Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 119 A Flash Of Inspiration

"This is the plan. We will use the sky as the main battlefield and the ground as the secondary battlefield."

"But we're severely understaffed, you know, it's just the two of us."

"This is our disadvantage, but the sky is also their disadvantage. I will do my best to delay the ground troops, and you can move towards the final goal!"

The great project began, the dark sky covered Varadonco with a layer of dense cover, and the plan for sky combat was completely impeccable.

Perhaps to relieve the pressure between each other, or considering where to go after victory, Xinglian looked at Jisha with a half-smile.

"If this battle is successful, Varadonco will be liberated. Then, as a liberation hero, can I also be the leader here?"

"Oh, of course, this is a favor that Varadonco owes you - you."

No more gossip, Xinglian pushed her white hair behind her back, raised her body and took a deep breath, as if she was mentally prepared.

"Take action."


There was a roaring sound of explosions in the distance in the quiet and deserted street, electricity was running all over the sky, and blue-purple lightning fell one after another.

With such a grand banquet, other people were quickly "invited" to attend, and this was the first step of Jisha's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.


Countless thorn rose bushes instantly protruded from the wall of the high-rise building on the left, and overwhelming vines coiled over Jisha's zenith, spinning down at high speed like mechanical gears.

Strong air currents surged around, and this movement attracted the attention of a large number of troops. However, they could not get even closer to Jisha because of the red high-voltage current running around Jisha.

Only the girl sitting high on the roof on the right, Iletya, can hurt Jisha with her special ability.

Turning thunder and lightning into the hand blade, he cut off the vines that were waiting for an opportunity to get close to him. However, in the next second, these vines resurrected instantly, even stronger than before they were cut off.

"This guy's ability doesn't seem to be inferior to mine, and it's still rising. But Nosh Fan should have stopped working. Why?"

The strong vitality forced the rose bush to have the ability to break through the foundation layer. Four poisonous thorn branches tied Jisha's legs. Although Jisha quickly broke free under the devastation of the electric current, the wear and tear on the legs could not be ignored.

"Oh, it's thanks to the fact that I'm a robot, otherwise it would be more troublesome to deal with the poison on the stinger."

Estimating the approximate time, Ji Sha quietly glanced at the sky, and sure enough, a petite figure floated away in the sky behind the army.

An evil yet confident smile rippled across Ji Sha's face, and the corners of his mouth curved a bit. The first step of the plan had been successfully completed, and the next step was the second step of the plan.

Total paralysis.

Now that most of the army is gathered here, another ability hidden in Jisha can be activated.

"Overload of magnetic energy."

Jisha has been created with this power since his birth. He can use the energy stored in his body to derive a huge amount of magnetic energy through a series of reactions, and use his body as a medium to release this energy into the battlefield, causing enemies in a large area to temporarily lose control. Communication and the power of technology.

A bright blue light exploded in the middle of the street, and everyone including Jisha lost their consciousness. Except for Iletya, who was not a bionic, she was not greatly affected.

Silent, she slowly raised her head, and a blue void clock suddenly appeared in the dark sky, with three hands representing hours, minutes and seconds spinning rapidly.

The scattered blue starlight adds a sense of magic to this mysterious thing, like a sudden flash of thunder on a sunny day. This thing not only makes people curious when looking at it, but it may also contain hidden meanings behind it. facing countless crises.

Unfortunately, in this challenge of racing against time, there was no more time for her to hesitate. The sound of shotguns was accompanied by screams, so it seemed that the horn of victory was about to blow.

With the blessing of the chip, Xinglian was unstoppable all the way, relying on the explosives traveling in the munitions depot area to repeatedly attack these "turtles" on the ground.

"Very good, just keep it like this, it won't last more than three minutes...huh?!"

If it were so easy to let Xinglian destroy the mental device, the whole Varadonco would just lie down. Iletya took the trouble to stand in front of Xinglian. The two friends looked at each other, and the sparks of the battle were already ignited. Now the battle between two people is about to start again.

"I have suffered losses at your hands before, and I won't do it again this time."

The other party obviously didn't want to say anything. The fallen troops around him were all the work of Xinglian, but as they "died", the mental device's control over Iletea became stronger, and red air waves broke through the sky.

But as the brute force reached its limit, I wonder if the IQ was also eroded inversely proportionally. When the flower of the sea of ​​​​blood bloomed again on Iletya's shoulders, the vines that had just sprouted around it quickly withered.

Even the poisonous thorn branches that silently came to the back of the Star Lotus began to wither before touching the Star Lotus.


"What is this guy doing?"

Originally, the chance of winning against Iletea was somewhat slim, but the girl in front of him fell unconsciously behind her. The flowers on her shoulders gradually withered, and there was no one left to fight on the snow-white street.

While Xinglian was hesitating, a blue light flashed past in the sky, and the dazzling light blocked her vision. In desperation, she could only block it with her hands.

Slow footsteps approached, and the dazzling blue light began to fade. Xinglian slowly removed the arm that blocked her right eye, and looked at her friend on the rooftop in the distance - Yi Xun in shock.

"Yi Xun?!"

"Ha, everything is as I expected. Long time no see, Miss Xinglian."

"Why are you here?!"

"None of this is important, Miss Xinglian. Next, please don't blink."

Appearing with Yi Xun was Xiaoyun next to him - he was performing something in an unfolded state.

A huge blue space gap seemed to appear in the dark sky. After a flash of red light, a blue laser protruded from the center of the red cloud and hit the mental device accurately.

Once again, the eyes were stung by the dazzling light. The entire street was shrouded in white light. The surrounding temperature suddenly rose. The scorching air enveloped the two of them. Fortunately, Yi Xun was prepared, along with the unconscious Iletya and others on the ground. The troops were all safe and sound under Xiaoyun's protection.

However, the mental device was not so lucky.


The magnetic energy needle, which represented mental blockade and control, collapsed under the laser strike of Hillrimo. The collapsed stabilizing device was scattered on the ground. The snow water melted by the strong laser flowed to the army, wiping away the ghostly flames entangled in their eyes. go.

"it's over......"

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