish my strength yet."

"Really? I've never seen you eat anything. Are you sick?"

Xinglian stopped what she was doing, slowly turned to Wei Ying, looked into his eyes, smiled softly, and then said:

"I'm not sick. Although I was curious about this kind of thing before, but it became clear after inserting the ME chip."

"This phenomenon occurs only because of my ability, which ensures the body's self-supply and the stability of the body, so it doesn't matter."

Like a white cat, Xinglian crawled closer to Wei Ying and leaned her whole body against him.

"But honestly..."

"I'm really tired, Mr. Wei Ying..."

"The functions of my eyes and ears seem to have begun to decline. I always have trouble hearing and seeing clearly. It must be because of too much pressure..."

Listening to the girl's words, Wei Ying felt empty. He slowly closed his eyes, a soreness lingering in his eyes.


"Can we really win?"

"Can I really still go out?"

The girl nestled next to her pressed against Wei Ying as if she was sleeping, but she shook her body a few times as if she heard something. She grabbed the corner of Wei Ying's clothes with her right hand and pulled gently.

"It's must be okay, because I believe in Mr. Wei Ying!"

"Am worthy of your trust?"

"Well, I believe in you. Although everyone may have some doubts or suspicions about you, but! Xinglian, I have always believed in you!"

The tugging at the corner of his clothes became smaller and smaller. Wei Ying lowered his head and looked at the girl. She was mentally exhausted and seemed to be falling asleep in the next second.

The courage that came from nowhere pushed Wei Ying to stretch out his left hand and gently caress the girl's head, smiling kindly like an old father.

"Mr. Wei Ying, we can definitely walk out...right?"

"Of course, we..."

"I will definitely go out..."

"It's definitely not just here."

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