Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 256 We have to find a way to get rid of this detective

When Toru Amuro saw Jiang Xia taking the initiative to bring up the task, he originally wanted to refuse.

But soon, he remembered something and changed his mind: "Help me attract the attention of other participants - you are a relatively famous detective, and those with gray identities will pay more attention to you."

In short, this is a peaceful paddling task, just in time to give Jiang Xia a chance to gain qualifications.

The last time, Toru Amuro met Jiang Xia by chance at a hot spring hotel. When he went back and registered the mission for Jiang Xia, he realized that the blank time on his file was a bit long.

This is not a good sign.

Peripheral members also have performance requirements. Although they are very loose, if they do not work for a long time, traces will be left on their records.

They are easily suspected by the organization. Sometimes when encountering some tasks that require cannon fodder to fill their lives, the organization will give priority to this kind of water-skimming monster. Toru Amuro was also promoted from a peripheral member, so he knew the inside story quite well.

Therefore, he felt that when he encountered a task like this that did not require hands-on work for a while, he could bring more Jiang Xia with him.

Jiang Xia understood the intention of this undercover, and did not mind this arrangement: Conan, Haibara Ai, and Amuro Toru, this is indeed a very comfortable paddling environment. You don't have to work too hard today, you should be able to pick up ghosts smoothly.

So soon, Jiangxia took his attention away from Toru Amuro and began to observe the members sitting in the corner of the hall, coming to participate in the mysterious tour of Izu.

Among the members, there were a few characters who impressed Jiang Xia - such as A Zhai who held a computer and asked people "Are you the Night Baron?" and then tested their response speed; another example was a person who wore sunglasses and looked like a big shot in society. The old man and the fierce-looking maid behind him.

These are just passers-by.

Jiang Xia glanced around and quickly stopped on a man with an endangered hairline.

The man was dressed slovenly, with long greasy hair hanging down to his shoulders. He was drinking a can of beer. His slender eyes occasionally flashed with squinting eyes, and his gaze was glued to the waists, chests and legs of the passing women... This man was exactly Jiang Xia's target this time is Tokio Ehara.

Not long ago, when Jiangxia was inexplicably dragged to eat sushi by Gin, she once ran out of words and asked Vodka why Ehara Tokio was on the organization's assassination list.

Then he learned that an organization member was unfortunately hit by a corpse that fell from a high-rise building while performing a mission, and died on the spot. Speaking of which, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but Jiang Xia felt that the vodka was quietly moving away from him. The direction is shifted a little.

Then Vodka continued without changing his expression: At that time, Ehara Tokio passed by the corpse and saw a briefcase of good quality, so he boldly took the bag away and curiously tried to decipher the information in the bag - this person Although his character is impatient, he is a highly skilled programmer.

In the process, Tokio Ehara triggered the "Night Baron" virus hidden in the data. The computer camera captured his face and sent the photo back to the organization along with his location at the time.

Ehara Tokio was not at home at that time, but at a nearby Internet cafe.

After he realized he was in trouble, he quickly ran away. Originally he was afraid that the owner of the Internet cafe would settle a score with him, but he didn't expect that by hiding, he happened to avoid the members of the organization who came to silence him after hearing the news.

After that, Tokio Ehara was on the organization's assassination list.

At that time, Jiang Xia fell into silence for a period of time after listening.

This incident is just as annoying as Xu Shengyi's cement incident...but it's not important, as long as someone picks it up.

Izu Princess Hotel, lobby on the first floor.

After Jiang Xia confirmed his mission goal, he looked at the others carefully.

Then he was slightly surprised to find that the people involved in this incident were indeed quite different from what he remembered - not only was there an additional Toru Amuro, but the others seemed to have changed as well.

——Jiang Xia remembered that in the original world line, the host "Baron of the Night" was a beautiful short-haired lady with a bad temper. In fact, she didn't have the virus named "Night Baron" at all. She just used this perfect virus that every programmer wanted to get as a gimmick to trick Ehara Tokio into participating in the event and take the opportunity to kill him. .

But now, Jiang Xia didn't see any similar woman among the participants of Izu's mysterious journey.

But according to the service staff at the counter, everyone participating in the event has already arrived.

...Fortunately, the murderer's changes did not have much impact on Jiang Xia.

His eyes flickered among the crowd, and soon stopped at a mass of murderous aura.

The one exuding murderous aura was a strange middle-aged man. The man had a good appearance and was very particular about suits, leather shoes, watches, leather shoes, belts, etc.

Jiang Xia saw him handing out business cards to others, so he also walked over and got one.

The new would-be murderer is the boss of a software company. His name is Kamijou Satoshi. He seems to be a good-tempered and amiable person.

But when no one was looking at him, Kamijou Satoshi would stare at Ehara Tokio's back and reveal a sinister sneer full of murderous intent.

Occasionally, he would glance at Jiang Xia with thoughtful eyes, seeming to be a little afraid of this famous detective.

Jiang Xia felt relieved when the ghost told him the news.

Although Kamijou Satoshi will not stop him from picking up ghosts no matter who he wants to kill, but if this person's target happens to be Ehara Tokio, then Jiang Xia can also get additional tasks from the organization, accumulate merit, and then receive more tasks. Such a virtuous cycle...

The participants introduced themselves to each other and tested their identities. This group of people all want to find the organizer and get the virus as soon as possible.

Among them, Jiang Xia, as a famous detective with two children, was the first to be excluded: Not to mention where a detective got the virus, just by carrying the children with him, he was not like the organizer - the organizer wanted to He was responsible for dressing up as the Night Baron and carrying out a series of trouble-making actions during these three days. If the organizer was Jiang Xia, then there would be no one to help him take care of the children while he was acting.

Exclude it anyway.

When Conan and Haihara Ai listened to these reasonings, they had half-moon eyes throughout.

Jiang Xia didn't have any objections. He was here to paddle...

After the brief meeting, Jiang Xia took the two fake children to the room and put down their luggage.

Their room is a suite. Once you enter the door, you will see a small living room of nearly 20 square meters with two bedrooms.

After putting down his luggage, Conan quickly left the room, preparing to investigate other tenants.

Jiang Xia looked at the time and planned to go shopping at the stalls near the hotel first.

In short, try not to stay in the store so as not to put too much pressure on the would-be murderer.

Protecting the fragile hearts of murderers is really not an easy task...


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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