Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 18 Leaving The Team Without Permission

Stepping out of the room, Xinglian found the person who was guiding her in the organization, "Where are you taking me?"

"The Medical Department, the leader said that he is not very optimistic about your condition, so he secretly emphasized that I will bring you here for treatment."

"What did you think it was..."

Xinglian looked troubled, "Thank you for taking the trouble. My little girl, Xinglian, would like to thank you."

"Hey, why are you so polite? Our leader is a very good man!"

The two of them walked into the medical office. Different from the outside air, there was no stench of sewage, but more of fresh air that they could at least enjoy.

"Sister Mo, this is the patient I told you about. Please take care of her!"

"No, no, Xiao Hu, you really know how to joke. Why is it so hard?"

Ignoring the two's greetings, Xinglian walked to the storage room and saw her target, the blood transfusion bag. Just as she was about to reach out to take it, she was stopped by Sister Mo who was chasing behind her, "Little girl, what do you want to do?"

"I need this."

"But we can't give this to you. This is our precious internal treasure."

Knowing that the negotiation was useless, Xinglian had no choice but to give up and nodded, "Then I'll leave first."

"Hey, where are you going?"

"I went to meet my friend. He must have come out."

"What about your illness?"

"My illness can't be cured, so I won't bother you."

It was not just a simple symptom of anemia, but more like an old disease in the body and mind. Xinglian walked out of the medical office, thinking of going back to meet Wei Ying, but on the way he saw the shotgun she had disarmed. He was escorted to the munitions department.

Without thinking much, she walked towards that person. The other person also noticed Xinglian and recognized that this person was one of the two people brought by the leader just now. The originally confused face suddenly became soothed, "Ah, this Miss, what can I do?"

"Are there any requirements for us to have weapons here?"

"Ang, you have to ask the leader about this matter. He is responsible for our weapons distribution."

"Here's my gun."

"Huh?" He didn't really believe it at first, but he thought about it again, "Since you were brought back by the leader himself, it's no problem, but looking at your body shape, are you really not lying?"

Silently, Xinglian responded with action. She took out the shotgun, skillfully dismantled it and then assembled it in front of her. She held the gun in her hand under the surprised gaze of the other party, "As you can see."

As soon as he got the gun, his strength and energy seemed to flow into his body again, and the pain in his body weakened a little.

This shotgun has been carried by Xinglian since time travel. It is not only a weapon, but also a companion.

With weapons, things became different. Previously, she agreed to join the organization because she didn't understand the world. Now she didn't want Fuxi to restrain herself, so she escaped from the window of the organization's zenith.

But leaving rashly was a shame for Wei Ying. She pulled off a piece of hair with her fingers, picked up a nail on the ground, carved the word "temporarily away" with a stone, wrapped her hair around the nail and watched Warrant Officer Ying meet. Throw it out where it appears.

You can probably guess what this piece of paper means when you see it. Xinglian hid in a dark corner and walked towards the group's edge defense line little by little.

There are elite soldiers hidden in the seemingly deserted observation tower. The red button next to him is connected to the alarm in the group. As long as there is any problem, the entire group will receive the alarm and immediately enter a state of alert.

If you want to leave, you can't break in from here. As the saying goes, no matter how hard the wall is, there are cracks. Xinglian lowered her body and groped along the wall, and indeed found a small hole, but she couldn't get out with her body. " Then there's no way."

In order to prevent others from discovering her, she buried the shotgun to her chest and began digging the soil with both hands. The humid air underground made the soil looser, and soon there was a small hole.

"Who is there?"

Oops! Xinglian secretly thought to herself, blocking the gap in the city wall with her body, and then turned back carefully. A beam of light illuminated her whole body, which probably exposed her.

"She's the new lady," the other party scratched her head, looking at Xinglian's somewhat shy and frightened expression, she deduced the answer in her heart, stretched out her hand and pointed behind her, "There is a toilet over there, but I see you are in a hurry. Yes, just next time, bye!" Then he waved and left.

"Well..." Looking back, Xinglian remained silent, her face a little blushing. For a girl, this is considered humiliating, right? But those are discussions for later.

The patrolling people didn't pass by here again. I don't know if the person just now had an effect. Seeing that a hole of about the same size was dug, Xinglian got in with the attitude of giving it a try.

The clothes were stained with some black soil, but these details were insignificant. Xinglian hurriedly checked the remaining blood bag on his waist, confirmed a reasonable time to go out, then blocked the hole, turned around and disappeared.

It was rare to find an unattended sewer outlet. The wind from the ceiling was blowing down continuously. She climbed up steadily, "Go outside and do some research. You will get suffocated if you stay down there all the time."

Before the manhole cover was opened, the noise from the street could be heard, and a little light came in through the gap in the manhole cover. Xinglian held the escalator with one hand and looked towards the street with one eye.

Many soldiers surrounded a shop, holding weapons on guard. Not knowing what was going on inside, Xinglian decided to wait and see what happened.

"Brother, you said I'm hiding criminals here, you have to have evidence, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I came here to patrol the prisoners under the orders of the military commander Mingzhao, why don't you stop me?"

"But there is really no possibility of hiding people in my small shop, right?"

"I've searched and it turns out that if it's really our problem, it's natural to apologize."

"Then...can you please?"


People around him were watching. Thinking that he was safe, Xinglian slowly climbed out of the sewer, patted the dust on his body, and hid in the dark box to continue observing.

The shop the army investigated was a knife forging shop. Shops like this usually have a back door. She looked at the high wall behind her, bounced off the wall three or two times, grabbed the wall with both hands and climbed over.

Inside the wall was an uncovered backyard. As soon as she landed, Xinglian felt something was wrong. There was an empty feeling under her feet. She fumbled a little and found a cellar opening on the edge of the wall.

After waiting for a while after opening the cellar, Xinglian walked down the stairs. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed across the door frame in the corner. Someone!

Unsure of the other party's intention, Xinglian just picked up the shotgun when the other party spoke, "Xinglian, it's me! Qi Mengshang!"

"Qi Mengshang? Why are you here?"

"It's a long story."

Before the two people could get together, a heavy cough could be heard through the thick wall above, "Sir, you can see that I can't hide anyone here, can I?"

Seeing that they were looking through the house but couldn't find any clues, the captain who took the lead also nodded, "Sorry, this is also required by the mission. Please understand... let's go!"

The old man looked at the retreating figure of the army, sighed softly, moved the table, and with a smile, he moved the seemingly ordinary floor tiles away, and a cellar leading to a secret room was opened.

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