Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 104 Getting Things Done

The billowing smoke and dust gradually settled, and the ground was in chaos. Among the ruins of the city wall with rotten tiles, a touch of new green gradually stood out. The magic sword slowly raised its head, not being affected by the shock wave caused by the collapse of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower.

"You're not hurt, are you, Divine Sword?"

The girl with one hand on the ground was staring at the magic sword. When the smoke and dust around her dispersed, she began to relax.

"you know me?"

Shen Dao placed the unconscious Xue Yi next to him and slowly stared at the girl in front of him.

Mechanical horns protrude from both sides of the head, and a large area of ​​skin near the left eye is bone-white and rotten, with no wrinkles, just staining.

The left eye was white and lifeless, and he was wearing a special black mecha jacket, and it was impossible to tell who the other person was from the voice.

It seemed that Li Su'an also saw the problem, and related that he had experienced such an experiment, and finally asked briefly:

"you do not know me?"

" we know each other?"

"I'm Li Su'an!"

"Li Su'an...ah? Why have you changed like this?"

"It's a long story - let's talk about you first. Why are you up in that tower?"

"...It's a long story."

"Then let's make a long story short."

"Huh? Okay, okay."

Shen Dao roughly narrated his experience. After going through all the troubles to escape from the black market, he delayed the meeting due to fatigue. When he woke up, he hurriedly came here to meet Wei Ying and others.

"Did you just say that not only you and me, but Wei Ying also ran out?"

"Well, although there is no trace of it now, at least it is certain that it has not fallen into the hands of the black market."

Shen Dao took a deep breath. He still concealed his whereabouts. In fact, it was not because of fatigue, but because the wound on his right hand worsened, which seriously stimulated his spiritual world. He was forced to make this move. .

Although he had vowed to be honest with his companions, Shen Dao was still unwilling to reveal too much about his physical condition to others. This was related to another team he once led, who betrayed Shen Dao. He committed a murder, and although the situation was stopped in time, it also had a considerable impact and shadow on him.

"What are your plans next? Obviously we can't stay here anymore."

"I plan to transform this guy's consciousness. Only in this way can we gain a foothold on the third level."

Shen Dao glanced at Xue Yi aside, with three parts admiration and two parts arrogance in his eyes.

"Reformation? Isn't this against human ethics?!"

"Human ethics?! You are almost dead! You are dead! Do you still consider whether this is against human ethics? Miss, living is more important than anything else."

Because she had experienced the pain of human body modification, Li Su'an was extremely opposed to the Shen Dao doing this. Even if she killed Xue Yi on the spot, her heart would not be so flustered. But now it is a problem for them to survive. Instead, what the knife said became "truth."

"Life, the price in this world is higher than anything else. Nothing is more precious than your life, do you understand?"



"I...I have other ways!"

"Other ways?"

"I encountered resistance within the black market..."

However, before he could finish his words, Shen Dao was ridiculed. He snorted with a straight face, revealing unprecedented indifference and contempt.

"Resistance? Are you talking about the bionic humans working under Song Sheng? Don't be stupid, they will only follow instructions. Even if they can help them get rid of Song Sheng, so what?"

"Have you seen this guy next to me? Yao Xueyi - the former leader of the third floor. The mechanical consciousness and instructions in the black market were roughly changed by her. Once you help those people defeat Song Sheng, their next target will turn to us, so based on this alone, do you want to go back?!"

"You... everything you said is true?!"

"Fool! We are all in this situation now! There are only two of us left, do I still need to deceive you? Only by rewriting Xue Yi's last consciousness can we possibly save our lives from that beast Song Sheng Partner!"

Like teaching a lost person who will never be enlightened, Shen Dao analyzed the current situation for her bit by bit, but couldn't help but get angry. However, these actions are all to cover up some of the secrets, so that Li Su'an can accept this false fact. The most orders Xueyi gave is to annihilate Shen Dao and Song Sheng, and it has absolutely nothing to do with these newcomers. , but in order to save his own life, Shen Dao will make others mistakenly realize that they are grasshoppers tied to a rope.

Seeing that Li Su'an still didn't answer or even give any reaction, Shen Dao was so angry that he couldn't help but feel angry. However, before he opened his mouth to care about anything, there were heavy footsteps behind him.

"Is there anyone?!"

"Ah? Isn't it absolutely safe here?"

"Maybe it's because of the collapse of the tower, but I can't care so much now... You don't want to leave with me."

"No way!"

"No, listen to me. I just went through a hard battle and my body is weak. I can't cope with the next battle now. I have to disappear temporarily for a while to speed up the modification process of Xue Yi's consciousness."

"what about me?"

"Go and do what you want to do. We'll contact you then. There's no better way to deal with the urgent matter! Leave quickly! It'll be too late if others find out!"

As soon as they dispersed, Shen Dao and Li Su'an separated instantly, each running towards their destination. Climbing to the top of the ruins, Yun Haizheng raised his head and looked around, using his internal vision system to scan his entire body.

"Is there no one? Escaped? Doesn't this collapse seem to be due to old age and disrepair?"

The four members of Titral's group walked to Jellyfish's side and relied on their sensitive hearing to detect the sound of crossfire coming from Porxiga.

Similarly, Yun Haisheng also discovered the anomaly and turned to the western city.

"Titral, put aside your speculations about the Butterfly Magnetic Tower for the time being. Follow me and make destroying Song Sheng's lair your first priority!"


Yun Haizheng smiled, Titral's technology also relied on the power of other classes, and relied on technology that did not belong to this class to complete difficult exploration missions again and again.

Let Titral blockade Porxija from four directions and kill all the enemies within sight for no more than two days. If Song Sheng is not willing to fight to the death, he will definitely choose to attack where the defense is weakest. time to escape.

Even if Song Sheng chooses to fight to the death, Titral can easily kill all the troops he leads with the help of technological power that far exceeds the current level.

"Hmph, Song Sheng, you will definitely die this time!"

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