Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 8 Just End It Like This

A weak fire flickered in the cave, and a bullet struck through the wind, hitting the candle on the stove and extinguishing it.

The alarmed man turned around silently, green venom slowly flowed out from his feet, and looked at them in a daze, "Who are you?"

Feeling a resistance from the bottom of his heart, he pointed the tip of the magic knife at the man and killed him in threes and twos from the left side. The blade stabbed through his throat. The man took a few steps back but did not show any hostility.

A chain flew straight up and wrapped around the man's left arm. Qi Mengshang circled the chain twice around the palm of his hand and pulled hard, forcing the man to move his body and hit the blade.

Pressing the ground with his palms, he raised his whole body to flip and jump, staggering the position where the heart and the blade met. When he landed steadily, the man's face looked a little gloomy.

"If peace doesn't work, then all that's left is violence."

Purple fireworks passed by his deputy, ghostly flames burned in his pupils, and eight stingers secreted venom, "Throw me a sharp edge, and I will repay you with a sharp edge!"

"Watch out for the sting!"

Almost instantly, the poisonous spider came to the magic sword and stretched out its arm to attack his internal organs. The long sword sliced ​​through his fingers. The magic sword jumped sideways to avoid it, and the blade pointed directly at the man's forehead.

A hideous laughter came from the entrance of the cave, and gunfire followed. The high-speed rotating bullets accurately knocked out the man's two deputies.

"Ah, I'm so sorry." Even though Iletya said this, she didn't stop moving at all. She quickly replaced the magazine and got into a good posture.

"Do I have to use a gun?" Yang Chun, a timid yellow-haired girl among the team members, timidly picked up the magazine and was frightened when she met Iletya's blood-red eyes.

"There is no way, we must fight quickly." A figure flashed on the wall, and an iron rope flew out from behind and wrapped around the man's neck. Shen Dao and Qi Mengshang drew swords from both sides and cut the man's neck.

Just in case, Iletya shot two more shots at the fallen body, "This way, everything is safe."

"Only the last cave remains."

Shen Dao put away the weapon and found the key from the corpse's pocket, found the last door, inserted it into the hole, and turned the key to open the green door.

Wei Ying was still in a daze. It was obvious that the man had no hostility from the beginning, so why did he have to take action?

"Hurry up and follow, Wei Ying." Iletya's voice came from the distance again. He was the only one in the room who refused to move. This time, he did not hide, but directly covered the red strip. He closed his eyes, endured the pain, opened his eyes, and looked at the corpse.

In a simple room, a man hugged the girl tied with a white strip tightly. Under the dim light, the scene collapsed bit by bit like broken glass. The scene turned and two bodies were lying next to a black car on the road. , are the girl’s parents.

Unable to resist the erosion of the strips, Wei Ying pulled off the strips. Blood flowed from his eyes. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and breathed hastily to adjust his condition.

"What's wrong with you?" Iletya came over, ignoring the man's body and trying to walk straight over.


The violent reaction frightened her slightly, she stopped, and then she laughed softly, "Let's go quickly if it's okay."


Before walking to the next cave, Wei Ying looked at the corpse for a long time and could not calm down the guilt in his heart, even though he did not take action.

"Feel sorry......"

He followed the team listlessly, only coming back to his senses when they entered the last cave.

"Get ready and we'll go."

"Apart from this, is there anything else?" Xing Hanjun stepped forward and asked Shen Dao. He hoped that Shen Dao could tell more useful information, but he only received a perfunctory response from the other party.

"Who knows?"

"You guy!"

"Okay, stop arguing."

Opening the door quietly, strong white light illuminated the entire room. A huge spider web coiled in the center of the huge space. Xing Hanjun looked through the gap.

A girl is entangled in the spider web, and white strips are wrapped around her Yang. She also has eight claws behind her, but her body is smaller than the man she saw before and the corpse in the coffin. She is guessed to be no more than seventeen or eighteen years old.

The door creaked open slowly, but the girl still didn't wake up. Everyone looked at each other, made gestures, and filled up the magazines, "What should I do?"

"Get rid of her."

Seeing the gesture of the Divine Sword, everyone hesitated to take action, "Wait, Divine Sword, are you sure you want to do this?"

"How else can we deal with it?"

"Is there no other way?"

"If you see that there is no door behind her, that is our ultimate goal. Everything else is unimportant!"

Heartless was the first reaction in his heart. The coldness like falling into an ice cave swept through everyone's body and mind. Facing the helplessness in the eyes of the divine sword, Wei Ying had no choice but to turn his head.

"Then do it!"

Iletya walked out of the crowd, held a gun with one hand and aimed it at the girl's heart, "Let's do it!"

"This is an inevitable choice, and we are just victims."

"Feel sorry."

When their own interests were involved, everyone except Wei Ying picked up their weapons almost at the same time, got closer to the girl little by little, and touched her while ensuring that they could support each other.

"Do it!"

At this moment, a drop of water fell from the stone cone on the zenith, splashed on the top of the girl's head, slipped quietly from the spider web for a distance, and the bullet grazed her shoulder.

Sensing the presence of signs of life, the girl pulled the thread in her hand and quickly moved out of the way, saving her life from the strike of the magic sword.

The moment he landed on the ground and turned around, a streak of blood streaked across his face. The magic sword stretched out his left hand and touched a trace of blood with his fingertips, "The spider thread... shouldn't be so fast."

Something is wrong, something is wrong. When Shen Dao fought against Spider Woman, he had never used the spider silk so early.

"Be careful, the spider silk she weaves is poisonous!"

White mist floated out from the wound, and the magic sword took two steps back and went to Yang Chun's side to heal the wound.

Relying on his natural motor nerves, Xing Hanjun grabbed the sword and rushed over. The sliding shovel passed a translucent spider silk and came behind the spider girl. "Die!" As soon as he raised the sword, the opponent suddenly turned around and held it with his right hand. He held the sword and let the blood drip from his palm.

"Look this way!" The iron rope appeared across the sky. Sensing the movement of the spider thread, the spider girl turned her head slightly to avoid it. Qi Mengshang, who followed the iron rope and came with a sword, pulled Han Jun away.

As the girl waved her right hand, the entire room was once again filled with dense threads. Everyone gasped and retreated to the entrance of the cave to watch the battle.


After the magic knife had taken care of the wound, she gritted her teeth and approached silently. The spider girl shook her head from side to side and judged the enemy's position without a sound, so she had no choice but to continue sensing through the spider silk.

Xing Hanjun, who saw the secret, also took a step forward and gestured, "I'm here to help you!"

"Look clearly! Don't touch the spider silk!"


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