Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2382 2386 [Conspiracy] Please vote for me

Chapter 2382 2386 [Conspiracy] Please vote for me ()

Mao Lilan followed the direction pointed by Judy and searched all the way there. Soon she saw the car that Doctor Xinde often drove at a crowded intersection.

She trotted over quickly... and then stopped in surprise when she saw the driver in the car through the front window.

Mao Lilan looked at the unknown bald man in the car: "..."

...who is this?

"Is it possible that the new doctor is actually bald, and he usually appears in a wig?" Mao Lilan tried to find a reasonable logic, but soon, this assumption was overturned - as she got closer, the car The person completely revealed his figure. He was clearly a very strange person with some mixed-race characteristics. No matter from every aspect, he was completely different from the new doctor.

"Why does he seem to be a foreigner..."

Mao Lilan realized something belatedly. She walked around to the front and looked at the license plate of the car. She saw that it was not the new doctor's car. It just happened to be the same model and the same color.

"It seems that Teacher Judy also admitted her mistake." Mao Lilan didn't look too closely. She left the car and looked around on tiptoe. "But I remember that the new doctor's home is indeed in this direction. If he starts from home, it should be It must have been blocked nearby."

Thinking so, Mao Lilan searched all the way.

However, until she was almost at the end of the street, she didn't see the long-awaited leading actor of the stage play. Instead, she heard some strange noises while passing by an alley.

"Why do I seem to hear someone calling for help?" Mao Lilan's ears twitched and she followed the sound deeper into the alley.

Different from the screams he usually heard, this sound was so subtle and low that it was almost impossible to hear it if you didn't listen carefully, which made Mao Lilan somewhat suspicious that he had created an illusion.

However, in line with the mentality of rescuing people who would rather mishear than let go, she turned around and walked in without hesitating for too long.

After turning two corners along the alley, Mao Lilan's eyes narrowed and he suddenly saw an old man lying on the ground.

There was a thump in her heart and she almost screamed in fright, but soon she was surprised to find that this man was actually still alive.

I saw this old man with a strong desire to survive, covering his heart with one hand, looking painful, and struggling to get up from the ground.


Mao Lilan took out the phone and turned her fingertips, silently changing 110 to ambulance.

Then she quickly stepped forward to check on the old man's condition.

"No, there's no need to call an ambulance..." The old man gasped, stretched out his hand to stop her dialing button, and said intermittently, "It's an old habit, don't bother me, leave... ahem, leave the ambulance. Someone who needs it more."

Mao Lilan looked worried: "You are such a good person, but your physical condition is like this. No matter how you look at it..."

Halfway through her words, her voice paused slightly: According to the nearby road conditions, there is really no guarantee when the ambulance will arrive - when she came just now, she saw two cars in front of her, so the intersection was blocked. so.

But if you can't call an ambulance, you can't just leave the person here. Although the old man said that he had an old problem and was fine, who knows what his true condition is. There are many people who died suddenly despite holding on, and Mao Lilan never wanted to see such a tragedy happen in front of her.

After recalling the nearby terrain, she clenched her fists and said, "How about this? There is a hospital two streets away. I'll ask a doctor to come over and take a look at you?"

The white-haired old man, who was very considerate of others, shook his head with difficulty according to his conscience: "No, we can't delay the doctor's business, or... help me over."

The lucky old man who had been rescued by a female high school student quietly took out his cell phone and sent a message while slowly moving to the hospital.

On the other side, the gymnasium of Didan Middle School.

Judy felt the vibration of her personal phone. She put down the table and wiped her sweat. She pretended to take out her phone to check the time, and quickly opened her mailbox and took a look.

Seeing the confirmation message from his boss, the fake English teacher breathed a sigh of relief and showed a relaxed smile.

Next to him, Jiang Xia put down the box and helped Judy open the folding table.

Then he looked at the open space of the venue: "It seems that someone is already selling drinks."

"Really?" Judy was completely indifferent to this. After all, she was not really here to set up a stall. She was just looking for an excuse to drive away Jiang Xia. She waved her hand indifferently, "I think the stall owner over there looks like I’m also a student, so I’m probably here to experience life, so I’ll merge the stalls with them—the type of coffee I bring seems to be different from theirs, and we complement each other perfectly.”

Jiang Xia nodded, without saying a word, and helped her move the table to another drink stall without any complaints.

The two tables were combined into one long strip, which looked more like a professional booth.

Judy couldn't stand to watch. She communicated a few words with the students setting up stalls next to her, then walked over, opened the boxes, and laid out the various utensils she needed one by one.

After pretending to set up the stall for a while, when Jiang Xia walked away, Judy immediately pretended to go to the bathroom, abandoned the stall and walked around to the backstage.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, he saw Suzuki Sonoko with a troubled look on his face.

Judy observed for a moment, then walked past her as if nothing had happened. When they were about to pass each other, she seemed to suddenly notice something, and looked at Suzuki Sonoko in surprise: "You look like you are worried, what happened?"

Suzuki Sonoko came back to her senses and sighed: "Xiaolan met an old man who suddenly fell ill. She is sending him to the hospital. She said she would come back as soon as possible, but considering the time, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in time for the opening."

"How could this happen?" Judy was surprised at first, then enthusiastically helped the student think of a solution, "I have an idea, how about... let me do the opening scene?"

Suzuki Sonoko was startled: "You?"

Judy nodded: "I read the newly adapted script. The person who wrote it must be a genius! The adapted play is more interesting than the best-selling novels on the market. The lines in it are also catchy. I just read it. I will remember it after a few times.”

Suzuki Sonoko was so impressed by her praise that she couldn't help but smile: "It's not as good as what you said. I was just inspired by recent events, so I wrote casually... Okay, actually I think so too. This plot is very genius, it is the pinnacle of my inspiration! ——Teacher, you have such a vision!”

Judy: "..."

She silently swallowed her complaints about the script and the drama director in front of her, and continued to praise: "And I remember in the previous scenes, the heroine didn't show her face much. I can definitely help you support the Maori lady. Come back." - And as long as James delays a little, she can play opposite Belmode before Mao Lilan comes back, and then observe the woman's true attitude towards this drama.

...It’s a perfect plan!

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