Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 101 Qualitative Change

There are always constant crash sounds in the streets of the city. High-rise buildings explode and collapse as the sound spreads. People who don't know the truth are smashed into the ground by sudden falling objects.

A beam of red destruction laser was fired from one end of the street, cutting a deep mark on the ground, causing the surrounding crowd to watch, but the instigator was not happy.

The girl's figure disappeared around the corner, Han Chaochen put away his weapon and made a sound.

"Can't you just be obedient?"

After transforming into a body, Li Su'an has unprecedented strength. He can break a huge hole in a concrete wall with his bare hands and jump two meters from the ground, which is an extremely normal operation.

Song Sheng injected a large amount of toxin technology into her body, while Han Chaochen hoped that Li Su'an would escape to a safe place under his pursuit, and then tell her the truth about everything.

Unfortunately, the girl didn't have any intention of talking to him. She just plunged into the thought of running away. She couldn't tell that the blow just now was deliberately missed by Chaochen to intimidate her.

"From now on, the street goes all the way east, and for a while it will be a signal blind spot for the black market."

"Why can't you be more honest?!"

An iron rope shot out from under the high-tech laser weapon and plunged into the top of a tall building. Following the contraction of the iron rope, Chaochen jumped his legs and flew to the top of the building like a gust of wind, spotting the girl's figure.

"Run away, run away!"

"He's catching up!"

Feeling the abnormal wind fluctuations in the sky, Su'an suddenly stopped moving, and a giant beam of light penetrated the ground about five meters deep and half a meter thick.

The muzzle of the laser weapon emitted red heat. Han Chaochen looked down indifferently and blew air gently on the muzzle.

"Do you still want to run away, kid?"

"Shouldn't I run?"

"You still don't understand how incredible your current abilities are, Miss."

Han Chaochen jumped down from the air. When he landed, he stirred up thick smoke and dust. He gently waved his hands to wipe away the dirt on his clothes and walked up to Li Su'an.

As soon as the opponent raised her left hand, Chaochen subconsciously pulled it back for her. At the same time, he suppressed her wrist joints and brought her down to the ground.

"It's not time yet. I want to take you to a place. Although this may expose my hidden identity, I can see that you already have power beyond me, and you are worthy of my hope."

"Come on, let's go to the east."

Under the gaze of everyone, Han Chaochen knocked Li Su'an unconscious with a knife and carried the girl towards the east.

Such behavior was seen by other androids. These people who were not affected by the radio waves became suspicious of Han Chaochen's behavior of walking eastward.

"I remember that Master Song Sheng's black market is in the west, right?"

"But General Chaochen, what are you doing?"

"Executed alone?"

"Is this the order from Master Song Sheng?"

The doubts accumulated in people's hearts forced them to look far away, but they were divided into two groups, one facing the east and the other facing the west.

Suddenly, a shout came from the crowd, and someone unknown started an indiscriminate attack. Everyone on the street started a melee.

Both sides of the war suffered casualties, with equal advantages and disadvantages. Such a huge turmoil soon ended due to the sacrifices of self-destruction troops. The last person standing in the crowd still looked at the eastern sky.

"Destiny will take care of us."

Listening to the sirens coming from all around, the unknown rebel confirmed the identity of the person coming, and resolutely pointed the long sword at his heart.

"General, good luck to you."

The long sword penetrated the throat, and the blood-red liquid stained the soldiers' faces. There was no one alive in the entire street. Next, Song Sheng's information about this street would be completely blocked by the people who came.

Wearing a white military uniform and standing in a pool of blood, Yun Haizheng witnessed the last survivor end his own life with his own hands.

"This turmoil must be related to that timid mouse, but the tracking information ends here."

"I can't bring you to justice now, but time will give the answer. Song Sheng, just wait, I will arrest you!"

"Come here, go back to the headquarters and dispatch those mechanical 'newcomers' who have passed the inspection to be stationed here."

"Next, we will block information from the outside world. If there is turmoil internally, be sure to leave someone alive. We must get other useful information from the other party!"

The white dove flew across the sky, flying freely under the dusk sunset, until it reached the area near the Tower of Hope, leaving behind a sad figure.

"That's it."

Just a short distance away, we entered the sunken area, which is the hell for all androids. The moment they enter, their bodies will be paralyzed and eventually lose their consciousness.

At this location, you can just see the faint afterimage of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower. However, this young man of the new model does not belong to that era and does not know the significance of that tower.

Han Chaochen placed the girl aside, caressed her face with his left hand, and gently shook her shoulder with his right hand.

"Hey, wake up."

A slight vibration woke the girl up. Although Chaochen was a little heartbroken when he saw the tiredness under the girl's eyelids, he still shook the girl's body again in order to be free.

"Hey, wake up."

The hazy girl slowly opened her eyes, and suddenly recalled the scene of being knocked unconscious. Just as she was about to run away, she was pushed back by the opponent.

"do not move!"

"Really, are everyone so disobedient and difficult to communicate with?"

"Li Su'an, right?"

Realizing that she could not escape, the girl nodded helplessly and admitted her identity. Under Chaochen's questioning, she also revealed the fact that she had been transformed by Song Sheng.

The young man lamented. He had also experienced this fate of being transformed, and he understood the pain to some extent, so he could at least feel the same as the girl.

"Are you going to take me back?"

There was a hint of grievance and fear in the girl's words, which was something Chaochen was familiar with, the root of a corrupt spirit - cowardice.

But this is no wonder Su'an was in the same mood when he accepted Song Sheng's transformation for the first time, and he was also afraid of facing the future.

Pressing his forehead with warm palms, this time, Chaochen's face showed unprecedented tenderness, and he said softly:


"But aren't you Song Sheng's subordinate?"

"It won't happen soon, miss. I'm chasing you just to bring you here and tell you some necessary things."


"Please allow me to mention the transformation experiment again. It is a toxin technology hidden in the black market by Song Sheng. It can change your physical quality and achieve amazing breakthroughs. At the same time, it will once again shape your consciousness and make you a New puppet."

"no, do not want!"

"Don't worry, do you remember the explosion in the experiment?"


"That was what I arranged to rescue you. Now you are a phoenix that has undergone quenching and rebirth. Your power even exceeds mine, although you haven't discovered this yet."


"Well, I will send you here, and you will be absolutely safe. I will also come here to see you regularly. Of course, I have certain requirements for doing this."

"any request?"

"I hope that after you master all your new abilities, you can assist me in eradicating Song Sheng and saving your friends at the same time. How about that?"

"I...I promise you."

"Then it's settled, miss, let's call it a day. Goodbye."

"See you!"

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